Attacking Earth

Qin Jian—the old man in linen clothes who was the seventh Prince of Apollo Palace, also known as the "King of Falling Stars"—was smiling brightly; but then his smile froze on his face. He watched Chen Fan stomp his seventy-third generation descendant into meat sauce.

The tall, brawny Grand Elder from the Taichu Divine Realm narrowed his eyes.

The Grand Elders of the other sects also looked at Chen Fan in shock; they had never thought he would be that courageous. In comparison, everyone on Earth was feeling a heavy heart.

A Nascent Soul cultivator from another planet region said, "How can Divine Lord Chen be so unwise? If Qin Feng were alive, he would have a hostage in his hands; he could have used this to slowly negotiate with Apollo Palace and the seven Divine Sects. Why did he stomp him to death? He has completely cut off all his chances."