Its Not Over Yet

You'd think something sentient without their body functioning would be a simple thing.

Undead are made in two ways, one, a high tiered powerhouse dies with an intact body and uses the power of their [Soul] to tether themselves to their body.

The second way is if some necromancer plays around and makes a slave. It's actually forbidden to even be friendly with necromancers since a small group of them took over South America and turned everything on the continent.

Both kinds of undead though, can become living though, through shear willpower and breaking at least 100.0 for their [Soul]. The living dead had all the stamina and ferocity of the undead while still able to consume flesh, blood, or whatever is their poison to quickly heal from wounds. They can't be stopped easily unless you strike directly at their vitals.

-a mother educating her child as he falls asleep, Melisandra Meirvere, Dark Lady of The Myriad Storms, 2109 FE


Odd felt that the magic from his yin lighting that hid his presence was a massive drain on his mana pool, so he had to act fast.

Then, as his silent steps bounded across the cave faster than he thought possible, he realized his sword sized knife and sharpened stakes weren't on him anymore.

Neither was any of his brand new clothes because he was sprinting across the cave, completely naked.

His recent evolution triggered a massive growth spurt.

Thinking on his feet, already committed, he drew his hand back and a crackling noise started to echo through the cave.

Odd's five, pointed fingers were aimed towards Roark, his small boss while his arm was drawn back.

[Vital Points] activated

Then, with an application of his speed reinforcement magic, his hand blurred forward as Odd's boss and source of constant frustration widened his eyes as he now had a large gash in his throat.

Odd was breathing heavily after he got some of the mana from his strike absorbed back, but it was too late when he realized his target had shifted to the side at the last moment.

[Mana] at 16/22

Two strong, thick hands grasped on Odd's overextended forearm.

"Shit," left his lips as his naked body was lifted into the air and landed in a heep against the wall.

He ignored his mother's voice calling him an idiot, but it's not like Odd had been in that many fights in the first place. He's been winging it here!

Quickly returning to his feet with a small channel of speed reinforcement, Odd drew his arms back, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

But it was unnecessary.

The Greater Green Goblin clutched onto his throat and glared at the Living Ghoul. He tried to mouth out something, but blood was the only thing that came from his mouth. Unceremoniously, Roark collapsed on the ground, copiously bleeding all over the mersiren he had planned to abuse again.

The other four Goblins cower a bit, with no idea on what to do.

"What are you waiting for, you started it, now that fugly ghoul will come back with help, Odd."

His mother needed to say no more, as Odd reinforced his legs with magic, pushed against the cavern wall, and flew at one of the four leftover Goblins. As his yin lightning radiated with power, he felt practically zero resistance as he removed the head from one and easily batted the slow stab of a simple spear of another before he stabbed through its heart.

The third Goblin sat on her knees, pleading for leniency, but none came as a clean thrust ended her life.

"Stop!" yelled out an old, raspy voice.

Odd turned his head and found the final living Goblin, beard touching the floor, holding the boot knife, that Odd had dropped in his charge, against Melisandra's throat.

"You dare?"

The old one whimpered under his glare, but held his ground, "You obsessed with this one, Odd Gob, you let me go now, I don't care what you do."

A few giggles sounded out in the cave before Odd watched the green skin liquify and drop to the ground.

His mother had told him that this was her favorite use of yin lightning. By magic, her prey is still able to feel the drooping epidermis as it falls to the floor and seeps into the muscles. It's constant torture as the old Goblin forgets how to breath before he died beneath its raw power.

"The Dark Lady? Why are you here?" a voice calls out from under Roark's warm corpse. "You should be able to escape at any moment!"

Melisandra scoffed, You just noticed? Well, then I would have to blow off my hands. I can wait for my baby to do it. Even though he acted early, he did such a good job murdering the horned one and evolving early," she cooed with praise.

Isonei stammered a little while Odd took the opportunity to steal Roark's pants. Pants, he realized, were way nicer than kilts or rags. Sure, they were from his hated enemy, but he got to feel the lifeblood drop from his veins as he killed him, so they're spoils of war and that makes it okay to wear them. Thankfully, although he stood taller than the large Greater Green Goblin, he had a slimmer body that allowed the pants to have a passable fit.

