Chapter 14 S.H.E.I.L.D

​A few days have passed since Varens fight with Ironfist, and currently, you can see Nightwing and Spider-Man on top of a building looking down at a construction site owned by Wilson Fisk.

Spider-Man: "So what's the plan Var- Nightwing?"

Spider-Man and Nightwing have agreed not to call each other by their real names and only by their Alias.

Nightwing: "Wilson has his construction sites smuggle loads of drugs, drugs that will be sold to big dealers which will later be sold to adolescent youths. We are going to put a stop to Fisks' little drug playground."

Spider-Man: "Uh-huh, uh-huh. And what about all of those people down there with guns? I have only been fighting muggers in alleyways, so I'm not sure about this Nightwing."

Nightwing: "Are you nervous?"

Spider-Man: "Yeah I'm nervous! They have guns!"

Nightwing: "I read that making jokes help when you're nervous, you should try it while we are fighting. It can also help distract the enemy."

Spider-Man nodded in understanding, albeit still a little nervous.

Nightwing: "Morgana, how many enemies?"

{I have counted 60 of them, please be careful.}

Nightwing: "This is perfect, I can use this as practice for my X-Gene."

{You want to practice that now? But you still have not completely mastered it, are you at least going to take the restraints off your body?}

Nightwing: "Of course I'm not, and I know how to use it enough not to kill anyone. Spider-Man, stay in the shadows and take out as many as you can quietly."

Spider-Man: "Got it."

Spider-Man thwiped his web on top of a crane and started to web people into cocoons.

Nightwing also started to do the same and snuck up behind people knocking them out.

They have taken out about 10 people before someone caught sight of Spider-Man. They sounded their alarm and were now aware of us being here.

Nightwing: "Spider-Man, get over here. It's time to fight."

Spider-Man jumped to my side and we were standing back to back. 50 people surrounded us with guns, batons, and riot shields.

Nightwing: "Want to split them?"

Spider-Man: "Aww you're so generous!"

Spider-Man threw a web ball webbing a bunch of them. He then shot a web at one of them and started spinning him around knocking him into the other guys.

Nightwing started to use his X-Gene on his guys. The goons started to feel a lot heavier, way to heavy. They all got down to their knees because they could not take the pressure of the weight.

That's right, Nightwing got Gravity manipulation. This means that he can manipulate gravity to his will, be it making it extremely heavy or so light that it starts to float. What Nightwing found out was that this power mainly messed with the mass of an object. So in theory, he can compress the mass of an object so much with his gravity control that he can create a black hole. He can also get rid of the black hole by reducing the gravity, increasing its mass. But Nightwing was not at that stage yet, at most he can increase and decrease gravity. Currently, Nightwing always has 10× gravity on his body to get his body stronger fast. But he can also lighten his body so that he floats, this is super useful since this will help him with a suit upgrade that he has wanted to do.

The men Nightwing was fighting passed out due to the amount of pressure. Nightwing turned around and watched Spider-Man fight.

Spider-Man still had 10 guys left. He was punching a guy in the air then threw him to another one knocking both out.

Nightwing: "You want some help!?"

Spider-Man: "Naw I'm good, I'm starting to have fun. Hey, uglies; is that all you got? I'm not even breaking a sweat!"

Goon 1: "God damn it! Who are these freaks?! We need to tell Mr. Fisk about the-agh!"

Spider-Man: " There is no need to do that! We will go visit fatty in time, he'll just have to patiently wait in line with the rest of the criminals!"

Watching Spider-Man flip around the men mad Nightwing smile. It seems Spider-Man is finally ready to solve crime on his own since he has been tagging along with Nightwing to get a hang of it all.

Spider-Man: "Phew... Finally... I'm...done!"

Spider-Man was on the ground gasping for air. Nightwing walked up to Spider-Man and held out his hand for him, Spider-Man grabbed it and stood up.

Nightwing: "You know, you really need to get in better shape if you want to last long enough in fights."

Spider-Man: "I...know, that's why...we train right?"

As we were talking, I suddenly feel the presence of someone watching us. I take out a wingding and chuck it behind me stabbing on the wall next to the man's face, Spider-Man was surprised by this and was on guard.

???: "I'm impressed you knew I was here Nightwing, most don't."

Nightwing: "Yeah well I'm not like most, who are you and what do you want?"

I observed the man who was watching for I don't know how long. He had an eyepatch on his left eye, a black cloak, and was bald.

???: "My name is Nick Fury, and I represent S.H.I.E.L.D"

Nightwing: "Uhhh-huhhh...and why are you here Nick Fury?"

Nick: "You are a tough man to find Mr. Nightwing, my agents have been trying to get a hold of you but I personally had to come look for you."

Nightwing: "Yeah well, I take my privacy pretty seriously Mr. Fury. And just Nightwing is fine, Mr. Nightwing is my Dad."

Nick: "Then just Nick is fine with me too then. You see Nightwing, I came to make you an offer."

Although Nightwing knew why he was here, he still had to play his part and be oblivious. Spider-Man was at the side listening to their conversation curiously.

Nightwing: "And what would that be Nick?"

Nick: "There was an idea, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to fight the battles we never could"

Nightwing: "And you want me to be in this group of remarkable people right?"

Nick: "You are correct, I have seen you fight today and I saw that power that you used. I have to say that you are quite amazing Nightwing, so what do you say?"

Nightwing: "Will I be leading this team?"

Nick: "No, we already have someone in mind for that."

Nightwing: "And who is that?"

Nick: "Someone with more experience in leading a team."

Spider-Man: "Um can I join the team?"

Nick: "Who are you?"

Spider-Man: "I'm Spider-Man."

Nick: "How old are you? You sound young."

Nightwing: "He is old enough."

Nick: "He sounds like a 15-year-old."

Nightwing: "And what do I sound like to you?"

Nick: "Like you are 18."

Nightwing: "I'm 16"

Nick: "Your...16?"

Nightwing: "Yes why? Does that put a dent in you plans?"

Nick: "No not really, I just did not expect someone so young to be this strong is all."

Nightwing: "I see, I guess that's a reasonable thought."

Nick: "So are you going to join the Avengers?"

Nightwing: "I don't know if joining a team is best for me Nick, don't get me wrong. If there is a world-ending event then I'll obviously help, but I'm not good at taking orders."

Nick: "So you'll be an Avenger by name only?"

Nightwing: "I guess you can say that? I don't like to be restrained by rules and be a puppet for the government to control. Ill help whenever the Avengers truly need help."

Nick: "Ok, I sort of figured you would not want to join. But I guess I am happy with you saying you will help out."

Nightwing: "Here, this will help you reach me when ever you need to."

Nightwing gave Nick a piece of paper with his number on it.

Nick: "Alright, I hope there is not a time where we really have to call you."

Nightwing: "Me neither"

Spider-Man: "Do you want my number too?"

We both stair at Spider-Man trying to look for something to write his number on. I grab his arm and start leaving.

Nightwing: "Let's go, you are not ready yet."

Spider-Man: OH COME ON!!"