Yeung Family

The next day the woke up early since yesterday Tzi Mi Na and Bo hai found and adopting family for Bai Xiaolian. Li Ming Yue wanted to go there and meet the family personally first before taking with him Bai Xiaolian.

Meanwhile, inside the private residence of Tzi Mi Na, everyone is busy in grooming Bai Xiaolian. There were sets of beautiful tunics in expensive satin and silk with beautiful designs and colors to choose from. Ornaments in gold, silver and jade were set on the table as well as make ups and shoes.

I was left speechless upon seeing the things that were prepared for me. 'The General seems to be rich for him to have prepared such gifts' I said to myself.

Since they asked me what color I like to wear so that they can suggest to which kind of ornament is to wear with it. So, I decided to go with the simple light blue tunic that has a white undergarment showing a little around my neck. It's a lot complicated to wear tunics than of those clothes in the modern times. We just have to wear panties, bra and briefs or boxer shorts then wear whatever you like over it. Just that simple and light. Here even in the summer they(we) have to wear my clothes one over another. And my hair that is naturally long was okay to whatever style they decided to do. They asked me what kind of ornaments I like, is it gold, silver or jade...i said gold since I know that in my time before golds cost skyrocketing high.

By almost noon, Li Ming Yue arrived with Bo Hai.

Li Ming Yue's heart was about to burst out from his chest upon seeing the beautiful lady in front of him. He never expected that making a makeover to her is really a clever idea ,and he is really liking what he is seeing right now.

When Bai Xiaolian saw him, she gazed at him and then spread her arms and turned around 360 degrees, asking how does she looked like with a smile.

Li Ming Yue cannot hide anymore his overwhelming emotions and admirations to the girl before her. "You looked so lovely my future wife".

Upon hearing it, Bai Xiaolian's face turned red and her heart is beating really hard.

Li Ming Yue moved nearer to her and said" I have already talked to the family that will adopt you...after the registration your surname will change to theirs and after exactly one week, I will pick you up at their house since you are moving there later. Bo Hai will take and move all your belongings to that house. I will personally take you there. We will just have to say our goodbye to Tzi Mi Na since she has helped us a lot in this."

Tzi Mi Na walked us to the gate of the brothel, "Take care Brother Li Ming Yue, whatever help you need just come by and I will try to help you with all I can." after that she turned to me with a smile, "you take care, Just come here anytime. You are most welcome here and I promise Brother Li Ming Yue that I will treat you very well."

"thank you very much, I will keep that in mind" I smiled politely back at her.

We were in the carriage, "Let's go to Yeung Family Manor".