The Dark Lady of The Myriad Storms

"Mommy's kind of a big deal, sweetling."

Melisandra Meirvere, Dark Lady of The Myriad Storms, 2109 FE


Melisandra frowned in her seated position.

"What is it, my lady?" the fish asked. The Abyssal Elf was happy she was around because this damn cave was so boring, but did it have to be an Aenon spawn? They all are the same clueless idiots and this one hadn't shut up since she learned of Melisandra's status.

The elf bit her cheek a little, she felt an explosion of yin lighting nearby. It was more than Odd was capable of producing safely, but it wasn't strong enough to suggest that he was trying to call for help. The stubborn boy would never do it unless he was absolutely forced to.

Cursing inwardly at the damn chains, she tried to sense for the presence of yin lightning. There were only a handful of users on the continent, so she decided to release a beacon of her own to draw Odd over here. There wasn't much she could do without blowing up her hands, and she wasn't a ghoul that could pop another one out like it was breathing.

"If only I took up Marlina's offer and learned her affinity years ago," she sighed. She was a badass and knew it, but hadn't had to face this weakness before.

The aquatic woman kept up with her insistent questions when Melisandra perked up. She felt his aura close!

The Abyssal Elf's jaw dropped as she saw the state of her little prodigy.

He was missing most of his shoulder, his bones were crushed, protruding from his side. He obviously cauterized the wound with his magic, but it did far too little to completely staunch the bleeding.

The swaying Gob stumbled in front of the elf, whose face was quickly turning downwards as she buzzed in two separate colors of energy instead of the usual black.

"Mo... Mother," Odd uttered as he collapsed, his pouch opened in front of his prone form. Among the small amount of Power Stones that emptied, the familiar feeling that the key gave her was close enough and the Connection filtered back to her mind.

[Abyssal Intensity] perk activate

[Yin Lighting Affinity] major bottleneck passed! Rose from 99.9 to 100.0

[Righteous Lightning Affinity] minor bottleneck passed. Rose from 79.9 to 80.0

The elf had spent so many, long years looking at that value of '99.9,' but the current her couldn't find it within herself to care.

Melisandra didn't have to ask who did this, she just stood up, leaned over his form, and kissed him on the sweat drenched forehead.

"Don't worry, baby, mommy's gonna take care of it now."

The roars of a lizardman came near as it barreled into the cave.

Isonei started screeching at the top of her lungs and Melisandra shot a quick bolt of blood-red lighting at her. After a second, the woman stopped screaming and passed out.

Melisandra though, had stolen enough mana to take care of this beast. It exploded his feet, propelling forward, but went through the elf's body as it became a static mirage. A crater formed behind her in the wall and she unloaded a barrage of lightning.

Blood red lighting absorbed his life force painlessly, yet made the monster's body more sensitive.

Pink lighting of righteous rage burned it with a physical force, stopping the creature from getting up from its prone position.

Blue lighting sent electric charges that made it's sensitive body spasm as it forcibly fired all of its synapses in during the constant crackeling blur. The lizard was now unable to tell up from down or left from right.

And the black lightning that followed drew all the other bolts towards the impact sight, causing the monster to feel true pain and terror, as its scales melted but were unable to reform. The experience was more exrutiatingly painful than even torturous demons residing in the circles of hell could dream of.

Cripclaw's pet was wheezing, but it had no mana left to regenerate further. With a quick flick of her finger, pink lighting was used as a telekinetic force, as the wounded specimen was placed directly in front of Odd's bleeding form.

"Just like you fed mommy, here you are."

In a show of tenderness that could have shocked the roots of the World Tree itself, Melisandra Meirvere fed the still-living lizard to her son by her hands, watching as the minor amount of color he possessed return to his face.

"Mother, I'm so..."

"Shhh, you did good. Come with me son, let's go give them what they deserve."

Odd nodded lightly and watched as she used her usually redundant [Blood Lighting Affinity]. The remaining life force of the lizard left his body and travelled along her current of magic, flooding into the unconscious form of Morcant's daughter.

"Come on, up."

Melisandra used her pink lighting to pick up the keystone, tapped it to the chains, and grabbed all the sets of chains along with the stone. If she didn't bring it back with her, someone would be sure to bitch at her intil she was forced to kill someone.

Also, the nullified chains draped around her lower torso recovered a bit of her dignity. Just because she could melt everything off of her to clean off and freshen up, it didn't mean that she could create clothes.

If she had reached tier 5, it would have been possible to create something like that from her magic, but it had some other bullshit requirement that was more than the recent breakthrough of 100.0 for her yin lighting affinity.

It did mean, however, that she was currently one of the strongest tier 4's in existence.

Melisandra turned her head and sighed, her little boy was helping the fish walk as she stumbled. His dick would definitely be the death of him.

"I gave her enough life force to completely recover, she's just afraid because she's hundreds of years old and has less combat experience than a week old child."

"That a lot older than I thought, I wonder if I could upgrade my observe skill to see age."

"Knowing you, you'd accidentally learn how to observe their three sizes instead."

Odd gave her his characteristic cheeky grin. It was so cute! She wanted to take him with her, lock him up in her room under the tree, and keep her to himself!

It didn't take long for Melisandra to grow to obsess over her son. She knew he couldn't understand love or how even consider how distraught she would have been if Odd hadn't made it back alive. Just thinking back to that moment gave her shivers. She wasn't the most responsible human being. She was conflicted whether to take the boy home or cut him loose.

The elves would hate him for his race and connection to her though and her curious little boy would want to get out and explore the world. It was pretty much all he ever talked about other than women.

Thankfully, Melisandra had the power any tier 4 did. She could form an [Astral Projection] of herself across the world. And, when she threatened to rip Shandalor's balls off and shove them through his throat unless he told her the secret to reach tier 5, she would then be able to project herself while completely invisible and able to interact with the environment like a poltergeist.

Plus, she would give him a beacon to teleport to if he needed it. Her baby would always be safe as long as she was around. As much as it pained her not to tie him down for herself where he would be ready to cuddle with her for eternity. She would be content to watch his every move, ready to save her son at a moment's notice.

She wasn't that crazy, just an Abyssal.