Viridian Forest

(Viridian Forest.)

"It's getting dark, we should find a place to stay for the night," Noah said, breaking the comfortable silence. Bagon and Horsea quickly agreed, both beginning to tire. They had walked through the dense forest for a few days now. There had been breaks from the constant battles with wondering Pokémon and the 'bug catchers' – new trainers that caught the easily available Bug-type Pokémon and trained them into fighters.

Although his team was in good physical condition, the constant fighting had begun to take a toll on them, and frankly him, mentally. Bagon had proven his time training in Route 1 was beneficial when he singlehandedly wiped out a full team of three Caterpie, two Weedle, and a Beedrill.

He opted to carry Horsea on his arms to let her get used to being outside of water, she herself struggled at first due to the lack of water but began to slowly adapt as they battled through the forest.

Since the Pokémon and trainers in the forest were somewhat weak, Noah had let his Pokémon drag the fight out so they could spend quite a bit of time mastering their respective moves. Bagon had learned how to use Dragon Dance without delay and even managed to pick up the move Crunch.

Horsea, however, had learned to use Bubble in the area around her to act as a shield of some sort. That, combined with Smokescreen, made it difficult for her opponents to retaliate effectively thus giving her an opportunity to launch an attack.

They continued to walk through the forest for several more minutes before finding a good spot to camp. It was wide open and next to a small stream, which would be easily defendable against the highly territorial Pokémon that lived in these woods.

Noah unpacked his sleeping bag and collected some dry wood from the surroundings. He ordered Bagon to use a small Ember to light the fire and took out the cans of food for his Pokémon. Although he had his misgivings about camping, he slowly began to adjust to such a lifestyle over his days in the forest.

After they had eaten, Noah returned Horsea to her Pokeball and put out the fire. He got into his sleeping bag and left Bagon out to warn him of any approaching trainers or wild Pokémon.

(Viridian Forest, A Week Later.)

Trainers grew scarce as Noah ventured further into the forest, but his encounters with wild Pokémon continued to grow. He had no trouble with dispatching those Pokémon and only the occasional roving band of Pikachu's gave him some trouble.

Most of the trainers he had met were much more powerful than the ones at the entrance and had teams full of Beedrill's and Butterfree's. Although, some had more exotic options such as the Bug-types from Hoenn and Sinnoh. Only a few trainers had more variety in their teams, which showed they were trainers in the same situation as him.

Both his Pokémon had grown stronger from the constant battles and had toughened up considerably. The shell on Bagon's head had begun branch out, the Pokedex had informed him it was related to the stimulation of cells that affected his evolution.

By now, Horsea had become comfortable with staying out of water for a prolonged amount of time. She had shown the most development so far by her constant determination to grow stronger. The spikes on the side of her head had started to become a lot more honed than before and her small body had even begun to develop some muscle.

According to the map, he was only a few miles away from Pewter City. The forest was already beginning to thin him out and he was anxious to finally return to civilization. His clothes were dirty, his hair was matted and his temper had begun to fray.

As they continued to walk through the forest, Bagon suddenly stopped and growled in the direction of a nearby tree. Without any warning, Bagon shot a full powered Dragon Breath into its leaves and before Noah could question him, he heard a furious cry echo around them.

"SCY!!" A Scyther dropped down in front of him and cried out in pain as sparks of electricity sizzled across its body. It had been paralyzed from Bagon's attack.

"A Scyther?" Noah's eyes shone with excitement as he ordered Bagon. "Quickly use Dragon Dance and follow it with Headbutt."

"Baee!!" Bagon's body was covered in red and pink misty aura and immediately charged at the weakened Scyther. Before the Scyther could even retaliate, it was slammed hard into the nearby tree trunk.

"Scy!" It groaned in pain but still stood up and readied its scythes for combat.

"A tough one eh? Wouldn't have it any other way." Noah grinned viciously, the effects the forest had on him clear from his expression. "Bagon, use Leer and finish it off with another Headbutt."

"Bae." Bagon's eyes narrowed into a glare and glowed an eerily shade of red. Scyther looked into his eyes and momentarily froze in fear. Bagon took this opportunity to slam into him with another powerful Headbutt.

"Nice!!" Noah shouted before he lobbed a Pokeball at the downed form of Scyther. It hit the Pokémon's shoulder and absorbed it in a surge of red light. The Pokeball rocked back and forth for several seconds before it let out a soft ding, signifying a successful capture.

"Alright!!" Noah exclaimed from excitement as he ran over and picked up the Pokeball. He then turned to Bagon, "Amazing work there, buddy. When we get to Pewter City, I'll give you an extra helping of food."

"Baee!!" Bagon roared in happiness as he slammed his head into a nearby tree whilst Horsea jumped around him and released a small number of bubbles in celebration.

Noah shook his head at his Pokémon's antiques before tossing his newly caught Pokémon's Pokeball in the air. "Come on out, Scyther."

The ball soared into the air and burst open, releasing Scyther with a flash of light. Scyther quickly looked around, taking in the situation around him and sighed in defeat.

Noah walked over and knelt until he was eye level with Scyther. "Hello there, Scyther. I'm your new trainer, Noah. I plan to travel around the world to become a powerful trainer and for that, I need your help. Will you help me?"

Scyther eyed him for several moments before it slowly nodded.

"Fantastic!" Noah exclaimed as he pulled out his Pokedex to scan his new teammate.

[Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. It confuses its prey with its quick, ninja-like movements. Then, in an instant, it cleaves them with its scythes.

This Scyther is male and knows the moves: Quick Attack, Vacuum Wave, Sword Dance, Pursuit, Agility, and Slash. Its ability is Technician, which increases the power of moves that are usually low in base power.]

"Those are some wonderful moves you have there, Scyther. Let's get you healed up and head on out of this damn forest." Noah said as he took out a Paralyze Heal and Potion from his bag and sprayed it around Scyther's body.

Noah then decided to have lunch here and called over his two Pokémon to let them get acquainted with Scyther. As they conversed, Noah took out several cans of food and poured them into their respective bowls. He wasn't sure what to feed Scyther so he took out a few berries and placed them on a small plate.

After he and his Pokémon ate their fill, they made their way through the last stretch of the forest.