Chapter 17 Rhino & Scorpion

​Currently Varen and Peter are at the NightCave sparing with each other. Peter was throwing a bunch of judo kicks toward Varen while the latter dodged them. Peter threw another kick towards Varen, but Varen grabbed his leg and smashed him to the ground.

Varen: "You are leaving way to many openings."

Peter: "Ouch...Damn it, I can't beat you."

Varen: "Of course you can't, who do you think tought you how to fight. It is still far to early for the student to become the master."

I throw Peter a towel to wipe his sweat. We sit down on the floor and drink some water.

Varen: "By the way, I added a new upgrade to your suit."

Peter: "Really?! What is it?"

Varen: "It's a new stealth mode. Just press the spider on your chest and it will switch."

I walk to Peters spidersuit and press the white spider. It starts to change design to that of the secret war suit. It had a blue spider on the chest, while the whole suit was black with a red web design.

Peter: "Awsome! Thanks Varen, this will make it so much easier with sneaking around."

Varen: "Haha yeah that's the point, your welcome tho. Anyway, come on; we don't want to be late for the street parade. The rest are waiting for us already."

Peter: "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Why are they having a parade again?"

Varen: "I don't know, but bring your suit in your bag in case something happens."

Peter puts his suit in his bag and I use one of the normal cars I have stored in the NightCave to drive to the parade. I was able to get my license with my parents constant nagging because of the last incident.

As we arrive we start to look for our friends through the crowd of people. I was able to spot MJ and Felicia because of their hair, red and platinum blonde is not that easy to hide. When they saw us they were happy that we finally arrived.

MJ: "Geez you two,  where have you been?"

Varen: "Haha, we were just at the gym."

MJ looks at my body and blushes. Gwen and Felicia copied MJ and also had a blush on their face. Seeing them destracted I cough to get their attention.

MJ: "Anyway! Don't make us wait that long anymore!"

Varen: "Haha I won't I won't. How you feeling Harry?"

I spot Harry at the back watching my exchange with an amused expression.

Harry: "I'm actually feeling great! Better than I have ever felt my entire life, its a little weird actually haha."

Varen: "You must have slept right or something, but that's good. I'm happy you are feeling great."

Gwen: "Guys look, the parade is starting."

Gwen points to the end of the street where big floats start to appear. There was a balloon in the air that was actually Nightwings symbol. One of the children near Varen started to point at the balloon and saying that Nightwing was the best. This put a smile to Varens face since all he wanted to do was be the symbol of hope to those he wants to protect, that includes this city.

While the parade was going on, Varen noticed that Felicia was not really looking like herself, she was quiet and at the back of their group.

Varen: "Hey Kitty, you ok?"

Felicia: "Why do you keep calling me kitty?"

Varen: "I don't know, but I think it's cute don't you think?"

Felicia: "..."

Felicia did not respond and only continued to look at the floats.

Varen: "You never answered my question, are you ok?"

Felicia: "...I've never had a group of friends before..."

Varen: "Really? Why not?"

Felicia: "My life has been pretty rough Varen."

Varen: "Call me Ren, we are friends right?"

Felica just looked at me and nodded her head. She had a small smile and a blush, she really liked how Varen considered her a friend without knowing much about her.

The group watched the balloons float down the street while music played, there were children running around playing tag while some of the adults danced with their loved ones. It was a very cheerful attitude.

As Varen was enjoying the atmosphere of the Parade, suddenly his 3rd eye started to scream out danger. Varen looked to where the feeling was coming from and saw a car get thrown towards the street stopping the Parade from moving. There were screams and panic from the crowed as they saw a giant man with a robotic suit that looked like a rhino, he stood at around 7'5" tall and had huge muscles. On top of this giant man was another man in yet another robotic suit that was made to look like a scorpion, he had a long tail that glowed with poison at the tip.

Rhino: "I AM RHINO!!"

