Chapter 11: Erase Memory!!

At the very moment that Namjoon gets shot, the photo stand in which Jisoo put Namjoon's letter is suddenly fall down from the drawer stand beside Jisoo's bed in her own bedroom. Jisoo is entering into there and was so shocked to see that. She tries to pick up up the pieces of broken glasses to throw away but one of the glass pieces accidentally cut one of her fingers... It wasn't deep..but it hurt .."Ahh", Jisoo sliped out. Her mother came into the room. When she saw her daughter bleeding finger she immediately took some medicine to treat....

"You should be careful, Jichu"...

Jisoo was still hurt....but then the terrible thought came to her..

"Mother, I wonder what happened Namjoon!...I hope he... don't d...",...tears fell from Jisoo's eyes.

Her mother replied, " Nah nah nah, Jisoo, don't think too much...I think the fate for this young man is strong, he won't die easily...I just hope he will contact you soon"

At that moment...Jisoo can see the rain started to fall from her bedroom window, and little later there were thunder and lightning.


The case for attacking Kim Family's factory and nearby high building in Dragon Town is in the process. Two of the gun men from the high building are captured. They were supposed to talk about who is behind of all the happening. But unfortunately, they were killed by hanging at jail bar when police come to take them as to discuss on the case. Is it a suicide or someone whom within the police world that killed them and made it seem like suicide.

Suho is very disappointed at this. What is happening under his own roof? He feels very disappointed with himself ...he is as stupid as Miss So Hyun says. His parents try to cheer him.

And how is Namjoon now?


Namjoon is still sleeping in bed.

The two men covered in all black with blackhood covering all their faces and head come into the hospital room. It is  now 1am and Namjoon's room is far from crowded section of the hospital. Inside the room is dark. The lights are switched off.

They stand and look at the unconscious Namjoon for awhile. Then, one of them takes a pillow and the cover Namjoon head and push down. Yes. They are trying to kill Namjoon. But Namjoon begins to get conscious and then all with his might he is able to push the emergency button near his bed. The two unknown men can hear the voices of doctors and nurses rushing to the room.

When they all arrive and turn on the lights, the two mysterious men are gone. But Namjoon is choking and breathing so fast.

The next day....So Hyun and Mrs Kim come to hospital, they are so worried.

So Hyun says to one of the head doctor and manger there.

"Why don't you guard my brother ...."

"Hyunie, please calm your temper, my daughter!"

The female doctor replies,

"We have two security guards guarding his room ....but  they are knock down. We are worried too. We have also reported to police and putting guards here!!".


But just then.. another doctor come and says

"Mrs and Miss Kim, may I talk with you for a while about Mr Kim Namjoon's condition.

Mrs Kim and So Hyun follow the doctor to his private doctor office room, and sat down there in front of the doctor's desk.

The doctor begins,

"The young Mr Kim is very lucky. The bullet just didn't hit the important part of his chest, so that he escape from Death, but.."

"But...what ?.. doctor"

So Hyun is now worried so is her mother.

The doctor continue,

"Umm....for a reason, the gunshot wound at his heart effects some parts of his brain, but we will try best to cure it"

There is silent.

Then Mrs Kim speak up..

"Are you meaning my son is becoming ...."

"Umm.. it's not so's just that he might lose some of his memories and take time to remember sometimes... other than that his brain works like normal human."

Mrs Kim and So Hyun. 

"How long is sometimes?", exclaims So Hyun.

To this, the doctor answers,

"I am not sure, it can be within days, or months or even years"

" can we just visit my son now?"

"Yes, of course, Madam....he is nearly...his wounds heal quick .... except for some of his memories...his brain works perfectly."

Mrs Kim and So Hyun stay by Namjoon side for hours. But he just sleeps peacefully. Mrs Kim looks at her son with tears and takes his hand gently when So Hyun again asks to go for restroom.

"My child, we have been through a lot

Be brave.... I'm sure you have fate here in our world stronger than your father and probably more than me .. fight for it with strength and consciousness of a human.."

Namjoon seems to notice her or maybe something but he takes her hands back in his....

So Hyun comes back and after awhile the visitor time is up for them.

On their way out back home. They encountered Mr Kim Young and his wife who are here to visit Namjoon. So Hyun face are quite hot now but Mrs Kim calm her down...just greet him normally..

"Well, my nephew is getting good soon. So, we are really happy. He will be back soon."

Mrs Kim just replies..."Thank you!"

Then she drags her daughter into their saloon car and drive away.

Finally, Kim Namjoon wakes up and is well enough to go home.

But it seems that his memories are not just lost in some parts..but they are erased as a whole... nonetheless, his brain can still work well with a lot other works such as any business matter or even humanity in general. It just that he doesn't remember his part. Still he gets along well with Mrs Kim and So Hyun...learn to love them again. Minho comes back to the family household too, looking a little cheerful than before. Did he just managed to get his parents out from Mr Kim Young hiding place. And what about Jisoo? Will Namjoon remember her?