The Ceremony Began

On Earth.

As the day of the ceremony drew near, billions of people all over the world had become a sea of joy.

In order to let everyone watch the unprecedented Divine Lord Coronation Ceremony, television stations and media around the world—including Mango Live, Banana Live, BBC and CNN—came together. They used a few thousand cameras and tons of drones, satellites and transmission arrays to capture every corner of the entire Chu Zhou City from all angles, not leaving a spot unattended.

"Jiang Hua" of Mango Live was the host of that live broadcast.

He had become famous since he had hosted the live broadcasts of Chen Fan's battles twice, and was thus appointed as the host by the North Qiong Sect, while another female host was Ningxin, Xu Rongfei's roommate at Yan Jin Film Academy from back then.