Rhino said this with a heavy Russian accent as he charged to the car again sending it up into the air. The crowed started to move out of the way in panic to avoid the car. Taking advantage of the panic, Varen looked toward Peter who was already looking at him.They both nodded to each other as they slipped away from the group to change into their suits, they jumped on top of the roof to change safely. Varen activated his ring and put on his mask and hood, while Peter changed into his spider suit webbing up his backpack for safe keeping.

Nightwing: "Spider-Man help keep the people safe, try to evacuate them to a safer spot."

I said this as I jumped off the roof and glided towards Rhino. When I got near him I activated my gravity to as much as I could, doing this made me fall really fast. I landed a punch making him stumble back. As I land I return my gravity and start to add onto the gravity towards Rhino. I went up to 10 times to see how much It can slow him down.

Clearly it was effective since Rhino was not charging anymore and was struggling to even stay standing.

While I was focused on Rhino my 3rd eye started warning me again, I looked up and saw Scorpion charging at me with his tail.

I had to stop focusing on Rhino to dodge scorpions attack, and since I stopped focusing on him the gravity effect wore off, allowing him to stand back up.

Rhino: "Rhino will CRUSH YOU."

Nightwing: "Geez, can you relax buddy."

Scorpion: "I'm going to need you to die now."

Scorpion shot two poison balls toward me which I dodge by spinning in between them, while I dodged I threw an explosive WingDing to Scorpions face.

While Scorpion was stunned from the WingDing, Rhino started charging at me aiming his horn at my body. I somersault using his horn as leverage but instead of letting go I hold on and flip him and smash him to the ground.

Nightwing: "You have way to many openings ugly."

I look around to make sure that there was nobody that could get hurt from our fight, I saw that they were all a good distance away recording what was happening while the police had a line with riot shield men, they had a line to protect the civilians. There was also a news helicopter flying above us taking footage.

Since Spider-Man was done with the crowd he swung back and landed next to me.

Spider-Man: "Are you alright? I didnt miss the party did I?"

Varen: "I'm fine, and on the contrary. I think the party is just getting started."

Scorpion looked up after he was done being disoriented and saw another man in red white and blue tights.

Scorpion: "And who are you? A cop?"

Spider-Man: "I am not a cop! Seriously why does everyone ask that, do I look like a cop?! I'm Spider-Man."


Rhino started to charge towards Spider-Man while Spider-Man looked towards me.

Spider-Man: "Is he always like this?"

Nightwing: "Pretty much, yeah."

Spider-Man jumped over Rhino and webed his legs making him trip over and tumble across the street.

Spider-Man: "Hey ugly, spiders are not bugs. They are Arachnid."

Taking advantage of Spider-Man being distracted, Scorpion sent his tail stabbing towards Spider-Man. He was about to stab him but was stopped by a strong kick to the head sending him crashing into a building.

Nightwing: "Dude pay more attention!"

Spider-Man: "Haha sorry."

Nightwing: "Can you take Rhino on your own? He shouldn't be to hard, he's a big idiot."

Spider-Man: "Yeah sure, leave it to me!"

Nightwing: "Good, I'll take care of our other guest."

Scorpion was getting up when he suddenly felt really heavy. He fell back to the floor struggling to get up. He looked up and saw Nightwing walking toward him.

Nightwing: "Who sent you?"

Scorpion: "Go to hell!"

When Scorpion said this he started to feel that the pressure on him get heavier.

Nightwing: "I'll ask again, who sent you."

Scorpion: ""

The gravity went up again making Scorpion feel like he could not breath.

Nightwing: "Trust me, this is not fun for me. But I don't mind doubling it again if you don't tell me. Who.Sent.You?"

Scorpion: "Ahhhhh...IT WAS FISK!"

As he finished saying this Nightwing gives him a kick to the face knocking him out, he retracts the gravity and drags scorpion out of the building. When he went outside he saw that Spider-Man was still fighting Rhino, he seemed to be struggling.

Nightwing: "Want some help?"

Spider-Man: "No! this!"

