Orders are Orders

They started off by killing us, and now they are out breeding us.

1 Billion. All of the humans of the world added together has dwindled to such a low number. If we let them continue to stay in our cities, that number will be zero by the next century. The 'peaceful' Enlightened are a trap that will exterminate us whether they intend to or not.

-Exert from a speech made by Shannon Manrow , Ambassador to the United Human Coalition from Nevada, 1000 FE.


Odd woke to banging and yelling throughout the cave.

"Get up, weaklings!" Roark's baritone voice echoed across the walls. "Glette found Direfang tribe members with two new slaves, we get new breeding vessel now!"

"But why take from other Gobs, as long as more Gobs are made its what matters most," Odd wondered.

Melisandra pushed the Proto-Gob away from her before she tried to stretch her bound limbs, "You think too much. Gobs are mostly monsters that don't care about such things. Knowing these idiots, you're probably off to fight your own tribe and steal the tribute they were taking to your leaders."

"But, why? People will die for nothing."

"They're just Gobs, brat."

Roark roared nearby, "Lazy mage Odd, what are you doing? We leave now!"

"Sure thing..." Odd trailed off as he got up and grabbed his dagger. His clothes were tight now as he grew almost a quarter of a foot last night, but it was expected, Gobs always grow fast in their first five days.

At least now the knife fit into his two handed grip better, even if it was still a hassle to pull from his back.

"Don't die!" a voice rang as he left to join the war party.

'Now she acts like she cares,' Odd thought about how she pushed him off of her in the morning. By now, Odd has committed to fully believing everything the observation widow tells him since it was so accurate about how crazy this Abyssal Elf is.


[Observe] activated

Name: Glette

Titles: [Scout of the Cripclaw]

Race: Black Goblin Ghoul, T2 Elite

Race details: A resurrected Black Goblin that obsesses on perverse and malevolent acts. It is possible for Undead to return to life upon if they have a sufficiently high [Soul] and fulfill other unique conditions.

Goblin Ghouls almost always have a hunched back and an affinity for a magical discipline.

[Stats: It's [Body] is at 1.0, it has [Mind] and [Soul] stats near 4.0, as well as a weak ice affinity.]

The Black Goblin Ghoul that had found the target for their little war-band was ugly as sin. She was hunched so far that her body almost pointed at a perpendicular angle, she looked like she hadn't bathed in years, and her breasts sagged and swung in the wind. They practically touched the floor because of how long they drooped.

Odd was more than well aware that he was basing what he found attractive from his mother, the other captive humanoids, and the mermaid he met, but as the group marched to their destination, he continued to think of all the Gobs he met so far as more and more ugly.

He decided to stick to the trees with his [Canopy Grace] and no one questioned it. Proto-Gobs sometimes learned weird skills. Not only was he able to keep up with the group, but he didn't have to ride on the shoulders of Gobs like the three other Proto-Gobs.

He was going to evolve to be perfect. Not like these savages. He was Odd.

"See that?" Roark pointed at a clearing on the other side of a small river to their right. It was the same one that Odd had almost fallen in the day before. "Don't go there unless you want to be dead. Dryad there."

It was good information to know, unless you have sufficient strength, creatures like that will magically seduce you and use you as fertilizer. Odd just thought to himself why they wasted resources.

Like he told his mother last night, a woman that stays by your side is more useful than a slave in a cave that dies after a year or so. Odd thought that Dryads must be as stupid as Goblins if they just devour any being that comes close without a long-term plan.

After travelling for another half hour, the Ghoul showed up in front of them and alerted the group.

"Here!" Glette hissed, her voice carried in the wind and made Odd's skin shiver. She was an unnerving creature.

"Group up then, Gobs!" Roark beat his chest as the party converged.

Along with the Proto-Gobs, the Ghoul, and Roark the Boss, there were enough extras that the group's size measured at 24 members.

"We charge together, you 6!" he pointed at several of the weakest, youngest T2 Goblins. "You will lead, do not harm the slaves, kill anything else that moves!"

"Raaaaaarg!" The chosen ones didn't even question the fact that they were sent as cannon fodder and Odd just sighed from the treetops. Just four more days. It feels like he's lived among this stupid tribe for his entire life.

Odd watched from above as the group charged at a four Gobs and their slaves. Three of them were average T2's holding onto the chains that kept the three captive prisoners theirs.

The leader was larger than Roark himself and the only thing they had in common was there skin tone. He lacked the horns that Odd's boss had, but his body was covered in scales and his jaw was elongated like a lizard. Odd looked for a tail but found none, he wasn't a complete lizard man, but he had some of their traits.