Chapter 9 Who Is He?

Varen and Peter went up to the table where all of the kids were sitting at. luckily there were not a lot of girls, because if there were I would not be able to have a peaceful day with Peter.

Ned: "Hey Peter you made it, and Varen is here to!"

I look towards Ned and nod as a greeting, as Ned was Peters best friend I see him over at the apartment a lot.

As we look around for a seat I notice that there were only two of them opened at the moment. One was in front of Liz and next to Ned, and the other was next to Liz. So being the nice brother that I am I take the seat next to Ned, then I look towards Peter and wink at him as a form of good luck.

As Peter had no choice he went up to the seat next to Liz and sat down. Seeing that Liz was not paying attention, I mouth my words to Peter.

Varen: "Say Hi!"

Seeing what I was trying to tell him, he plucks up his courage and turns towards Liz.

Peter: "Hi Liz."

Liz hearing her name looks up from her book and sees Peter.

Liz: "Oh hey Peter!"

She then looks back at her book and Peter goes back to not saying anything. Honestly I want to face palm so hard when it comes to Peter and his love life. I need to help him start up a conversation, so I mouth my words again.

Varen: "Ask how her day has been."

Peter seeing what I was saying nods his head.

Peter: "So Liz, how has your day been?"

Liz: "Oh....its been ok."

Peter: "Why just okay? Did something happen?"

Oh! He is taking of his training wheels, Im so proud!

Liz: "Well Flash called me yesterday saying that he wants to start seeing other people, so im still a little upset."

Oh no! This is to hard of a terrain to go through for him, he just to took off his training wheels!

Peter: "Oh, im sorry to hear that Liz. But if you ask me, Flash did not deserve you. You are way to good for him."

Liz: "Really? Do you really think so?"

Peter: "I know so. I mean your pretty, smart, funny, and nice; any guy would be lucky to be with you.

Damn Peter! What happened to the shy guy who was with me just a while ago?!

Liz: "hehe thank you Peter. That was really hey Peter I had actually bought two movie tickets yesterday because I wanted to go with Flash, but now that we broke up do you want to go with me instead?"

Nows your chance Peter!

Peter: "Um actually I was going to spend time with Varen today."

Liz: "Oh okay..."

YOU IDIOT!!!! What was I expecting, he just took off his training wheels.

Varen: "Actually Pete something came up so I have to run, so this means that you can go with Liz to the movies." I say this while showing up my phone to show that I had something important to do.

Peter: "Really? Ok, it seems I can go after all Liz!"

Liz gave me a thankful look as I was walking towards the exit of the Library. I gave her a thumbs up to show my support as she blushed knowing what I meant by that.

"Hey Morgana, is Peters suit  finished yet?"

{Yes, it just finished. Its at the NightCave waiting.}

It seems that Morgana was not angry anymore, tho she still seemed a little bitter.

"Thank you Morgana, you really are the best."

{Of course I am😊}

In the NightCave, Varen saw the Advanced spider suit on a mannequin next to his. It looks pretty good, I need to find a way to meet with Peter when he is out being Spider-Man.

{Varen, we came out on the news this morning. I recorded it, do you want to see it?}

"Oh we were on the news? Yeah put it on."

A hollogram appears in front of me, a news lady is talking with the victims that were in the fire.

News Lady: "So can you explain to me what happened here?"

Little Girls Mother: "Well, I was out working when it happened. But when I got back I saw the building on fire and the nanny that takes care of my daughter was unconscious. When she woke up she said that she was trying to find my little girl but couldnt because they were playing hide and seek, and as she was going down to the first floor where everyone was at she passed out because of breathing in too much smoke."

News Lady: "That is terrible, you must have been terrified. But how did your little girl get out?"

Little Girls Mother: "Yes I was terrified, I was begging the firefighters to go and save my daughter. But they said that they could not get in because the fire was already way to hot and there were no possible entry points. When I heard that I felt like my life was over, but then something amazing happened! A man in a black and blue costume jumped through the fire and saved my little girl that was on the 4th floor!"

News Lady: "Here we have the actual video that someone who was watching everything recorded. We will play it now."

They played the video of Varen jumping in through the window and how he jumped out from the window on the 4th floor and land perfectly. After that it recorded the scene where he talked to the little girl and how he zoomed off after saying his name was Nightwing.

News Lady: "And there you have it folks, we have a new super hero here in Queens named Nightwing. People now will be able to rest easy knowing that Nightwing is there watching over them."

After that the hologram ends.

"Well it seems that people really like us Morgana."

{Of course! You are to likeable.}

"Aww thanks Morgana, did my parents see this already?"

{No they have not, they have been to busy with work. Do you want me to send them this?}

"Yes please, Mom said that she wanted to see when I came out on the news."

A man with an eye patch and dark skin can be seen talking with a very pretty woman with long red hair. These two were Nick Fury and Natalia Romanova also known as Black Widow.

Nick Fury: "How are things going with unfreezeing the 100 year old man?"

Black Widow: "He has already been taken out of the Ice and we are currently waiting for him to wake up."

Nick Fury: "Good, with him here we can have our first avenger for the avengers initiative. What about the tesseract?"

Black Widow: "It has already been sent to the lab."

Nick Fury: "Good, how is your assessment of Stark at the moment?"

Black Widow: "He is a narcassist sir, and is very arrogant."

Nick Fury: "Contunue watching him."

Black Widow: "Yes sir. Sir do you know of the person who calls himself Nightwing? He came out last night on the news."

Nick Fury: "Yes I saw that, who is he?"

Black Widow: "We do not know sir, but we have men trying to figure it out."

Nick Fury: "Well figure it out fast, I do not like it when I do not know things. Its unsettling."

A bald man in a wheel chair can be seen staring out a window. Next to him a muscular man wearing a muscle shirt can be seen sitting down on a chair with his feet proped on a desk. These two were Profesdor Xavior and Logan also known as Wolverine.

Logan: "So why did you call me Professor?" Logan grunted.

Xavior: "A few days ago I felt an Omega X-Gene pop up, and when I felt it I almost forgot to breath. I tried to see into the persons mind but when I did it felt like he disappeared from the face of the earth. This morning on the news, a man who calls himself Nightwing came out, and at a glance I can tell that it was him."

Logan: "That strong? Is he dangerous?"

Xavior: "I dont know, that is why I called you. I want you to get Jean and Scott, we are going to go and visit him to see if he is a threat to this school and our students. If not then hopefully we can get him to come back with us."

Logan: "Alright, I will go and get them."

As Logan was leaving, Xavior continued to stare out the window trying to figure out who this Nightwing is.