Chapter 4: A White Bunch of Flowers

Jisoo is a little shock at her fall into a stranger arms in the garden.

She is so still like a statue, gazing at him. He also is looking at her.

It is as if the time has stopped.

Jisoo thinks he is handsome. But his illegal dimple is giving the expression of cuteness and sweetness. He is tall and his shoulders are broad, though they don't seem to be. She remembers then that he is the man she has saved at the shore.

After awhile, they get back their scenes then he let go of her.

Then, they are still looking at each other. Then both of them say...

" You"...

He says grinning, "Hey, lady, why are you climbing that tree like a monkey thief!"

Jisoo feels as if he was laughing at her. She wants to say something but words don't come out.

Just then, Mr Choi, the owner of the garden come out of the house.

He seems so delighted to see Jisoo.

"Heyy....Ji Chu are you, ...its been awhile since I last see you's your mother"

"We are all doing well...uncle, its just that my mom and I are getting busy with our shop .."

Mr Choi smiles and nods...

"I see, well you are here now..come inside and let's have some snacks then"

Jisoo agrees and they all go inside Mr Choi house. His house is a beautiful one. It is painted blue and has two floors...some part of it is made of wood too. The house may seems small outsiders. But it is really big and comfortable inside. With beautiful garden surrounding makes it even more poetic.

Mr Choi is a kind man in his 40s. He is a widower. He used to be married. Tragedy happens when his beloved wife dies. But since then Mr Choi just lives alone and making business from the garden which he and his wife had built up together. His garden looks beautiful that many film makers come to hire the well as his roses, lilies, tulips and kataleeyas gives good price for sale.

His distant nephew Minho visits him sometimes,whenever he was free from his bodyguard job. (Minho's father is near relative of Mr Choi ) He really repects Mr Choi, enjoy coming here to gain opinions and critical thinking about a lot of issues and struggles in life.

Jisoo enjoy the tea and snack time with Mr Choi and the handsome man she once recused before (as she recall it).

Finally, Mr Choi introduces him to Jisoo.

He says,

" the way, I want to introduce you to my another nephew who come to learn a business here....this is Namjoon...Namjoon..this is Jisoo...she lives with her mother here and do the tailor business here. .."

"Very please to meet you, Ma'am" Namjoon grins again and is charming dimple shown which makes Jisoo blush.

Jisoo manages herself to say,

"It's nice to see you, Mr Namjoon"

They just continues the conversation on random until Jisoo remembers why she is here...

"It is wierd...Im getting flower for Suho....I wonder why he didn't request any other thing."

"Oh Uncle Choi, can I buy some of white lilies and kataleeyas...umm my mom wants some for them for our home.."

"Ahh...of course.." ..Mr Choi continues, "since its been a time you last come, I will gives you a bunch of them. White ones will make home brighter"

After getting the flowers, Jisoo just say goodbye to Mr Choi and Namjoon. Somehow she doesn't want to reveal she used to save Namjoon.

And she just cannot understand why she is so blushing in front of his grinning gazes. He is handsome. But Jisoo has encountered other handsome men before.

Namjoon also watches her as she walks out of the house and garden.

And then smiles to himself...and thinking

" A beauty but such an ordinary woman...but why she makes me just so smitten like this...hehhe whenever she blush I just want to tease her..."

He just come back to sense when Mr Choi playfully hit him...and smiles at the young man blushing face.


Jisoo looks at the flowers she just get..."umm why am I actually getting these....umm its still early at noom..I guess I will just go and meet Suho at his police station then."

So, Jisoo heads to the police station of Flower Town.

Jisoo finds Suho sitting at the desk of the room from outside the room, being very busy with papers.

Jisoo doesn't want to interup him so she just leave the white flowers with one of his friends there..with a note...

"Dear Suhoshi....just don't think much about the flowers....those white petals actually represent our friendship..I just found so please with them this morning and want you to feel,the same...Im grateful that we meet and you were always when Im in need like a big brother of mine...I just wish you blossoms like these white flowers in every aspects of and the future lady of your home...😉

Forever friend of yours...

Ji Chu.."


Jisoo goes back to her mother shop, little did she expects that she would be meeting some town bandits again after she has met some a month ago.

Jisoo thinks why these sort of events occur here. Her town is in peace for a long time.

She witness them stealing something skillfully from a middle age woman who is passing by on the way near to the market. They just pretend to bump into the woman and when her things fall out, they pretend to help her get the things back together. They get all the things that fell out. But what the woman doesn't know is that they had skillfully taken her gold necklace from neck without her knowing at all and she just hurriedly walk away quickly to continue her business.

Everything then goes as very normal again...Jisoo eyes are still fixing on the event and still thinking about it.

And the robbers know she sees them.