15.Ryan's secret lover.

One day someone sent Ryan some sketches of him. All sketches were very beautiful. Like someone made them with them. Ryan loved those pictures. He was curious to know who send those pictures to him. He was distraught to learn that. He started thinking about the people around him. But he did not come to any conclusion. The process of getting such sketches continued. Your secret admirer would have written on these sketches. His eagerness to find that person went further. This sequence continued throughout the month. Now he wanted to know about her at any case. He could not sleep thinking who is that person. Now his patience was breaking. He decided, he would be able to find the person who send him sketches. Seeing those sketches, he had an idea this is someone who loves him very much. His attempts to find that person were failing. But he did not give up. He named that person "My Secret Lover". He promised himself, he would find his secret lover in the coming fifteen days.