His Familiar Look

No... Why would Aarush be here!? And, why I'm thinking about him too much, I think 'cause I left my work in between the Farewell party and simply walked out without informing any members of my organizing team. Anyway, leaving my thoughts for a while, I rushed to that man for my luggage. He is a muscular, bold, black shaped beard man, but I couldn't see his face properly, as it was half covered with a scarf and eyes with black shades.

"Excuse Me, Sir!!", "Amm... That's my luggage!!" I said pointing towards my bag. "Oh lady, Glad that you've tried to reach me, as it's been very difficult to find the owner in this crowd which will increase later here after 2 hours, so I was about to hand it over this suitcase and other things to the cops here!!!", he said in seconds.

"Thank You, Thank You so much, Sir. I was worried about it..." I said while exhaling the air out of my mouth. We exchanged the luggage and then were about to proceed to our way, suddenly my brain hits the statement, "the crowd will be gathered here after two hours" said by that man.

I turned around and asked him, "Excuse me, Sir!! Aaahh... You were talking about the crowd after two hours here!! What was that?"

He said, "Oh, that, a great guitarist, a musical artist, composer and a part-time photographer, who rocked in the social media right now with the maximum number of viewers, likes and subscribers within two- three months ago. He's about to visit the City for next one month. Also, some rumors these days say, he's applying for Indian Forces too. Well, I should leave now; I'm already late for my concert".

We depart and, then, I thought that, he forgot to tell me the personality's name. Anyway, I ignored it. I started looking for my aunt, Mrs. Priya Joseph, who said that she'll receive me with a cab, and there she is.

Mrs. Joseph is an amazing artist; her paintings are quite famous in the town. She's living with her husband and a 5-year old daughter. She's married, "Love Marriage", and she with her husband look cute and adorable. I was about to stay in her rent house for the next couple of days in her city. But, she said that there is a boy who already staying in an emergency condition so she wants me to manage with him or otherwise she advised me to stay with her family in her house. But, I was okay living with young boy in that house as it has two bedrooms separated with comfortable washroom attached with it. So, I agreed for it.

Then, I told her about the crowd gathering in the airport. She started laughing at me and said, "Let me surprise you, my child, while sharing a secret, you're lucky one to share the room with Mr. Aarush Khanna", "Oh, and, he's the same man you're talking about!!" "Famous Personality"

I was quite shocked after hearing name Aarush, but not sure is he the same Aarush! Actually, I haven't seen him before properly. Also, the first time, I met him, was in the party and we had a little talk for just five to ten minutes. I was amazed that she's quite famous lady that such great personality approaches her for living.

(Reached her home and relaxing)

I was resting in my aunt's house and watching some local news, where I read the headline that, "Aarush Khanna is not yet reached the airport or might be he is not coming today. Fans are waiting, but there are no news about his existence.", "Or might be he had already reached the city", "Seems like crowd is decreasing and if he'll not be here in next one hour, the fans will definitely go back to their home."

Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and I could see the same man, I met in the airport, standing outside the door and talking to my aunt. Finally he disclose his face, perfect beard over his cheeks and chin, black eyes, super hairstyle, it's quite long as much slightly touched is shoulder, brown color and was enough to hide half of his face, wearing white shade jeans and tight black t-shirt with leather jacket. The "same luggage bag man", he was looking damn handsome. He entered the room, and before my aunt introduced me, I jumped from the sofa, rushed and asked him, "Hey You, Are you following me!!?? And how come you here.....in my aunt's address!! Have you ever been gone through any of my identification cards!!??"

My aunt was about to speak his name, but, he introduced himself to me while giving some gesture to her. He said, "Sorry lady, but I'm not following you, and I won't mind, if I would." He giggled and winked his left eye which made me blushed little, but I don't show up the expression. While noticing his eyes, I found that, I have already met with those eyes in past days. I asked my aunt, "What's his name?" She told me, "He is going to share the house with you, darling and his name is...." He interrupted, "Well, My Name is Akhil" and hugged my aunt, and said, "thank you for your help!!"

But, on the other side, don't know why, I expected the name as, "Aarush".

I was shocked, how come she gave the room to him, as it was already booked for Mr. Aarush Khanna. I went outside the room so as to book the cab for the apartment. My brain was asking something weird, like, "is he really Akhil? Or it's just a fake? Does Aarush already come to the city? Or his plan changed last moment? Why I am thinking too much about the name Aarush? Is it just because he was my crush in my college or just because he was the cutest one among all? OH... Ugh... What I'm doing? Aarush, in my college time was clean shaved, thin body and short hair boy. Why would this man be Aarush!!!? He's totally opposite. Oh... Leave, I don't care whether he's Aarush or Akhil. I don't have any interest on either of them."

Akhil doesn't want to disclose his identity in front of Rooh for the time being, so he explained her aunt to cooperate with him.

Then, all of sudden, I noticed Akhil was talking for long with my aunt and she was just nodding her head. It was another weird thing happening in front of me, but I wasn't interested at all. When the cab arrived, I called Akhil and said, "Bye" to my aunt. She hugged him and, I could see, Akhil giving an autograph in a blank piece of paper that he found in his pocket. Later, when the cab started, she said, "Bye Rooh, Bye Aarush, Have a great time!!!"

My Ears got attentive, I looked into eyes and said, "Did she said Aarush?!"