Without You

"Arianna!" Liam's loud voice was filled with panic as he frantically banged on the door. "Arianna, what happened? Are you okay?"

Arianna picked herself up, wiping away her own tears the way she always had, as she looked into the mirror taking a deep breath, she pulled out a small black compact powder and quickly applied it to her tear stained face. Taking a deep breath she fixed her hair, smiled and confidently walked towards the door as if nothing happened.

"Of course," She smiled as she opened the door to find a freaked out Liam staring at her. "I just had to use the bathroom, is that alright with you?"

"Oh, of course." Liam sheepishly laughed at her facade. He was rather confused, he was sure he'd sensed something was wrong, he didn't know what he'd said or done, but he felt guilty, yet here she was fine as if nothing happened.

"Good. Now shall we continue our discussion?" She confidently flicked her long chestnut tresses over her shoulder heading back to the office.

Finding her sitting legs crossed on his desk Liam smirked as he shut the door behind him.

"Arianna I think you and I need to have another conversation." Liam's eyes ran over her, analysing every part of her perfect body.

"What do we need to talk about?" She leaned back, putting all her weight on her left arm that was holding her up, her tight skirt pulled up slightly revealing her long legs looking smooth and soft, her white blouse tight enough to show all her voluptuous curves. She smiled cheekily, drawing attention to her plump red lips.

"About us." Liam had to concentrate, biting his lip to resist the urge to completely devour her on his desk.

"Oh really..." Arianna's voice began low and seductive as she jumped off the desk and strutted over towards the handsome blonde.

"Yes really," Liam's hands grabbed her waist the moment she was within his reach and pulled her into him, before trapping her between him and the wall. Her arms snaked up around his neck and suddenly her seductive expression disappeared and she smiled at him sweetly.

"You know when I got into the car today I had the full intention of telling you I was never coming back..."

"What?!" Anger filled his ocean eyes as he stared down at Arianna.

"Calm down, I wasn't finished." She said after kissing his cheek before he could do anything. "But then I saw you and I realised how painful it would be if I left you." She place her hand on his cheek, looking up at him with a loving gaze. "I'm drawn to you like a moth to a light, every time I try to stay away something brings me right back to you. So I stand before you and ask, what do I do about this?"

"Arianna..." Warmth filled his heart as he looked at her loving eyes, his heart started beating faster and faster, he could control himself anymore and pulled her closer, his lips tasting her desperately. When he finally pulled away, her face flushed red as she blushed. "Arianna I don't know what to do, all I know is I don't want to be without you."

Pulling him back to her, clashing her lips against his, there was only one thing Arianna was sure about and it was how much she loved this man. Neither of them knew how to solve their family problems but they weren't about to let this kind of love disappear.

"Liam..." Arianna pulled away shyly looking straight at his chest, avoiding his gaze. "I... I love you."

~ ~ ~

On the other side of the city, in a back end alley hidden beneath the blanket of the night and a colourless coat, Martin Scott impatiently awaiting someone's arrival. Looking down at his Rolex, he realised his accomplice was late.

"For fuck sake..." a whisper of frustration slipped out, just in that moment footsteps echoed behind him. Turning around towards the dead end, to find a man in a navy blue trench coat, the shadows from the surrounding buildings hiding his face. Martin didn't have time to question where the man came from, before a large yellow envelope was tossed his way.

"This is everything you need." A deep digital voice echoed from the man.

Martin peered into the envelope to find all the information he needed, with a sinister smile he kicked a briefcase over to the man. He was so focused on the contents he never noticed a pair of dark blue eyes intensely watching the transaction.

"As promised. 500, 000 Euros." Without looking back or questioning his unknown accomplices' motivation, Martin took the information and disappeared.

A devilish smirk spread across the face of the cloaked man, as he watched the foolish old man disappear. Moonlight shown down revealing the man's handsome face, disfigured by a large knife scar across his left eye.

The vibrations from his pocketed phone filled the quiet alley.

"Boss, its done, the old fool has the false information."

"Good Tom you did well. I'm sure he'll be mad when he discovers the information is fake." Tom could hear the satisfaction in the cold familiar voice.

"Well that's a risk of getting information from the underground..." Tom felt a long slender hand slip under his bicep, "especially as an outsider." He smiled down at his wife meeting her dark blue gaze as she nonchalantly fiddled with a small throwing knife, with her own sinister grin.