Obligatory Post-Coitus Cuddling

Hate? Why would I hate the Gobs?

If they weren't around, my harem would be frowned upon in civil society. Even with superpowers and agelessness, people would still be prudes if not for the libidos the wonderful creatures have.

-The Rogue, Tier 5 Companion to The Hero, 1387 FE


Under the twinkling night sky, a young Gob rested his head against the root of a tree. That root was no ordinary pillow, as it was pumped with enough magic to make it slightly bouncy, soft, and all around comfortable.

Odd felt truly at peace for the first time in his short existence.

The feeling of his dryad clutched tightly against his side and a slimegirl partially melted into the other may have a little to do with his blissful state.

Odd inhaled the scent of his women as a few light green hairs brushed his face.

"Could you go with him to the ocean at least?" Cirrha whispered.

The Living Ghoul had finally calmed his dryad down about the fact that he would be gone for months, maybe even half a year. Earning money, getting to meet new people, and fighting amazing battles was great and all, but Odd didn't want to wait the half a year or so that it would take for Cirrha to reach tier 3 and possibly become able to walk without being attached to the ground.

The better evolutions and perks are always from doing things better and evolving faster, so Odd wanted to raise his affinities to 5.0 before the year ended and his forced evolution timer reached zero. This resulted in an unhappy girlfriend.

She may be stuck to this spot for now, but she agreed that it was best for the future if he evolved to be powerful quickly. Plus, Odd was an impatient Gob. Cirrha had the impression that he would have given up waiting for her to evolve within a week if she forced him to stay instead of travelling with Isonei to New Atlantis.

Regardless of how quickly Cirrha had relented on the idea, she didn't want him to go alone because of his reckless, battle-thirsty nature. Since Myyx could swim and she couldn't leave her tree, Odd would have no one trusted by his side as the merpeople went down the river with him.

At least if was possible for Myyx to follow along the riverside, even if they had to split up when he reached end. Her form wouldn't stay stable in the water, so long term swimming wasn't an option.

Odd had claimed that he would be fine, because he had his mother's necklace.

Finally, Odd tried to reassure his dryad again, "If I was ever in trouble that was THAT bad, mother would come save me. She gave me the necklace for a reason."

"Idiot," Cirrha scoffed with a serious face that wouldn't have intimidated a child. "It's not like she would be watching you at all times. Knowing you, something will happen, its just a matter of when."

"I'll be fine!" Odd rolled his eyes. This nagging aspect was not something he enjoyed. He was almost thankful he was too poor to make a cellphone. To hear this from her every day? Ugh.

The dryad pinched his face and was about to speak before Myyx spoke up, "I-I already planned to follow Odd."

And the stuttering too, Myyx was a great girl when she wasn't overthinking everything. At least that was the impression that Odd got. Plus, with her innocent nature, he definitely wanted to keep her around. The stutter, however, was infuriating to the Gob! He knew that he had to find a way to break her of it.

Nonetheless, it did warm his heart that his woman wanted to help him even though running alongside him would be far more difficult then drifting along the current. Maybe if they had a raft he could convince her to ride with him despite the presence of other people?

"Thank you Myyx," Cirrha chirped as she rubbed her tit. "Just make sure he picks up some good girls along the way!"

Odd coughed and lifted his head, "I uhh, decided to not breed yet. Not that I was ever going to avoid women, but why do you think it should be picking them up along the way?"

"Because," Cirrha rolled her eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You? Are an idiot."

"Huh?" he eloquently replied.

"I don't even want to ask you how many times you almost died in the last week. You probably can't even bother to count that high."

"Hey!" he added. Myyx was nodding her head in small, up and down movements, against the other side of him. All the women were against him!

"Mhm," Cirrha continued, "I would tell you to pick up companions in general, but I don't trust others to care about you."

"Duh, we're Gobs. We don't care as a rule."

He ignored the fact of how close they were cuddling as well as the tender ministrations they give each other at the conclusions of their sadistic lovemaking.

Cirrha, also emotionally lacking, nodded her head to agree with him. "Of course. That's why you have to tame women before I can trust them. With your endurance and touch... and power... and pain... and those wonderful fingers..."

Myyx interjected as she trailed of, "And that magic rod."

Odd failed to fight off a shit eating grin, "You're Gobs, you just want to get laid. That's different."

No one answered him and as tired as he was, the living ghoul rested his eyes and felt himself drifting towards sleep before a quiet voice whispered in his ear.

"You promise you'll come back?"

Odd chuckled, "I'm addicted to you, I can't help but come back."

"What if I'm stuck here anyway?"

Odd immediately knew what she was talking about. Dryads usually stay as dryads. Their trees are their bodies and its a giant leap to go from a rooted plant to an unbound, actual humanoid. Its possible for her evolution from tier 2 elite to the fourth tier, but still improbable.

"I believe in you. You'll evolve to be able to walk and come with me because you want it."

Cirrha clutched tighter onto him. "But, what if..."

The living ghoul turned to look into her yellow, puffy, tear filled eyes and kissed her forehead. "If it doesn't work then you still won't be able to get rid of me, cause I know where you live."


"I promise."

On the other side, if the slimegirl had felt that she was the most emotionally put together of the trio before, she was sure of it now. These two claim to not care about anything even with this sappy shit?

Myyx doesn't like talking to people because people suck. This wasn't the first time she was captured to be used as an experiment or a reagent. She isn't afraid of others or social interactions, she just doesn't like having to partake in either.

At least she knows what she wants in life and this is about all she ever asked for. People that she feels are worth talking to. Plus, the sex was literally mind-blowing. She didn't even think it was possible to become a puddle because if an orgasm.

She figures that even if they won't get over themselves, they still aren't monsters. Myyx has lived her life thinking that just because they're Gobs and eat the occasional person, it doesn't make them monsters.

So what if he ate a multitude of faces yesterday, Odd's too innocent to be a monster. Myyx tightly hugged her man and drifted off to sleep to the quiet sounds of the many, many reassurances between the emotionally lacking man and his tree.

Name: Odd Meirvere

Titles: [Breaker of Chains]

Race: Living Ghoul, T2

[Forced evolution in 358d.]

Body: 2.4

Mind: 2.7

Soul: 3.2


Mana: 26/26

Yin Lighting Affinity: 3.0

Forms: Touch, Absorb Presence, Cloak Hands, Bolt

Water Affinity: 2.3

Forms: Touch, Coalesce, Cloak

Speed Affinity: 2.1

Forms: Leap, Thrust


Sexsthetic Learner

Absolute Gob Linguist

Canopy Grace

Legendary Endurance

Nimble Fingers

Two-Legged Fish


Eyes of Providence

Lethal Points

Active Parry