Chapter 4 A Sad Day

Hidden Quest Complete: Tell your parents about your powers and get their support.]

[Completion: 10,000 SP and Power of Hosts Choice]

(FINALLY!!!) Varen nearly cried tears of joy right then and there but stopped himself in order not to freak out his parents.

(I have finally completed my first quest! Who would have known telling Mom and Dad about my powers would complete a hidden quest hehehe)

After Varen was done looking at his reward, he turned his attention back onto his parents. He started to explain to them about what he wanted to do in the future.

Ben: "What?! You want to be a Super Hero?"

May: "No way that is way to dangerous!"

I look towards them with a serious face.

Varen: "Mom, Dad, I have powers that other people do not have. People that could need these powers more than me, people that need help. With great power come great responsibility, it is my responsibility now that I have these powers to make a difference and protect the people I love and the place that they live in."

I look towards my dad and see that he is in deep contemplation. He then looks up towards me and and stares into my eyes for what seems like forever.

Ben: "You are right son, with great power does come great responsibility. I could not have said it better myself!"

(Well I did steal your famous saying Dad so I guess you really cant say it better yourself hehe)

Hearing all that has been said, Mom also started to stare at me like Dad did. She was about to open her mouth when Dad's phone started to ring.

Ben: "Hello?"

Dad goes towards his bedroom to let me and mom have a chat as he could see that mom had something to say.

I look towards mom to see what she wanted to tell me, and seeing her hesitate I begin to speak again.

Varen: "Mom, I want you to know that I will always love you, but even if I do not have your blessing with this, I will still go and become a Super Hero."

May: "..... *sigh* Honestly! You get that stubborness from me you know, and you also have that Parker pride....FINE you have my blessing. It does make me happy that you want to help people."

Varen: "Thank you mom"

I go up to her and hug her making her laugh

May: "Now you hug me?!"

Varen: "Well if you dont want to then fine"

I withdraw from our hug but am pulled back by Mom.

May: "No! I was kidding, I need my daily dosage of my little Ren. By the way what is your hero name going to be?"

(My hero name? I have not really thought about it. Hmmmmm lets just get a DC name since I dont want to make one up and they dont exist here.... Batman? Naw to Dark and moody. Superman? Naw way to cringy. Oh! Nightwing, my favorite DC hero. Yes he is perfect since I do kind of resemble his personality. Alright, Nightwing it is then)

Varen: "Nightwing!"

May: "Nightwing? Haha sounds cool!"

At this moment Dad came back into the kitchen with a very somber look. He looked towards Mom then towards me.

May: "What happened? Whats with that ugly face?" She asked trying to lighten the mood.

Ben: "Its Richard and Mary"

May: "What happened?" Hearing what dad just said and seeing his face she knew something bad happened.

Ben: "They are bringing Peter over to stay with us for a few days while they go out of state for something. I could tell something happened because his voice sounded panicked and scared."

May: "Oh my god, are they ok?!"

Ben: "I hope so, he would'nt tell me anything, I guess he did not want to get us involved. They should be here any minute with Peter."

May: "Okay, c'mon Varen, help me get your room ready for you and your cousin."

I follow mom into my room to prepare a sleeping bag for Pete. In my head I know what is happening and what is going to happen, Peter's parents are going to die. I cant change their destiny because 1. I am not strong enough to, and 2. It is essential to creating Spiderman, I do not want to change the time line even more.

(Im sorry Pete)

30 minuets later Peter arrives and says goodbye to his parents, honestly seeing their goodbye made my stomach feel like it has fallen into a pit. After that I take Peter to my room to play like children are suppose to to get his mind off of things. Then a few days later we learn that Peters parents died in a plane crash; Peter was devastated after hearing the news.

Later that week we attended their funeral and said are final goodbyes. I walked up to their coffin and placed my red rose on top of the one that Peter put. I then walk up to Peter and placed my hand on his shoulder in order to comfort him. As everyone started leaving, my parents are standing by the car waiting for me and peter, but me and Peter are just standing under the rain not saying a word to each other. One is grieving, while the other is there to comfort his new brother.

