The Training He Meant to Do

For my next item, I think if you all listen to what I'm saying, the Connection will prove all your round-eared conspiracy theories correct in that it names things based on collective thoughts of the people that use it.

Elites are a retarded name for people who punch above their weight class. If they were truly 'elite,' they would have increased their affinities like the rest of us to evolve the right way without harming their potential.

The cases of how some Enlightened become elite class because they don't like the path their species is on should have it's own damn name as well!

Have some common fucking sense people, and maybe the Connection you people swear by will get some too.

-Exert from "Yea You Should have Already Thought About That, But Who Cares, I'm Smarter than You, So It's OK," by the Shandalor of the World Tree located in former Panama, 1512 FE.


"I wasn't expecting them, really, but I really do have to thank you for the help."

A small, brown root stuck out of the ground next to the water sprite that was still making out with her friend as her ass was pointed high in the air.

The root's appearance slowly transformed, gained green hair, yellow eyes, and filled out into the shape of a woman's body.

"Cirrha!" Odd cheered, "I was just about to come over to you!"

The pint sized dryad moved her mouth, but only bubbles came out. She looked at the scene and the lewd water sprites before rolling her eyes and pointing up, towards the surface.

"Your welcome, but sorry that your little girlfriend is now jealous that you can talk underwater and stuff," Sophia said before she flicked her flipper and rose to the surface of the water.

It's needless to say, but she would never be jealous of the act itself. The strongest and smartest of Gobs are meant to breed with as many others as possible. Its actually rare for anyone under tier three to ever get into a committed relationship. The only reason Odd and Cirrha are so close is because he awakened her personality when he triggered her last evolution.

Odd ignored the mermaids comment and focused the mana into his hands, feeling for his [Water Affinity]. It was just like using his yin lightning, instinctive and natural. All he had to do was force the water touching his skin backwards and he would fly in the direction he wanted to go.

[Water Affinity] rose from 0.1 to 0.2


Catching a breath of fresh forest air, enjoying the feeling as any land lubber would, Odd caught a mini Cirrha waiting with crossed arms.

"Sorry for making you wait..." Odd said solemnly.

"Ugh, its whatever. I just had to rearrange my entire root system to make it this far from my tree, I got an up for my affinity, so I can't complain. At least you got some skills out of it. Did you get the [Water Affinity]?" the tree squeaked out from its four inch body.

"Uhuh," Odd nodded as he moved to the shore and sat down, legs still in the water, slightly covering his still-naked form. The ragged pants were lost. "I did, but mother told me I should try to get a reinforcement affinity, so I'm going to try to get speed today and make full use of my Proto-Gob perk."

"You and your mother, why is a rape victim helping her spawn again?" Sophia asked.

Odd just shrugged, but Cirrha answered for him, "She's an Abyssal Elf."

And it made perfect sense to the mermaid now.

"I guess I won't be surprised with you anymore. Speaking Mermish, having a rare magical affinity, able to observe people, killer in the sack. I bet this is how the Shandalor, X, and Morcant Aenon were when they were little Gobs. No regularly born tier threes have gotten big in centuries!"

"Who are those people?" Odd asked. He was coming into his own as a confident monster with feelings, but his curiosity for the world and people in it would always be strong.

"Maybe I'll tell you later, but you have stuff to do, so, good luck with all that! It was fun playing with you little man, 'sea' ya later!"

"Okay, it was fun helping you out too!" the Proto-Gob yelled as she swam away.

Now, Odd was ready to get to training.

After Cirrha had a couple rounds of him. She really enjoyed that yin lightning.

[Unnatural Sponge] activated

[Willful Endurance] upgraded to [Legendary Endurance]. While your friends and allies are exhausted from long journeys across the world, you will still be able to retain a bright, chipper attitude due to your stamina. More importantly, rumors about your prowess will inevitably spread if you spread your seed casually.


"This... isn't... working!" Odd yelled out in frustration.

Cirrha currently rested upside down from one of the branches of her tree, watching her lover train while she manipulated her roots that traveled beneath them. She was taking Odd's words about training magical affinities to heart.

"Well, you just look like you're stabbing to stab. Are you trying something, you know," Cirrha waved her hands while she was upside down, dancing the tips of her fingers on the ground. "Maaaagical?"

"That's..." Odd raised his hand to his chin and looked to the ground. Then he looked at the practice daggers that the dryad had manipulated and broke off her roots to make.

"Not to train the [Body], but the use of mana," Odd said aloud while in his own world.

[Unnatural Sponge] activated

[Speed Affinity] rose from 0.0 to 0.1

"Hah! Anything else in my kit you think we should add. I've got only a little more than a day left and I really don't want to spread my attention to more than four affinities. Gaining one for strength seems kinda redundant when my blades go where they need to go quickly."

"Hmmm... Nope!" she popped the 'p' loudly. "I think we should celebrate instead!"

She grabbed the Proto-Gob with her roots and celebrate they did.

Name: Odd

Titles: [Empathetic Anomaly]

Race: Proto-Gob

[Forced evolution in 1d, 08h, 19m.]

Body: 0.8

Mind: 1.5

Soul: 0.8


Mana: 12/12

Yin Lighting Affinity: 0.9

Water Affinity: 0.2

Speed Affinity: 0.1


Unnatural Sponge

Absolute Gob Linguist

Canopy Grace

Legendary Endurance

Nimble Fingers

Two-Legged Fish



Lethal Points