After cruise trip... Every student joins school again... When they enters school.. All of them see posters of inter school dance competition auditions... In poster, it has mentioned if anyone is willing to participate in intercooler group dance, solo and couple dance competition.. They contact the authorities at 5p.m today in auditorium Hall... Ryan's one friend "Sharon" has very good dance skills.. He wants to join the competition as a couple. But he does not get any partner... He is in tensed situation... Then he goes to audition hall to give solo auditions.. He gets selected... He tells teachers, he also wants to participate in couple dance. Teachers tell him to arrange his partner in a week.. If his partner is also very well dancer... Then they give him chance.. "Dancer's group" has selected for group dance competition.. All members of this group are very happy... Sharon tells Ryan to find a partner for him.. Ryan starts his searching in all over school. He looks all the moves of all the girls in a school.. Sharon also starts searching for one girl as a partner for competition... They fastens their search.Their efforts are all in vain.Only one day left for auditions... They are in trouble... Ryan is sitting in his room suddenly,the switch of his camera is played by chance... In camera one video of Sayoni's friend Kiara is showing... She dances hip hop like a professional dancer...Ryan does not remember when he records this video... After seeing video he sends this to his friend Sharon.. After seeing the video, Sharon says Ryan"The girl in the video is perfect for him as a dance partner". Now the task how to ready her to participate in a competition with him... Because she is from a nerdy group.. Now the mission "To ready dance partner for competition begins". Ryan tries to contact Sayoni and asks her to ready Kiara... Sharon tries all his skills on Kiara to ready her to participate in a competition as his dance partner... After a struggle of whole day she agrees... Ryan and his friend Sharon are very happy.. They hugs Sayoni and Kiara respectively without controlling their emotions... Now they go to audition hall for auditions... Teachers select the couple for a couple dance competition at inter school level.. They are very happy.. Again he hugs.. She feels very awkward but she is also very happy... Now they starts their practice for the dance competition.. Only one month for a competition left... They are totally focussing on their competition.. They comes to school early to practice in hall... They also practice after returning their homes alone.. In evening they get together in community hall of their society with Sayoni and Ryan with them respectively.. Kiara and Sharon come close to each other during this dance competition... But they are only focussing on the competition.. So they don't realise their emotions for each other... Their hardwork continues.. Now the final rehearsal of competition begins... They performs very well in a rehearsal... Teachers appreciates their dance skills... Also choreographers help them who are arranged by their school... Now only one day left for final competition... Both feel very nervous... Because only one day left... But their friend groups motivates them.. Take them to beautiful place together to motivate them.. They feel too much relief in their company... Both sleeps soundly the night before their competition due to friends full support...