Chapter 12 X-Men

​Varen was on his flying through the streets on his WingCycle. He was on his nightly patrol trying to keep the city and the people that live in it safe, but suddenly he felt his 3rd eye warning him.

Varen slowed down and made sure to look all around him, but he could not see anyone.

He knew that someone was watching him, but he could not see them. He could only lure them out of their hiding spot. He quickly drove to the top a secluded parking ramp and stopped. He waited for about 5 minutes when he saw four people float down from the sky.

(They must have an imvisable space ship) thought Varen as they obviously were not there before. Maybe if his 3rd eye was stronger he would have been able to detect them.

When he looked at the four people he instantly knew who thry were. They were Professor Xavier, Logan, Jean, and Scott. Jean and Scptt seemed to be a little older than him, they looked to be around 16.

When they landed Professor Xavier eyed me for a few seconds. Of course I knew what he was doing, he was trying to read my mind.

Nightwing: "Sorry to dissappoint you, but you wont be able to read my mind."

When I said this it suprised all four of them. Professor Xavior seemed to be even more on guard now. Seeing them so tense I lighten the mood.

Nightwing: "Relax, im not an enemy. Besides, I would never attack you guys with such a gorgeous lady on your team." I smile towards Jean making her blush. In Jeans head she knew that this guy was super good looking, he could even be the most good looking man she has ever seen with just his body alone, which she kept eying at.

Noticing her gaze, I decide to tease her a bit.

Nightwing: "Oh myyyy, do you like what you see? Do you want a closer look?"

When Jean hears this she immediatly goes red, she could nit even look back since she was so embarrassed. Scott who was at the side, was super pissed hearing the exchange between Nightwing and Jean. But he did not get to curse him out because Logan started to speak.

Logan: "Your suppose to strong right? Lets fight it out like men!"

As he said this, he whipped out his claws and ran towards Nightwing. As Logan swung, Nightwing easily backstepped avoiding the claws. Before Logan can send another attack, Nightwing knee kicks Logan in the gut with 10% of his strength. Typically when Nightwing fights normal people, he uses about .001% percent of his strengty in order not to kill anyone. Naturally the reason he is able to control his strength so perfectly is because of his 3rd eye.

Getting kicked with 10% of Nightwing strength was already to much for Logan. Nightwings current strength was 60 tons, and 10% of that is 12,000 pounds of force hitting Logans stomach.

Logan was went flying and broke through the concrete barrier, falling down the 5 story parking ramp. Seeing that their friend was sent flying by Nightwing without the ladder breaking a sweat, sent a shiver down their spines. Logan was known to be a strong mutant, but he was sent flying like he was nothing.

Nightwing: "Shit! My bad, I thought you would be able to take it if I used at least 10% of my strength. Im sorry, I did not mean to hurt you!"

Nightwing was yelling down towards Logan sincearly apologizing. He really thought that Logan would be able to handle him, but at least Logan had his adamantium skeleton to protect him, not to mention his healing factor which was a lot faster than Varens. He'll be fiiiine.

Profesor Xavior: I apologize for his behavior, he often acts like that."

Although Xavior seemed calm, in the inside he was freaking out. (He only used 10%! He'll be dangerous if he is an enemy. I need to get him to join us!)

Nightwing: "No worries, I understand. So is there a reason you guys are bothering me?"

Professor Xavior: "You see, I detected a huge X-Gene anomoly here in Queens. To be more precise, I detected it from you Nightwing."

Nightwing was stunned to hear this, and also distressed. I awakened my X-Gene? But I dont feel any different, more importanly I dont feel like Im dying.

(Elen, have I awakened my X-Gene?)

[Host is incorrect, host has aquired the X-Gene. Host can awaken it when ever he wants.]

Varen sighed in relief, that would have been bad.

Nightwing: "I see, but I have not felt any different. Do you think it is still lying dormant Mr...? Im sorry, I dont think I cought your names?"

Scott: "Thats because we did not give them to you dumbas-ouch!"

Scott was cut off with Jean elbowing him in the ribs.

Professor X: "Oh my where are my manners! My name is Charles Xavior, and these are Jean, Scott, and....Logan."

Professor seemed a little embarrassed mentioning Logan, but then he continued.

Professor X: "And yes, im pretty sure that it is still lying dormant. If you want you can come with us and we can research your Gene at our school where many other kids like you with special abilities are excepted and treated like family."

Nightwing: "You are very kind for asking professor, and I would like to take you ip on your offer in the invitation to your school. But I have no plans in joining it, but I hope you can see me as a friend to the school. Also I wont be able to go anytime soon as I am busy at the moment, but here is my number that you can contact me with."

Nightwing gave a piece of paper to Xavier who sewmed a little unhaopy at not being able to recruit Nightwing, but was still happy that he was not an enemy. Jean was hapoy that he will be visiting their school, but Scott was pissed.

Professor X: "Yes, but how will you contact me?"

Nightwing: "haha do you not have a number professor?"

Professor X: "Oh haha... yes I do."

After they exchanged contact information, Night wing got on his NightCycle drove off the Parking Ramp through the hole Logan made. He then continued to drive through the streets continuing his nightly patrol.

Jean looked at Nightwings silloet and sighed with a blushing face. Scott just grumbled to himself as he went to get Logan.

They then left on their ship back to the X-Mansion.


As Nightwing was driving through the city, he stopped a couple of muggers and a few small drug dealings.

(Hey Elen, what is my X-Gene power?)

[I do not know host, the power will be completely random when activated]

(I guess I need to improve my body again in order to activate it, Elen how can I improve my body more?)

[Host can cause an evolution to your system body technique.]

(But Ive been stuck at a bottle neck with it.)

[Host can find a way to push your body technique to a high level, perhaps if you were to go against a body technique superior to yours, it will couse it to evolve.]

(Another technique? The only one that I can think of who knows martial arts really well and is in New York is Iron Fist. Well I guess I can ask him.)

Nightwing finished up his patrol for the night and headed back to the WingBase to come up with a plan for everything that has happened tonight.