A Shocking Personality

It wasn't blue screens or inner dantian cultivation that came with the Gobs, Slimes and mana in the air, but a sixth sense.

To describe the Connection is like describing color to a blind man. During BCE and CE, humanity wasn't able to track their growth and stumbled to find a path for their futures. Today, it is hard to imagine a world without numerical growths at our beck and call, like a HUD that isn't there. The decrepit technology of the past is better left behind as well.

While in some ways, ancient technology was far more convenient than what we have now, it came far to short compared to our ability to literally shape nature with our intent. Because of these rapid changes and the invasion of an alien race, the weak populace recoiled in their pitiful fear.

Most marked and eventually name the dawn of the new era by the tales of creatures from fantasy that became true.

It was the Connection, however, that gave us the Truth. The new alien races were messengers to the divine will that connected ourselves to the universe. As long as we prove ourselves worthy to our god, he will return and we will finally be able to ascend to a better world. These monsters are an aid to us. An aid to touch the Connection as it is meant to be.

-"Musings of the Past," by Archwitch Petxalim of the Cult of All, 1644 FE


The final woman had a skin tone that was as black as night, along with eyes that had a bright red glow to them.

The odd Gob got closer and looked directly into her eyes. The woman started yelling at him, but he couldn't understand much of what she was saying.

After groups of Gobs evolved and moved on, it was only natural that they would want to leave their simple, savage ancestry behind as much as possible, new languages were part of it.

[Natural Sponge] Perk activated

[Absolute Gob Linguist] gained: A rare Perk that uses a combination of the strength of the soul, the Connection, and the memories residing in all Gob-kind. You have the ability to speak and read all languages that have etymological roots in Gob Basic.

[Soul] stat raised from 0.1 to 0.3

"... rip your tendons one by one while I keep all of your nerve endings intact, melting your living skin as you scream out in pain until your throat gives out before I heal it with a painful electric murder!" the woman swore as she spit in the face of the odd Gob.

This woman was the only vessel that didn't have that a glassy eyed look. Now that the Gob could understand her, he realized that she was very prideful and very angry. She gets to make new Gobs though? While she wore torn clothes and dried fluids staining her legs, she still was able to look poised and respectable. He body was plump and muscular, not anything like the other breeding vessels in the cave.

He didn't see the reason why she wouldn't want to make more Gobs.

He had another thought, the other two Gobs he interacted with so far both violently hit him and this woman seems like she knows torture quite well. Maybe all creatures were naturally violent?"

"Why would you hurt me like that?" he cocked his head and spoke fluently in her native tongue with childlike curiosity. It didn't seem fun to make others hurt. He didn't like it when the old Gob hit him with a stick or when the other one threw a rock at him as he looked at the humans.

"What?" the woman asked, stunned stupid.

The Gob truly didn't know what her problem was.

"You stupid savage! I don't give a shit what skill you got, you dumbfuck! I'm chained to a wall, surrounded by idiots, raped by needledicked monsters, and I just pushed one out from my cunt! You idiot beast! After I burn my hands, I will slip from these accursed chains and kill all of you!" she screamed as loud as she could as energy sparked from her red, rage-filled eyes, sparking directly at the young Proto-Gob.

It crackled and looked like lighting, but it absorbed light just as it absorbed the energy and mana from its target. Yin Lighting was only called lightning because of its appearance, sound, and how it burned victims similar to the real thing.

In reality, it wasn't lightning, but high frequency vibrations of magic in the air that took on a dark, chilling nature focused on absorption. It had a side effect of causing more pain than similar draining magics that gave it its bad reputation. Masters of Yin Lighting are reputed to have the ability to drain the very souls of their enemies.

And this enemy would have been dead from the captive's magic, but the chains she wore stopped her before she could do any major damage. She wasn't even able to steal a quarter of a point of the Gob's mana pool before the Yin Lighting petered out.

She started screaming in rage again, but the Gob wasn't listening to her words. He was still 'shocked' that she was able to use magic while the chains were clasped on her. That should be impossible. Without the Connection, magic should be impossible to use.

If he had looked around, he would have noticed that the other Gobs didn't care about what she did. She wasn't exactly the favorite breeding vessel in the cave. Although her appearance was far from that of a lifeless husk and initially drove the Gobs wild, most of them avoided her completely.

It was all because the woman had the strength to give a shocking surprise to any would-be rapist. It wouldn't cause permanent damage to a Gob's member because of their incredible vitality, but it did make the action far from pleasant.

The only reason she hadn't been murdered yet was because Gobs followed their instinct to create strong Gobs. A woman that was strong enough to use magic with those enchanted chains on was worth the extra hassle and lack of fun. They didn't really wonder why she could still use magic, unlike the newborn one did.

Even though the would-be-fathers were unable to rape her, their inner nature made them want to keep her alive and moderately unharmed until after she gave birth to the first one. That was when they all planned to try again and force her to have another Gob.

The Proto-Gob continued to stare at her with his hand to his chin as she continued to yell a variety of curses, sparking black bolts in anger.

[Unnatural Sponge] activated

[Observe] skill gained: A skill of legendary rarity that allows the user to gleam information that targets send to the Connection

[Mind] stat rose from 1.2 to 1.4

[Observe] activated

Name: Melisandra Meirvere

Titles: [Dark Lady of the Myriad Storms]

Race: Abyssal Elf, T4

Race details: Following the 'underground,' Gob evolutionary path, Abyssal Elves forsook their control over their emotions for greater magical affinities and larger mana pools. Because of their bipolar tendencies, the ancient human phrase, "don't stick your dick in crazy" now refers exclusively to this race of powerhouses. They are identified by their common [Dark Elf] features along with their unique, red eyes that glow with a brightness that depends on their mana pools.

[Stats: So much stronger than you that you can't figure out anything else about her.]

"Mel-is-sand-ra?" the Gob tasted the name on his tongue.

He received a stunned, thoughtful look before the elf reverted back to screaming at him.

"What if that was me?" he whispered, mostly to himself, but the elf heard it clearly.

[Empathetic Anomaly] title unlocked: Due to the rare nature of this title for your current race, receive +10 to total mana capacity.


Name: N/A (temporary for 2 days)

Titles: [Empathetic Anomaly]

Race: Proto-Gob, T1

Race details: A member of the 'perfect template' race. Has the capability to evolve in an infinite amount of directions within its lifetime, but will always retain its long, pointy ears.]

[Forced Evolution in 4d, 23h, 42m.]

Body: 0.2

Mind: 1.4

Soul: 0.3


Mana: 11/11

Yin Lighting Affinity: 0.1


Unnatural Sponge: Due to your nature as a Proto-Gob, you can gain skills, spells, and perks in an impossibly easy manner. Removed if race is no longer Proto-Gob.

Absolute Gob Linguist



He snapped his fingers and sparks of Yin Lighting arose from his fingertips,

"Mother?" the albino newborn cocked his head to the side.