Chapter 9: Is Love Blossoming?

The morning light is coming into the little cave where Namjoon and Jisoo are still sleeping. Jisoo is still in Namjoon's arms. They are still sound very much asleep.

However, back in Flower Town, Jisoo's mother, Rosè, Suho, Mr Choi and Minho are all worried.

Suho and several other police officer set out to find the the two...but the others (Jisoo's mother, Rosè, Suho, etc), as soon as the sun rises.

The folks looks for them the whole town..


At the very moment, near caves and cliffs near the shore the Flower Town, a little dim light of the sun shown through the cave Namjoon and Jisoo are sleeping. Jisoo wakes up and open her eyes slowly. She can hear the morning bird song...and somehow feeling peaceful and happy. Jisoo tries to move but she finds herself still in Namjoon's arms, who is still asleep, still holding her tight. Jisoo smiles how innocent Namjoon looks while he is sleeping. Jisoo just realises how adorable and charming his dimple is. She thinks back about last night and how she ended up in Namjoon's arms.

It's strange to be in a stranger, a man's arms, for the first time in life. But why isn't she feels worry or anything bad. Is she falling in love with this stranger?

Finally, Namjoon wakes up. As soon as he is conscious, he gently let go of Jisoo.

"Umm Miss, last night...umm... you came near me..I think you were cold so...umm...but I didn't do anything inappropriate ..."

Jisoo let out a little laugh.

" Of course not..but it's day so let's go home!!"

They finally reunite with the folks coming to look for them.

The morning just go peacefully.

But all these times what is happening at the Kim's household.

Kim So Hyun is waiting day by day to get the news of her beloved brother. So far, she didn't get any glimpse of news from officer Suho. She becomes worry and try to contact the officer again.

She try by message first.

His reply is "it's very near, Miss, just give me a little more time...I will call on you very soon!"

So Hyun sigh reading his message on her phone screen. Should she hire another detective?

But maybe she will wait a little more.

Nevertheless, the destiny will be bringing her meet her brother so soon.

It is the day when, her mother decides that So Hyun should go and see some of their business Dragon Town which is near to Flower Town.


Suho is sitting still at his desk... thinking whether he should already reveal that he already found Kim Namjoon. But he wants to learn more about what is happening behind before he actually take any action. What if he go and talk with Kim Namjoon...? The guy seems not ordinary!, He thinks.

What is his connection with those rubbers...who attack the beach last night?

He is having so many questions. This Aru Jung, a very expert in getting away from the police.

"One day I will catch you..." He is thinking.


Namjoon is also aware that he himself scared of doing something to plot against his own enemy. He is just really thankful that Minho is here for him. Maybe, it's time he needs to take some actions. But they are all more powerful at the moment. If his uncle just sense any smell of him of his image then he will be plotted killed again, therefore Namjoon needs to think very clearly. Yep, Namjoon needs a lot of support. He feels so powerless. His mother and sister are in danger as well and Minho too and the Mr Choi.   

As he is serious with these thoughts, Jisoo comes across to his mind.

Namjoon looks out of the window from his room of Mr Choi's household, looking at the tree Jisoo went up before. The more he gets to near Jisoo, the more he is feeling strange. It is just last night when he held Jisoo for the whole night that he realise how much he is attached to her. He is a man who is running away for life. Should he let her know his feelings or just keep them all to himself? Maybe before getting late, or before he'd gone out of this world. He will let her know.

At that very moment, Minho knock his room door.

"Come in", says Namjoon.

Minho come in.

He sighs and says, "let's talk"

Namjoon look up.

"Your mother and sister will be near to Dragon Town. I think you should use this opportunity to go back to your home ...if you just managed it this time then.....Mr Kim Young will be more careful .."

Namjoon think about the subject seriously.


Jisoo is making a dress for one of the customers, when Namjoon arrive at her shop.

He looks at how much she is occupied at her work. She really is very pretty.

Then Jisoo notice Namjoon who is at the door of her shop..

"Hello, Mister" she greets.

"Hi lady.."

"Please call me Jichu..."

"Oki my miss Pikachu"

"Umm...Miss...can ...may I just ask to talk a little....??"

Jisoo thinks for awhile then..

"Umm...just come back at 4 pm.. I will be done with my job then!"

After all at 4 pm ..Namjoon and Jisoo start their conversation. They talk a lot about so many things.

Mrs Jisoo see the two young people talking earnestly in her living room. She could see what is going on between the two people. She just smiles and walk away from there.

When, it's getting late, Namjoon says,..

"It's late now, I need to go back"

But he turns to look at Jisoo in the eyes.

"I have a lot of things I want to tell you"

"I know it's old fashion..but I have put a lot of words in my letter"

He then takes out a small folded paper from his shirt pocket...and give it Jisoo .... Jisoo smiles ....


Finally, Namjoon goes back.. Jisoo is left alone in her living room...she is looking at the letter with curiosity...

Will it be as she has thought?