Chapter 2 Varen Parker

[Greetings Host, I am the Power System]

"Hey Power System. tell me some of the thing that you can do."

[I am able to help the host in anyway I can, for example I am able to tell you that you are in your mothers womb at the moment.]

Are you kidding me! I already figured that! "I already knew that"

[Well my knowledge is only limited to what you know, I grow and learn with you."

"I see...well since this is like a video game can I see like, my stats?"


Name: ???

Age: Fetus

Gender: Male

Powers: None

DNA: Parker Blood

Skills: None

Will: 100

IQ: 100 (Smart for a Fetus)

Strength: 0

Agility: 0

Speed: 0

Charisma: 0

Charm: 0

Luck: 1,000

System Points: 0

System Store


Chests: Power Chests×3

Quests: None

[These are hosts current stats, stats will change after birth]


[Host has very high merit so naturally the heavens has blessed you with high luck, congrats host :)]

"I see...Parker blood? As in Peter Parker?!"

[Yes, your mother is May Parker]

"What?! But May and Ben never had a child. Oh man, even before I am born I am already affecting the timeline." I sigh to myself, but that means I'll have my favorite hero as a brother!

[Host is correct, with your birth you have already changed the timeline, but not much. Everything should still be the same]

"Alright, System do I get a starter pack?"

[Yes host, would you like to open it?]

"Yes open it"

[Starter pack]

10,000 system points

3 Lottery Tokens

Power: Money spawn (very rare)

"What the hell! Money spawn? Does that mean I can just spawn money? Thats so broken!" Seriously what the hell, I basically dont have to worry about money. Although its pretty usless towards my fighting ability, having money is still a huge advantage.

"System what are power chests?"

[They are chests with a power for the host]

"Can I open them?"


Power Chests ×3

Super Strength (can be evolved)

Elemental Control

3rd Eye (can be evolved)

"Cool! Super strength is a great power, but system, what is 3rd eye and Elemental control, also what does it mean it can be evolved?"

[3rd Eye basically enhances your senses allowing you to react to things others may not be fast enough to react to. Elemental control refers to fusing Elements together and creating a new Element all together. As for Evolving, it means that the power can enhance. For example if host were to be able to get some sort of stimulant that affects the human body's strength, then your Super Strength may evolve allowing you to lift more weight.]

"I see, thank you know what, it will be really annoying having to say power system all the time so can I give you a name?"

[...Host may call me whatever he wants]

"Good how about.....Elen? What do you think?

[Name Approved]

"So Elen how long do I have to stay here?"

[Host will actually be born soon as your mother is going into labor]

" WHAT NOW?!! How come I did not notice?" Damn this is going to be a weird experience...

<3 hours later>

Doctor: "Congratulations! Its a beautiful baby boy!"

The doctor grabs the baby and hands him to a middle age man to cut the ambilical cord

???: "Ben quickly let me see him!"

A pretty middle age woman could be seen gasping for air and looked to be in pain as she has just given birth, but that is not enough to stop her from seeing her son. You could see how much love she has for him in her eyes.

Ben: "What are we going to name him May?"

The middle aged man asked excitedly obviously happy that he has finally been able to see his son.

May: "Varen...Varen Parker"

Varen: (Woah I really am Aunt Mays son...well I guess its Mom now hehe..and that must be Uncle Ben or Dad. Well Mom looks exactly like she did in Spiderman Homecoming only younger, thats so cool I really am in the MCU!)

<1 year later>

A 1 year old boy with black hair and diamond blue eyes can be seen walking around in an apartment complex. Yes, at one year old varen was already able to walk around, not only that but he could even speak a few words and form small sentences.

May: "How's my handsome little genius doing!"

I was caught by suprise when mom picked me up and started spining me in the air, although it irritated me to be treated like a baby, (Author: YOU ARE A BABY!!!) I started to enjoy the love that mom and dad show to me, I mean I never had parents in my past life.

Varen: "Moooooom Stap it"

May: "awwww is my handsome Varen saying something?"

Varen: "Mom pwease put me down"

May: "Awwww but you are to cute! Come on its time to eat."

She carried me and put me on a high chair, honestly if I was tall enough to sit in the normal table there is no way in hell I would accept sitting here. Since I dont have teeth I have to suck it up and eat the nasty baby food.

As I was eating I took the chance to glance at my stats

Name: Varen Parker

Age: 1 year old

Gender: Male

Powers: Money Spawn, Super Strength, Elemental Control, 3rd Eye

DNA: Parker Blood

Skills: Science, Math

Will: 100

IQ: 150

Strength: 1,000 pounds (increase with age)

Agility: 100

Speed: 50

Charisma: 100

Charm: 2,000

Luck: 1,000

System Points: 10,000

System Store


Chests: None

Quests: None

Man my charm is terrifyingly high, I asked Elen how the Charm stat works and she said that it gets higher as I age. She also said that the charm that super models have are at most 900, if I am at 2,000 now then how terrifying will I be when I mature?!

(Elen show me the store)

[System Store]


Flight 10,000 SP

Invisibility 20,000 SP

Teleportation 50,000 SP

Telepathy 30,000 SP

X-Ray Vision 10,000 SP

Shapeshift 20,000 SP

Regeneration 100,000 SP

Super Speed 500,000 SP





Computer programing 500 SP

Hacking 500 SP

Rocket Science 200 SP

Guitar 50 SP

Piano 50 SP

Singing 100 SP

Cooking 50 SP

Cleaning 50 SP

Karate 1,000 SP

Taijutsu 1,000 SP

Jujitsu 1,000 SP




(Wow the store basically has everything. Elen buy all of the skills I can afford.)

[Does the host have a prefrence as to which type of skills?]

(Anything that will help me with my intelligance and also fighting)

[Very well]

[Host, I have bought these skills but you are now broke]

Computer Hacking/Programing



Karate/Taekwando/Jiu-jitsu/Boxing/Wrestling/Submission/Muay Thai/Judo/Taijutsu


All 6,500 languages of this world

(Holly crap! All languages?! Damn that is so useful!)