"Mother?" he asked. "What does the [946th Daughter of New Atlantis] mean?

"That you should probably kill her," she retorted almost too quickly.

"No you shouldn't!"

"Uhh, why should I kill her? Mersirens are pretty weak."

"Cause you're an idiot, exposing your potential and she's one of the many daughters of the Morcuck himself."

Odd paused, that name sounds familiar, "I think Sophia mentioned a Morcuck earlier today."

"Stop calling my father that, it's not true! That twig bastard tricked my aunties!" the mersiren claimed.

Melisandra shrugged as much as she could with her hands bound, "And princess, why hasn't your father taken a wife in over 500 years when he used to get married every 25? Cause he's afraid to get cucked again, that's why."

"That... that's not true! Wait... didn't you post about breaking up with the High King himself before you went silent? Of course the Dark Lady would go on a binder after a bad breakup, only to get captured and raped by Goblins. You probably enjoy this!"

Odd was startled, "You two know each other?"

"The internet, Odd. Its a great invention that humans had before we came and they eventually recreated it with the Connection. Mommy's kind of a big deal."

Isonei was loosing it, "What a greeeeeaaaaaat mother, don't even teach him about how your son is practically the spawn of the boogeyman! My mother would tell me stories about her when I was a child. Also, her main hobby is that she posts videos of her torture sessions in her cave and the twigs let them! They aren't really a peaceful faction if they let your mother live with them!"

Melisandra snorted, "It was mutual. Plus, that man had something I needed when we got together, not like I would get tricked by some useless [Charm Affinity] like the King of 'I Name my City after a Human Legend Where Everyone Drowned and Diiiieed,' the ultimate voyeur, and cuckold, did. And if I want to go huffing dragon-urine extract and run across Canada with some of the girls, then I'm more than welcome to. Do you want to know why?"

The princess didn't reply as the Abyssal Elf's tone had frightened her more than any of the Gobs could ever have if they dreamed of doing.

"Cause I'm almost functionally immortal, bitch, that's what, you lazy fish, basic cunt that probably just left your little palace for the first time in her little life. Your cuckold father may care enough about you to hide you from [Observe] with a cheap ass ritual, but they probably couldn't care less to come save you. When he still married his lovers, I heard the old fish uuuused to care about his daughters."

Isonei started tearing up for the first time since she was brought to the cave, "You... you're evil, mean, hateful!"

Odd just watched the scene with curiosity. He loved women, he knew that much, but seeing them interact with each other like this was a new sight for the recently evolved, Living Ghoul.

Melisandra looked to her son, ignoring the crying woman, "And you need to quit staring if you want to live Odd. What do you plan to do about the Ghoulette and it's merry reinforcements?"

He shrugged, "Kill 'em."

As Odd swaggered out of the cave to create an ambush, a soft whisper, in between sobbed whimpers, rang out, "I'm sorry I forgot my place, can you please not kill me later?"

Name: Odd

Titles: N/A

Race: Living Ghoul, T2

Race details: Usually resurrected by sheer force of the ghoul's soul, Living Ghouls still retain the cannibalistic tendencies of their undead counterparts that can help heal and recover mana. The difference lies in how picky they are about their targets for consumption. Most Living Ghouls will only devour their prey and refuse to scavenge for food. They can be any skin tone, size, or figure, but always have large canines that poke out of their mouths as well as minor shape shifting abilities for their jaws, as well as their hands and feet, which can shift to be more claw-like at a moments notice.

[Forced evolution in 361d.]

Body: 1.8

Mind: 2.5

Soul: 1.8


Mana: 22/22

Yin Lighting Affinity: 2.2

Forms: Touch, Absorb Presence, Cloak Hands

Water Affinity: 1.2

Forms: Touch, Coalesce

Speed Affinity: 1.1

Forms: Leap, Thrust


Sexsthetic Learner

Absolute Gob Linguist

Canopy Grace

Legendary Endurance

Nimble Fingers

Two-Legged Fish


Eyes of Providence

Lethal Points