Chapter 22: Run Away!!

Minho and Rosè finish their visit to the cherry blossom park.

They are now out on street. There are not many people.

Minho can notice that someone is following them in secret. Someone who must be a skillful spy. Because they are followed unknowingly in a smooth way since there is a large crowd. But Minho still know and therefore he must make Rosè part from him.

Minho calls somebody from Kim Household... another bodyguard to take Rosè home since he says he has some business here.

Minho and Rosè wait for the car. Finally, the bodyguard arrives.

Rosè is about to get into the car..but she looks back at Minho and yet goes to him and give him a kiss on his lips. This makes him so surprised but kisses her back. After that Rosè says..

"I will tell you my feelings later...I order you to fulfill the mission soon"

He hug her waist near to him and says,

Minho: "Yes, Ma'am...I promise"

So they part.

They smiles and waves at each other.

After that his smile disappears and he calls out,

"You can come out now... You'll never succeed in killing me if you think about doing it sneaky way.!!"

People are looking at him as if he is a crazy one.

Among the small crowd, one man tries to stab him and then the other. They all miss. Minho then says... "would you like to crowd to see us or will you fight in private."

They go into the place where there is no is a unfinished building.

They fight. (I will just let it to imagination.) But Minho is able to escape from them and make them wounded.


At that time.

Somehow, Namjoon is so sure for some reason that they should not be living at the Kim Household after he hears the news from Minho. ..So he tell everyone to pick their things up.

In his mind....he is thinking about his mother's words..."at the desk".  He then knows that his mother must have something important...but at which desk??.. Definitely not at her work desk. He already searched. He also searched at every desk at her room too. He finds nothing interesting except her diary. Then suddenly, he heard some banging comes from the above... from Jisoo's room. It sounds like something ceramic has broken.

Jisoo has been packing her stuffs quickly. But what she does not notice is the there is a long glass bottle near her reading/working desk. All her things are packed and she is surprised to find that glass bottle. How does it come?

With curiosity, Jisoo tries to open the cylinder bottle it is so tight. Then suddenly.. it slips out out her hands, and it is broken. Then some white papers are there.

Namjoon arrives at her door. Jisoo looks up at him. They together pick up the papers.

The papers show the cash that should be paid to an engine supplier company which happened to be Jisoo's family company. By those papers Namjoon can figure out that those cash must have gone to Kim Young's pocket. There is a letter from his mother too.

It reads,

Monie, My Son

I know that I'm late to find out about this. Thanks to Miss Minzy. I know that she has been spying you these pass months. So I made our men seized her to me and made her work for me/us which she gladly did. For whatever reason she became a spy for Kim Young, I suppose she still consider you as a friend from old times. She becomes double agent then. Kim Young must had have a lot more papers more than these. But I hope when you try to seize him...these will still be useful.

I am really sorry to Miss Jisoo and her family for what had happened. I am very sorry. But I hope you will look after her well for the rest of your life as of repayment as what our family business has caused her family.

My son, you have been through quite a lot...just be calm and think properly in solving the cases that you are facing.

To my daughter, Hyunie

My lovely are brave and will still need to learn...I'm very proud to have you as my daughter... Monie Hyun and Jisoo Unnie

To Jisoo_ahh..

Again I sincerely apologise for what have happened .. thank you so much for coming into my son's life. I am sure you are one of his biggest strength.

I might be dead when you all are reading this. I know that my cousin in law is suspicious of me. Therefore, I might be gone earlier he is aiming initially. It's so hard to find evidences against him. This is all I could find so far. But you all go through it!!

Always love,


Namjoon and Jisoo read it together. He looks at her after that. Her tears are falling down. His fingers come to her face and wipe the tears away. She just hug and gets into Namjoon's arms. He hugs her back tight. She cries and so is he. .

Namjoon: "We will get through it altogether! Let's run away from here for awhile."

Jisoo is still resting on his chest.

Jisoo: "You believe in me right that I would never give anything that would hurt you to your Uncle"

Namjoon: "Yes. Your eyes and your heartbeat tell them all! You also forgive my family and me that you are going through this! We do owe you a lot"

Jisoo: "My mother and me forgive and forget about what Kim Young did long time ago. My mother said we have done wrong decisions too in the move of Business. So it's not all Kim's fault. ...and yes...I'm very happy you are in my life... Because then I learn about how to love other who is not my parents. And you make me learn about life too."

Namjoon: "Ok...let's journey now then."

Jisoo: "Ok"

Namjoon lead Jisoo, So Hyun and others to their family van. One of the bodyguard is driving.

But everyone is up in the van. Namjoon just stay outside.

He makes sign to the driver to drive and the driver does.

Jisoo is very surprised by this act from him. She looks back at him from the window..  and say out loud..


The driver says,

"Don't worry about him, young miss. Young Master will be able get rid of him"

They all set of to where Namjoon want them to be. Somewhere he has arranged with one of his important friend, Prince Jin of Korea.


Suho is working in the Aru Jung casino as a card dealer. For the past months..he has collected enough information about the casino and this Aru Jung. But they have been not enough. But then little and little, he thinks they are useful.

Suho thinks a lot about casino and the gamblings and gamblers...he learns a lot about tricks, lies and cheating. Some gamblers lose all their properties such as lands, cars, a lot of money at one night. And they play cards without eating and sleeping the whole night. But then most of those money goes to the gambling owners like Aru Jung. Anyway, this Aru Jung who also still stealing from Flower Twon because of his master/teacher/father orders ...there is a belief among them that a traditional robbing must be still alive.

Nevertheless, Suho says, "Aru Jung will be at court soon anyway."

Aru Jung is born thief but as a young man he fell in love with a woman from high class business family...(which is from Jung Hoseok, one of Namjoon's best friends, family. She reciprocated his feelings and ran off with him. As coming from a good family, she had hope she could change her husband with love. He did care for her though but would not abandon his job as a thief or even as an expensive gun man. He only kills important people and one time kill worth millions of dollars (So that he hardly do it but he is still very good in it). In times, she is nearly mad because of her husband job and her belief in goodness. Aru Jung would never hurt her physically though he distance himself from her in later days. With some connection, Jung Hoseok come to contact with Aru Jung too. He has one mission in getting near to Aru Jung that is to get his aunt out from there. But then he found out that this uncle in law is having to do with his friend life and death case, Hoseok is even more curious. So he comes to visit Aru so often. He also can guess who is Suho after all.

It is not that Aru Jung is stupid to not knowing who are spying him around. He definitely know that who is Suho and Hoseok is here to take his wife back to her family. It is not so easy boys.

Then finally Aru decide to seize Suho. The game has been long enough. Suho must have get some evidences from him.

One night when Suho comes to work at casino. Aru men seize him and put him in their one of their private house.

Suho becomes hopeless again. But one evening when Aru's men are busy with Aru's wife who is trying to run away (she is sick then)...

Suho tries to run from that house. Aru's wife is the one who unlock the room for him. (She is able to steal the keys:)).

With his skill as a spy before, Suho escape from Aru's place. He has to kill some guards with bare hands too. But of course he has to fight for his life.

Just as he is outside the fence of Aru Jung's house. A black car stop in front of him. And the mirror of the car at front seat goes down. Suho sees it is Hoseok..

Hoseok says.

"Hi, dude.. why don't you get inside the car...I'm Namjoon's friend!"