Got it!

Why don't you use your [Eyes of Providence], on like everything you ever see? It would make your life a whole lot easier.

-asking an honest question to her lover, Cirrha of Cripclaw Valley, 2109 FE


Odd finished cleaning off the spit that landed on his hood. "Bastard hob. Its times like these where I wish I could exterminate souls like mother can."

[Eyes of Providence] activated

Name: Defense and Alarm Ward

Material Cost: Routed power from diverting cluster nearby

Intent: Produces a shock meant to knock targets unconscious as well as alert the proper administrators upon unauthorized entry.

"Ahh, I love you, Cirrha."

"Fuck. I didn't just say that."

Odd decided to wipe the moment from his brain, he did not just say that out loud. Love is something he has no desire for. He's not even a week old!

Instead, he activated his [Lethal Points] skill.

It appeared that in the wall, roughly a foot behind it, laid the cluster he needed to get to. He looked at it and then to his mana count. If he could reach it, he could drain it with his yin lightning, just like how he did with the Frost Attuned Chains that had Myyx trapped.

[Mana] 6/25

He probably needs at least 10, 15 to be safe. But first, he has to actually get to the core, so he needs to drill into the wall first.

[Mana] 7/25

Odd had never watched water in a pot boil before, but he once had to wait a few hours before he could ambush a ghoul. Odd was finding further proof that he was not a patient Gob.

[Mana] 9/25

"Arrrg!" he growled before he stabbed the spot in front of the junction with one of his Yin Shell-blades.

He pulled back the blade quickly, thinking that this was not a good way to treat his treasured daggers. Cirrha would noooot like that.

'Stop thinking about the tree!' he silently scolded himself. Odd was a self reliant Gob that kept a good woman to make even better offspring in the future. While it was nice that she did things for him and stuff, it didn't mean anything! That was all there was to it.

Besides, even if he stabbed far enough, he still had to reach the power junction with his hand to absorb its power.

[Mana] 11/25

Odd stood up and started pacing around the hallway. This wasn't working, he kept checking the Connection and the number wouldn't go up fast enough!

The Living Ghoul eventually dropped down into a sitting position with a thud. He crossed his legs, closed his eyes, and tried to meditate. He refused to open his eyes! He could wait like the best of them!

He checked the Connection anyway.

[Mana] 20/25

"Close enough!" Odd exclaimed. "Wait, do I smell burning?"

Indeed, right where he stabbed a Yin Shell-blade, there was a charred hole. It was roughly a foot in diameter, that reached all the way to the cluster, right where Odd needed it.

"I don't know how you did that without me noticing or how you're here, but thank you, Myyx, you're my real life guardian angel!" he yelled out. The fact that he was on a stealth mission in enemy territory was the last idea on his mind.

He crawled over to the hole, unhesitatingly stuck his arm in and channeled his yin lighting to his fingertips, absorbing the energy from the junction and pulling it away.

[Mana Capacity] rose to 26/26


Odd was thrown back into the wall and heard a loud crack that was definitely from his bones. It should have been obvious that the wards were receiving too much power for him to handle.

There wasn't any corpses around to devour, so he limped to the door and pushed it, only to meet the eyes of the fattest Hobgoblin he had ever dreamed of. The 4 foot tall humanoid blocked the entire double-doorway.

How did this thing even walk? Odd didn't think it was possible to be with big without a race that made you gain weight. His [Eyes of Providence] didn't lie though, this administrator was definitely a T3 Hobgoblin.

The rolls on its face started to quake as it opened it's mouth to speak, but even if Odd was twice as injured as he currently was, he could have killed this slug with the flick of a finger.

So he did.


Overfed and healed, Odd walked into the office to find a desk with a giant chair behind it, several shelves, and a giant bed with a few sets of chains dangling beside it.

Obviously, this guy couldn't have made it all the way to the Pitts, so he must get his breeding vessels delivered.

Odd fought back the urge to vomit as he thought of something having sex with that thing. His last meal was far from nutritious, but he needed it to heal. If he had to go through the process of tasting it all over again, he didn't know what he'd do.

Odd started rifling through the drawers behind the desk. Another Gob would have had to test it against chains, but the his eyes were all he needed. Even a spare was there as well! The first, he slipped into his coin pouch, while he held the other one in his left hand.

The Living Ghoul pondered how useful it would have been to have pockets or anything better than the rags he had on, but he was dirt poor and in the middle of no where.

Whistling softly, Odd retraced his steps back to the Pitt.


"Percy, is that you?"

'Run, Odd, run!' the Living Ghoul told himself as he hastened his walk. Its not like he could turn to another path, the last thing Odd wanted right now was to get lost in this accursed building.

