Gifts and The Mission

The round ears get all uppity, but for whatever other reason did I evolve to grow giant tusks from my jaws than to crunch the skulls of my enemies as I hear their lamentations of dread.

And so what if they looked, 'human,' its not like its cannibalism when I eat them. And even if it was, who cares?

Some uppity Orcs need to be put in their place. What better place than in my gut?

-Burul Iron Jaw, Chief Overboss of New Yorc, 868 FE


Odd went back to his mother for a minute, grabbed Roark's corpse and headed out again. He told Melisandra that he would go clean up and he'd be right back. It was a complete necessity, as he was covered in Proto-Gob that was beginning to harden.

Hopefully, the goop wouldn't stain his pants. They got out relatively unscathed in the fight.

Somehow though, his mother knew what he had planned and laughed at him. He's a proud Living Ghoul now and is giving a present because he can't physically eat anything with the taste of that undead still on his tongue. He doesn't want to waste the Greater Green Goblin's corpse.

How do any of those things make him whipped? Isonei even made a, 'whichaa,' whipping sound as he left, agreeing with his mother!


"Congrats Odd! You look amazing!"

Ahh, what a great woman, "How did you know it was me though, I barely look anything like I used to."

Cirrha picked up the corpse with one of her roots and dragged it underground to use for fertilizer as she grabbed his hands and peered into his eyes, "I would always know who you are, no matter how you looked, lover."

Odd narrowed his eyes and frowned.

"Fine!" the dryad yelled petulantly. "I hit 4.0 on my [Nature Affinity] and it helps me see auras. Ruin my moment though!"

"But... I brought you food?"

Cirrha kissed his cheek, "Thank you for that, but I also have a gift for you as well, so get off your high horse. At least I was able to finish it early, I expected you to evolve when you were supposed to."

"Ya, it kinda just, came up," Odd scratched the back of his head, thinking of how his mother will probably berate him for not listening to her when she told him to wait another day before killing Roark. The ghoul didn't have the keys, of course. Something so simple had to be so damn complicated when dealing with retarded Gobs.

"Ta daa!" Cirrha grinned and handed him a set of daggers. "I knew that little razor blade wouldn't do anything after you hit your growth spurt and the fish-tailed slut gave me the idea. She also helped out a little bit..."

[Eyes of Providence] activated

Name: Yin Shell-blades

Type: Dagger, T3

Description: A chitin bladed set of daggers wrapped in hardened root of a Lust Dryad for the hilts. These daggers utilized the organic quality of the blades to infuse it with the sap of a dryad that had been heavily altered after being saturated by the use of a yin elemental affinity on it. Any negative energy type magic can easily be channeled through these daggers, especially Yin Lightning.

"So, perfect..." Odd muttered, his bright, grey eyes aglow with passion as he rubbed his fingers against the edges.

"I'm glad you like them. I kinda like keeping you around and you know how boring it is alone here. And you need the best to stay around..."

Odd just looked at the dryad that he noticed had made the form from her roots just a few inches shorter than his new height. He felt a sharp stab in his now physical heart as he looked upon her blushing features. These feelings were so confusing! It must be because of this new body and hormones.

He decided to ignore them and use his magic to treat her like the abused toy she enjoys acting out as. Life is much simpler that way.

[Yin Lightning Affinity] rose from 2.2 to 2.3


When he got back, Isonei suggested to give mercy to the other captive breeding vessels and his mother agreed with her. It seems they made up while he was gone.

The man with the destroyed asshole looked particularly pitiful, but all of them had past given up on life.

After Odd gave his Shell-blades their first taste of blood, fed the two remaining prisoners, before sitting down cross legged. His mother and the princess helped him make his plans as he rubbed the flats of his latest, prized gift.

"I don't know why things have to be so complicated," Odd told the women. "Why didn't the boss or the ghoul have a key. That undead literally couldn't disobey orders!"

"Cause they're Goblins," Melisandra answered.

"What the lady means," the mersiren added. "Is that anything made out of Connection Shearing metal is really expensive to make. The Hobgoblins that control this territory wouldn't just hand them out to anyone."

Odd then wondered why the hell Connection Shearing Chains were in the wall here, in the middle of bum-fuck no where, but its just the way it was.

"Does it really matter?" the elf asked. "Anyway, just head to the center of the valley, try to see if you can find a key on one of the small tribes on the way, and if not, you'll have to sneak into the main base. If you get there, you may as well break in and look for my storage ring. It'll be the only thing there that calls out to your yin lighting affinity and you can grab it. Just don't try to open it or you'll die."

"All that? I beg your pardon my lady, but Odd will die before he makes it," Isonei demurely said.

"If the brat dies, he dies. If you don't make it within three days though, I'll have to blow my hands up and I won't be happy, Odd."

"Of course mother!" Odd jumped up and stood straight and tall. "I won't fail you!"

"Just like that?" the mersiren exclaimed. "Its your life!"

"Mother believes in me, so I can get it done easily," Odd simply said as he walked out. How could the girl understand the elf like he did?

Melisandra never hated him, despite the circumstances of his birth. Why would a powerful woman feared across the world answer all his questions as he held her until he fell asleep?

Plus, after he learned about how T4s start to use magic without the complete aid of the Connection and could escape at anytime, Odd swore to impress her. The only reason she was in the situation is because she refused to accept the help of others. Not because that was beneath her, but because she knew she was capable enough to handle her problems on her own. Odd wouldn't back down from this fight, even with the tier 4 Hobgoblins that sat at the stronghold.