A Nascent Soul Cultivator Appeared

The crimson ray carried an evil power like an attack of a demon from Hell. It flashed and traversed a thousand feet in a heartbeat, to hit Chen Fan and tear him apart. A giant hole appeared on the clouds and the sky turned red.

At that moment, countless people shouted, "Perfected Cultivator Chen!"

Azure Dragon, Auntie Tang and Chen Yaoyao were anxious, and countless people in front of their TV sets also jumped up, not even able to breathe.

Nobody had thought that there would be such a huge change when Chen Fan was suppressing those Overlords of the alien races.

But the next second—

Chen Fan had flashed to a few meters away.

He placed his hands behind his back with a relaxed look, as if he had expected this to happen. What the crimson ray had crushed was only a shadow Chen Fan left there because he was too fast.

A voice in the sky was heard. "Hm?"