24.Ryan was eager to meet shy girl.

Ryan was very worried when he found out that the girl was ill. He wanted to know at any stage how her health was now. He was getting restless. He started grinding his teeth in worry. He just wanted to meet the girl. Even tonight he could not sleep. The next day he was off from school. He was ready in the morning and walked out of the home without eating anything. He was going to church. On reaching the church, he bought the candles for prayer. He lit candles in front of the statue of Jesus Christ. He was there on his knees. He was praying to God for the well being of that girl. He was asking God to cure her quickly.He was saying that you could do whatever you want. He had been sitting in church for a long time praying. He exited the church about two hours later. From the church he walked straight towards his home. He was found Sharon on the way. He had forced him to take him home. They reached his home. On reaching there, he asked him to eat. But he was refusing. But he didn't listen to him. He served him food. He had eaten a bit of food after saying that very highly. Sharon asked him the reason for his sadness. He said that he told him about the Secret lover. He nodded yes. I got that secret lover. She was a shy girl studying in our class. Sharon said that he should have been happy but why was he sad. Then he told that he wanted to talk to her but for many days she didn't come to school. When he asked Kiara, she told that she was ill. He was worried about her so he was depressed. You could talk to Kiara about her. How was she? Sharon sent a message to Kiara, how Sayoni was. She sent an answer that she was recovering now. Maybe from next week she could come to school. He had a smile on his face after reading this. Now he was waiting for her to come to school.