<8 years later>

In the last 8 years, Varen has been preparing for the attack on New York that takes place in the first Avengers Movie, the current year was 2011. He has completed random quests that  have come here and there giving him a few SP to spend. He currently had a little over 30,000 SP to spend. He has also been keeping tabs on stark as the events of the first Iron Man movie just happened.

Ben and May had started Varens company which was now one of the most powerful componies in the world standing with Stark and Oscorp. They named the company Orion Industries per Varens request, who actually spent most of his time in the companies personal gym that was built for Varen to train his body and martial arts or in the companies lab creating new technologies.

He was able to create his Suit based off the original blue Nightwing suit, only he made a few personal modifications. He added a hood like Damien Waynes Robin, only it did not have a cape and only had the hood. He made the hood look like the assassians creed hood with the pointed end so that he could hide most of his face. For his mask he just kept the original Nightwing Eye mask with the eye part showing white so that no one can see his eye color. He also upgraded the suit so that it was made out of nano tech, just like Iron Man's suit in Infinity War; only his was not metal but felt more like cloth with the same amount of protection Ironman had. This will help the suit stop basically anything and also repair itself while not hindering Varen's movement. The hood was also made out of this so it was retractable like Iron Man's helmet or Spider-Man's Iron Spider mask. He also creater a utility belt that had WingDings, Advanced grapiling hook, Smoke pelets, Poison Vaccines, Gas masks, and oxogine breathers for under water.

He also created an Artificial Intelligence system that would put Jarvis to shame. Varen called her Morgana, as she was all knowing and could get anything done for him. He also made it so that her voice sounded like Selina Gomez and gave her a fun personality, making her no different than a real person except for her lack of a body.

As Varen was preparing for the upcoming events, he realised that when he was born it somehow caused Peter to be born a lot earlier than intended, as Peter was currently 15 and so was Varen. This did not affect much to the time line so he was not that worried about it.

It was around 8 pm where you can see a very organized and clean room located in an apartment, an extremily handsome boy with black hair and diamond blue eyes that can enchant any girl can be seen lying down on his bed thinking to himself, while in the same room another boy was already asleep on a different bed; Those boy's were Varen and Peter.

Tomorrow Varen and Peter were going on a field trip to Oscorp which is when Peter gets bitten by the spider. Varen made sure to test Peters blood to see if he had anything special, luckily he did not find anything, which meant he could also get the bite.

Varen: "Elen, getting the spider bite will evolve both my strength and my 3rd Eye right?"

[Host is correct]

Varen: "Elen I have been meaning to ask, is their a negative effect on having too many powers?]

[No host, you can have as many powers you want, but I recomend to have a strong enough body to keep yourself from blowing up]

Varen: "Blowing up!? How many powers can I hold now?"

[Host can hold up to 6 powers at the moment, meaning that the host can hold one more before finding out a way to improve your body. I recomend for the host to buy a body training technique from the System Store.]

Varen: "Then show me the body training techniques in the store then."


Saitama's (one punch man)  work out 1,000,000,000 SP.

Guy's Eight Gates 1,000,000 SP.

Kaioken 50,000 SP.

System personal body training (can be evolved by system) 10,000 SP.               *one time offer*

Varen: "Cool there are anime techniques system what is the system personal body training?"

[That is a body training technique personally created by the system. It is not as strong as the others as they add special abilities towards your body, but this technique can surpass the others with time as it has infinite ways that it could evolve.]

Varen: "Well I'll just get that then since its the only one that I can afford anyway."

[Very well, purchasing now...]

Varen felt a stream of information flow into his brain showing him all the steps for the technique. When Varen saw the technique he nearly passed out! The training method for this technique was frightning, it basically required him to workout untill he basically could not even lift a finger.

Sighing to himself for his future struggles, he decided to go to sleep so he could be ready for the field trip tomorrow.