Tzi Mi Na(3)

In a room, the three people who gathered to have a meeting, Bo Hai, Tzi Mi Na and Li Ming Yue.

"Tomorrow you will help her dress up. Money is not a problem so you have to but the finest silk tunic for her and the most expensive ornaments. No matter how much it cost me, I would be gladly to pay." Li Ming Yue told her.

Tzi Mi Na on the other hand is annoyed but the fact that there is someone that the General is giving so much of his attention. For how many years that they have been friends, never that she has seen him act that way.

"May I know, why did you take that girl here and who is she"?

Bo Hai replied in behalf of the General while his arms crossed just above his waist, "She is the most important girl for our General. The most precious someone for him, so you have to treat her right".

"Are you planning on marrying her"? Tzi Mi Na continued to ask.

"Marrying her or not, that is my prerogative. Nobody has the right to question me, especially you". I have treated you like my sister, you have known me for many years now, so I know you know me better than anyone."

That hit Tzi Mi Na's heart, through and through. For so many years, she didn't treat him like a brother, he sees him as a man, so how could he see her like a 'sister' as she thought about it.

Bo Hai notices look on her face and so decided to observe more. But he advised her to be careful because he knows how she feels with the General, but he is not sure if the General is also aware of it or not but one thing is for sure that Li Ming Yue is never interested with this girl since Li Ming Yue brought someone back to the country.

"But you cannot marry her that easily, since this is Hanzhuo country, you know very well about the law of any foreigner here. She cannot marry you." she spoke with confidence to the two mean, feeling that there is still a little hope for her.

"That is why I needed you to find a family where she can stay for one week, and says that they have adopted here so that I can marry her. By the time I come back I will make sure that I will have in my hands the Imperial Edict. So, make sure to find a good family where they can adopt her. If, anything bad is to happen to her, I will not forgive anyone who has something to do with it. Not even a single strand of her hair is to be touch, everybody will see my wrath". He sternly warned her, seeing that she is against with him marrying Bai Xiaolian.

The two, Tzi Mi Na and Bo Hai has nothing more to say since they are both afraid of what is going to happen next.

After saying that, he asks someone to accompany him to where Bai Xiaolian is staying.

He entered the room quietly and seated not on the bed but on the floor facing the sleeping Bai Xiaolian, caressing his face and looking at here tenderly.

'I don't care about others but I will do anything just to marry you, I don't intend to marry anyone, if it is not you, I would rather stay alone all throughout my life' he said to himself. He stood up and sat on the other side of the bed while reading the report on his hand because after settling everything here he will be set to back to the Imperial Palace. But he didn't realize that he fell asleep beside Bai Xiaolian.