Clothes Make the Man

Even though it is a dangerous world out there, those monsters always have distinct characteristics based on how powerful they are, the Connection lays it out in convenient tiers because it pretends to care about your well-being.

The tier 1 monsters are cannon fodder. They are the rodents, Proto-Gobs, Slimes and therecently infected foliage. They die with a hard slap, but don't underestimate them if they swarm, some can have surprising skills or magical abilities. The Connection speaks of them as if they are harmless. They are not.

Tier 2 monsters are your average Goblins and weaker Slimeborn. These are the creatures that look like they are more dangerous than the small fry, but don't have a frightening aura. These are the middle ground freaks that any trained human can make short work of. Elite variants exist in this tier and all of the above as well. They are half a step into a new form of threat. Elites are always high priority to be culled as they will certainly be a danger to innocents in the future.

Tier 3, is where it gets complicated. The fused abominations of Slimeborn and Gob as well as other monsters all can radiate a killer intent that prickles the skin when they're near. They trigger your flight response if you are not prepared. Fight these in groups. The Gobs that pretend to be 'Enlightened,' as well as normal humans are tier three as well.

Every Gob will evolve into a Tier 3 after 365 days from birth or if they meet special conditions first. As always, its the special ones that will give you the most trouble.

Tier 4 all have glowing eyes. It's the magic that does this. You weaklings should never piss one of these off.

You all can forget about the last one and hope you never meet one. If you ever see a tier five, you're already dead.

-Speech from an Anonymous Drill Sergeant from the Yellowstone Outpost.


After a few minutes of subtle persuasion, Odd finally got Roark to peaceful relent in his desire to hunt immediately. He told him they would hunt together tomorrow.

He watched the large Goblin walk off and decided to [Observe] him, his honor guard, and his harem.

[Observe] activated

Name: Roark

Titles: [Small Boss of the Cripclaw Tribe]

Race: Greater Green Goblin, T2 ELITE

Race details: Following the 'wild,' Gob evolutionary path, Greater Green Goblins channel their brutality for greater strength than most Gobs of their level. They are at the pinnacle level of Unenlightened Goblin evolution will eventually evolve into Hobgoblins over 99% of the time. They are identified by their common [Green Goblin] features and large statures.

[Stats: It's [Body] is over 4.0, but it has less [Mind] and [Soul] than you.]

Odd looked at the other Goblins and saw they all had a [Body] score of about 1.0 to 1.5, but a lower [Mind] than even the leader. They all had around 0.1 or 0.2! How were they even remembering to breath?

The two Goblin males that always stayed by the leader, with simple spears at the ready, had similar stats to the three concubines. They were all so weak! Odd guessed he might be able to become that strong before he even evolves by relying on his Yin Lightning alone.

The current Odd, however, was just too exhausted after using all of his mana to kill the Goblin that assaulted his mother. Also, he realized that he was starving at the moment on the account that he's never eaten a morsel during his entire life!

Starving... and he just killed a Goblin. Duh.

The Proto-Gob hobbled over to his fresh kill, smashed it's head against the rock and started scooping out the brains for consumption. There wasn't much meat on the monsters' thin body, so Odd figured the organs were the best bet.

After he finished, he methodically ripped apart the torso and shoved the good parts down his throat. All Proto-Gobs could eat an incredible amount of food because of the mysterious means that sustained them until they were ready to evolve. Odd didn't know it, but scholars around the world have never reached a conscientious if Proto-Gobs actually counted as living beings or Golems.

He finished his meal and remembered some of the things his mother had told him. He should be modest and civilized. He had just made a mess and his hands were covered in juices.

"You!" he pointed to a random Proto-Gob that was playing with rocks. "Take care of this mess." As the Proto-Gob started munching on the remains while Odd watched the scene in deep thought.

"Why would it even eat those parts? There's practically no nutrients left and it's not going to help him evolve better. I expected him to take it out of the cave or something," Odd said aloud as he watched the glutinous scene. The paper-thin skin and bones were disappearing before his eyes.

"Because you all are disgusting savages," his mother grunted. "Eating things that walk on two legs raw, outside of battle? Look at your hands, you're just going to walk around like that?"

"Hmm," Odd pondered. "I guess you're right, as usual."

"And put some damn clothes on, I'm tired of you waving that twig around. Go check the man crying cause his ass was abused, he's still got his boots on and the idiots you live with probably didn't check them when they dragged us here."

Odd followed her advice and shook off the man's boots. He ignored his sobbing and was elated to find a boot knife that fell out! If the man hadn't had his hands chained behind his back, it wouldn't have been left there.

The young Gob grinned as he wiped his hands clean-ish on the dirty, leather boot and held the knife in his hands. For a creature of his small stature, it was practically a sword and the hilt felt large in his clawed hands, but he could still swing it. How was he supposed to carry it though?

He noticed the shirt on the captive man's torso and for got to work.


After a half hour of work, Odd had fashioned coverings for himself. The little creature had cut a piece of the shirt into a sort of kilt as well as another strip of cloth as a belt that he wove through the waist to keep it on. He then fashioned a bandoleer that was able to barely hold the sword-sized knife on his back. Drawing the weapon wasn't exactly easy, but at least he didn't have to carry it in his hanfs all the time.

He thought he did a really good job and ignored the small amount of blood that got on his rags when he nicked the captive on accident as he was removing pieces of his shirt. Odd thought he looked better than anyone but the leader. That guy had actual pants.

"What do you think?" he asked Melisandra hesitantly. A small part of him was really hoping for her affirmation, despite how weird and unnatural the idea sounded to him.

"You're a wrinkly skinned, beady eyed beast. What, you think you look good because you covered your dick with some bloody rags?"

Odd was... crestfallen. He knew his mother was unhappy being here and birthing him, but he tried hard to make these clothes look good!

"It's better than before, whatever," she scoffed like a tsundere. Or just an Abyssal. "At least you're covered up, my child shouldn't be like the rest of these beasts."

The Proto-Gob smiled as a happy feeling filled his chest. His celebration was interrupted by a loud rumble that came from Melisandra's stomach.

"You could have asked for some of the Goblin. I would have shared my brains with you."

"And I thought you weren't a complete fucking idiot like the rest of them," Melisandra deadpanned.

Odd cocked his head in confusion while his mother sighed in return.

"Raw Goblin is disgusting. Eating Goblin is a last resort anyway. Ugh," she gritted her teeth before smiling sweetly. "My little man, could you please hunt a real meal for mommy?"

"A real meal?"

"Yes son," Melisandra nodded. In the last month, she had gotten nothing but raw scraps shoved down her throat. "A rabbit or some other small animal would be amazing. I know you can handle it for me, sweet heart."

"Hmm. I guess my mana has recharged enough and I need to fight to get a good evolution. Okay, I'll take care of it for you, mother," Odd grinned and fumbled at his sword. It took almost a minute, but he was finally able to get it loose from the loops he tied in the clothing scraps.

"Be careful out there, my beautiful boy. And don't forget to cook it, I will not eat any more raw fucking waste!" she yelled back at him as he left the cave.

"But starting a fire will alert enemies..." Odd softly told himself. "Whatever, for that woman, I will take care of it!"

Name: Odd

Titles: Empathetic Anomaly

Race: Proto-Gob

[Evolution in 4d, 22h, 10m.]

Body: 0.2

Mind: 1.4

Soul: 0.3


Mana: 9/11

Yin Lighting Affinity: 0.3