"Hey Percy, I went to the spot for poker earlier and didn't any of the crew there!"

"I was gonna win those Pones, from ya, br... bro?"

Odd heard the clatter of wood hitting the ground. He looked over his shoulder and quirked an eyebrow. A Hobgoblin with pale skin dropped his spear.

"Percy.. Percy has green feet," he said intrepidly.

Odd halted his steps, his cover was blown. "I got an elite race evolution, its a little pale, I know, whadya think... Athaulf?"

Who is this guy? Its the only henchman type he'd seen with a title, and [Cursed One], at that. His eyes told him everything about a person or object, but not what the details actually meant.

"Percy isn't able to talk," the Hobgoblin, or Ghoul Hobgoblin as his skill just told him. He also had an ice affinity that was as high as Odd's yin lightning was. Between that and the title, Odd didn't want to get into a fight here.

"The evolution fixed that old cripple problem. The burns too, yup!" he said, popping the 'p,' at the end.

Athaulf clenched his fist, "Did you... did you kill Jyhxia, too?"

"That old, acid-spitting whore?" Odd answered instinctively before shutting his fat trap.

"She," the undead Hobgoblin stuttered, "Percy loved her! He was going to be the one to win her true affections from the other two of the crew! Do you know how many decent relationships there are out here? None! They were beautiful together!"

Odd wasn't going to provide anymore counseling. He never wanted to speak with Goblins ever again. Some are brutes and the rest are crazy. He turned and ran, ignoring the yells from behind.

As Odd made his way into the Pitts, the forlorn cries of a Hobgoblin echoing behind him. Sprinting across the cavern, Odd noticed that the male Scylla wasn't where he left him. As much as his unknown presence disturbed the Gob, he pushed it to the back of his mind.

Since Goblin life is full of brutality and death, the cries of, "He killed Percy!" were widely ignored.

Then, Odd's cloak ripped off. Odd might have been better off just fighting him in the hallway instead of running, but it was too late for regrets.

The cacophony of slapping flesh didn't stop, but screams of, "Anomaly!", preceded roars as some Goblins jumped or crawled over the others that were still using the enslaved populace.

During the rising commotion, a Proto-Gob opened its mouth and attached itself to Odds arm and reminded him of the catgirl that was forced to give birth to a baby that bit the hand that birthed it! Odd quickly grabbed the young Gob, and instead of throwing it back to the crowd, he yanked it back.

Some of the flesh of his arm, under the bite of the small creature, was ripped clean off, but it would quickly heal, since Odd opened up his jaws and bit off its head as he ran. Without his cannibalizing healing factor, Odd figured assaulting this place without a plan would be impossible.

'Hopefully,' Odd thought to himself, 'It was the catgirl's bastard son. He deserved to be eaten.'

Thinking of the mother, he slid to the wall he remembered seeing the her by, used his speed affinity in conjunction with his water affinity to lower the friction underneath him, and slid past a wall of slaves, running the stone across every one he can.

[Mind] rose from 2.6 to 2.7

[Water Affinity] rose from 1.6 to 1.7

[Speed Affinity] rose from 2.0 to 2.1

Chaos was the only way to describe what ensued in that room. There were enough tier 3's that were decent enough fighters that sprays of red mist quickly spread through the cavern.

One dwarf man was causing a particularly large amount of damage, so Odd chucked the key in his hand towards him. If he gets it and frees more, cool, if not? He has another one in his money pouch. Whatever happened to the escapees didn't matter to him, in the end.

Even though Odd didn't like the idea of enslaving others, he wasn't a bleeding heart. He would have felt nothing if stay claws or weapons hit the enchained sentient during his escape.

In the mess, Odd escaped out of the tunnel he came in from, hoping that cat girl got a chance to get out though, as no one deserves to birth a kid as bad as the one he just ate. The Gob told himself that it had nothing to do with how much of a momma's boy he was.

The exit behind him was clogged by the chaos and he was free and in the clear. The smell and taste of fresh air hit Odd double checked the pouch tied to his cloth belt and cracked a triumphant smile.

Name: Odd

Titles: [Breaker of Chains]

Race: Living Ghoul, T2

[Forced evolution in 359d.]

Body: 2.2

Mind: 2.7

Soul: 3.2


Mana: 26/26

Yin Lighting Affinity: 2.9

Forms: Touch, Absorb Presence, Cloak Hands

Water Affinity: 1.7

Forms: Touch, Coalesce

Speed Affinity: 2.1

Forms: Leap, Thrust


Sexsthetic Learner

Absolute Gob Linguist

Canopy Grace

Legendary Endurance

Nimble Fingers

Two-Legged Fish


Eyes of Providence

Lethal Points