Chapter 9 In This world of confusion and chaos

Next day...

Li Ming Yue woke up and slowly he wanted to get up but I said stay rested for a while because he still got a little bit of fever.

He called Bo Hai, " how's is everybody doing?" he asked looking at Bo hai with his worried eyes.

Bo Hai answered back politely, " General, everything has been taken cared of. We are set to go as soon as you give us the orders."

When he was about to reply to his subordinate, I heard his stomach growled and I looked at him with a smile on my face and I said, " I knew it."

Well from all of the chaos and the confusions from yesterday's event plus the fact that he was wounded, all he had was the water I gave him yesterday.

I got up and ask them where can I boil some water, I am thinking of making a instant noodle soup that I bought and packed since my son wants the homeland made instant noodles.

And so I made food for him and gave him some crackers that was inside my bag. And he ate it all. I just had some crackers and and instant coffee for breakfast.

After two hours, he ordered his men to go. He rode his horse while I prefer to stay in the carriage because I can sit comfortable without hurting my bony butt on the horse plus I don't really know how to ride a horse.

We went on for about a day, until we found a small village and the general ordered his men to find a safe place were we can all stay for the night, and he knows that I am a girl so I need to wash up and he asked Bo Hai to find a place to stay where I can lay my back comfortably.

Well not bad he is considerate to my needs. I dunno if it is because he owed me when I nursed him last night or its just because I am the only girl in the group that he has to be considerate to me.