Spider-Man was holding up Rhinos hand that was trying to crush him, but was suddenly backhanded by Rhinos free hand sending Spider-Man crashing into the wall next to me.

Spider-Man: "Yes...Please."

I throw Scorpion next to him

Nightwing: "Watch him."

I started to sprint towards Rhino who also started to Charge at me. We were about to collide when I slid on one knee and delivered a huge uppercut sending him into the air. I then jump up and grab onto his leg, throw him to the floor while making his Gravity heavier. There was a huge BOOM causing dust to be sent into the air. Everyone watching was amazed and curious to see what was behind the dust. As the dust settled they saw a crater with Rhino in the center, he was unconcious. Everyone cheered as loud as they could because Nightwing has defeated the two villains.

Nightwing carried both Rhino and scorpion towards the police. When he arrived he dropped them onto the floor.

Nightwing: "They are all yours officers!"

Nightwing saw a man walking toward him. He was pretty tall and had blonde hair, looking to be around his mid 30's.

???: "Hello 'Nightwing.' I am captain George Stacy."

The man put emphasis when he said Nightwing, he probably does not like him. Nightwing realized that this is Gwens dad, he looked behind him and saw his group of friends. They seemed worried, probably because we disappeared all of a sudden.

Nightwing: "Hello Captian, do you need something from me?"

Captain Stacy: "Do you have any Idea how much property damage you have caused?"

Nightwing: "I did not cause the damage, but I see your point. Since it was related to me then I should clean it up. Don't worry Captain, You don't have to worry about the costs of the clean up."

Captain Stacy: "What?! Your saying you'll pay for the clean up?"

Nightwing: "Yeah why? I'll even help myself."

Captain Stacy was clearly stunned when he heard this, the people around were stunned as well. When has a super hero cleaned up the mess that they made?

Nightwing: "You should probably get these guys detained before they wake up, I'll start the clean up."

As Nightwing was cleaning up the ruble he talked to Morgana.

Nightwing: "Hey Morgana, make a clean up department in Orion dedicated to cleaning up the mess I make. Make sure nobody knows that Orion is funding it or people will start to suspect that Nightwing has something to do with Orion."

{Of course Varen, I'll get it done now.}

As Nightwing and Spider-Man were cleaning up, they suddenly heard footsteps from behind them. They turned around and saw their friends standing there.

MJ: "um excuse us but we need your help! We cant find are friends Varen and Peter, they might be hurt can you help us?!"

Nightwing: "Uh..."


Varen smiled seeing how worried his friends were. He patted MJs head and said.

Nightwing: "Dont worry, I'm sure your friends are fine. I already checked the area and can confirm that no one was killed or hurt. They probably got separated from you guys, go home and I'm sure you guys will meet again."

MJ was a little stunned that Nightwing patted her head, but she felt safe for some reason. She stopped worrying that much and left with the group.

Nightwing: "We need to hurry."

Spider-Man nods as we start to double are pace. After we finished cleaning we head strait to the Apartment. As we opened the door I was attacked by two people, I saw that it was MJ and Gwen. Felicia also had a relieved face knowing that I was safe.

MJ: "Where were you Idiot!"

Gwen: "We were really worried that you got hurt."

I sigh at their bombardment of questions but it made me happy that they worried.

I rub both their heads to calm them down.

Varen: "Sorry that I worried you guys."

Gwen calmed down when I rubbed her said, but MJ had a complicated expression. As I got up I walk to Falicia, I saw her face and it seemed that she also wanted a head rub since she kept stearing at my hand. I sigh and also rub her head.

Varen: "Were you worried to Kitty?"

Felicia just nods her head without saying anything. Looking at her again I was a little confused. Compared to when she is black cat, this Felicia is a lot less bolder and more of an introvert? She does not seem to like to talk that much, only when she teased him here and there.

I spend some time with my friends until they have to go in order to not worry their families. After that me and Peter pass out since we were pretty tired from the fight.