Arc 1 Chapter 2

Yun Heng's eyes open and they're slightly blurry with early morning tears. He lets out a yawn and blinks the tears away with his misty peach blossom eyes. He gets up and brushes his teeth getting ready for a normal day, but when he reaches the mirror he pauses. He sees the headphones on his head and thinks, Oh I died...I forgot. What am I doing again?...The memories flood back into his mind. Xiao Jun...have to go to college...mission. Okay let's start with breakfast. Throwing all of his problems to the back of his mind he heads out of his room in search of food. He looks around the apartment that he didn't explore the night before. It's a really small apartment with a single sofa and kitchen with a single chair. There's a small fridge that doesn't look like it'll contain much. He opens to the fridge. Yup there's only a cup of yogurt and two slices of bread that has almost gone bad. He grabs the yogurt and closes the fridge. Sitting on the sofa he eats the yogurt slowly trying to make it last longer. He goes over what he needs to in his mind. First I should start thinking of myself as Xiao Jun. Okay, first I would love to just leave the city to save Xiao Jun all of the trouble and it would save his life pretty easily, but I still need to deal with the female lead...Okay I'll start with changing everyone's opinion about me so they won't fall for Yang Xi's bullshit that easily. (A/N: From this point Yung Heng will be called Xiao Jun)

Hey...Ni Ni...How do you change people's opinions?

*Ni Ni slowly wakes up from her beauty sleep* [Huh? What do you need boss? Oh changing opinions...wait changing opinions about what?]

Changing their opinions about me. To make me look like a nice guy...How do you do that?

[Uhhhh...You need to make them feel like you're approachable and friendly and basically...not a loner weirdo]

How do I do that? How do you make someone feel?

[Fuck %$@*&% I forgot that you can't feel. How do I explain this...You need to talk to people and say things that make them smile or make their face brighten. That means they're happy.]

Yeah but...what can I say?

[Fuck it...Just go and try to talk to someone and let's see how it goes. I'll try to coach you 'kay?]

Xiao Jun nods unquestioningly accepting her words. He checks the time and realizes that there's only 30 minutes until his first class starts and it takes 20 minutes by walk to get to his college. He takes a quick shower and puts on a black hoodie and grey skinny jeans with a pair of vans. Showers are the worst part of his life because he can't wear headphones. He has a pair of waterproof earphones but they aren't very effective. It's better than nothing but he still feels like he's going to die every time, so he probably takes the fastest showers known to man.

Grabbing his bag he runs out of the door. His apartment is on the 15th floor and as unlucky as he is the elevator doesn't work. He sprints down 15 floors of stairs and blows through the main door into the street. He pauses for a second, he doesn't know the direction to his Uni. Luckily Ni Ni tells him that she'll give him directions so with her help he makes it to class a minute before it starts. He chooses the last seat, furthest from the podium and collapses into the chair slightly out of breath. He lays his head down on the table and decides to get more information out of Ni Ni during this class period. He doesn't need to listen to the class anyways. With his IQ and Xiao Jun's previous knowledge he's basically already ready to graduate.

Hey Ni Ni what about Xiao Jun's family? What do I do if I meet someone he knows? I know jacksh*t about his life except for that whole tragedy thing.

[Oh, thanks for the reminder! I forgot to transfer his memories to you. Give me a sec. *Transferring memories: 3,2,1..Transfer complete* Okay how's that?]

Xiao Jun's memories pour into his head making him slightly dizzy.

K. I got it. Xiao Jun is an orphan it a coincidence that his parents died in the same shootout as Yang Xi's?

[Yeah that seems suspicious. Let me check it out….okay weird - that information is sealed. We don't have enough authorization to check it. Looks like this world is more complicated than it seems. Be careful boss]

Xiao Jun looks dazed during the entire class while talking to Ni Ni. A guy sitting at the end of his row gives him intense looks, staring at his face with interest. The burning stare brings Xiao Jun out of his reverie as he looks around trying to find where the feeling of being watched came from. He makes eye contact with the guy at the end of the row. The guy smirks at him and winks at him. Xiao Jun feels a little clueless at what this guy wants so he decides the safest option is probably just to nod at him. He slightly inclines his head acknowledging the guy and naturally looks away. As soon as the class ends Xiao Jun gathers his things and speed walks out the door. The guy follows him out of the door trying to keep up. He grabs Xiao Jun's arm and pulls him to a stop. "Hey, What's your name?" Xiao Jun pulls his arm out of the guy's grip and gives him a hard look. He may not feel anything but he doesn't appreciate being touched. Physical contact makes him uncomfortable. Xiao Jun has to read his lips to try and understand what he's saying. "I'm Xiao Jun. What do you want?" Xiao Jun has always been blunt and doesn't really know how else to respond. The guy looks slightly taken aback. "I'm Xie Yuan. You want to hang out sometime?" He asks looking pretty confident in himself. Xiao Jun looks at him. He doesn't really know what he said but it's probably safest to just deny whatever he said so he directly says, "No" and walks away. Xie Yuan stands rooted to the spot looking stunned. He never expected to get rejected, he had never been rejected before in his life. "Interesting..." Hi curiosity is peaked and he already decides to find out more about this fascinating creature.

Xiao Jun walked forward without paying much attention and as he turned the corner he crashed into someone and fell back onto the floor. His headphones fell off and momentarily destroyed him. The piercing sounds in his ear stabbed into his brain and almost made him pass out. All he could feel was panic while his hands searched around for his headphones. The noise of people talking, their footsteps, squeaking doors, chewing and the screaming right beside his ear overwhelmed him with pain. His hands finally grasped his headphones and he shoved it on to find relief. The moment everything became silent felt like nirvana. He looked up and the other person started cursing as she picked up her stuff. "What the f@%$@$^# do you think you're doing? Do you have eyes? Are you blind? Watch it!" She grabs the rest of her things and walks away. Xiao Jun could just tell that she was cursing him out but didn't really know what she was saying. He stayed on the floor as he realized he just had his first encounter with the female lead. Is this God telling him that he will definitely clash with the female lead from the very beginning.

But he has to give it to her, the female lead halo is definitely strong. Objectively speaking she's beautiful. He had never been attracted to anyone before so he didn't feel anything, but according to magazine standards she's gorgeous. Glossy black hair hanging until mid-back, falling in gentle wavy ringlets. Creamy skin with no blemishes and plump pink lips that look soft to the touch. She's slim but with curves in all the right places. When she fell guys were tripping over themselves trying to help her up. Even now Xiao Jun could see the sharp, angry glances that people were throwing at him. He wasn't exactly sure why they were glaring at him, but he could deduce that it probably had to do with the female lead.

[Boss...the day's almost over. You haven't gotten anything done. Aren't you worried? Why do you look so calm as if this whole thing has nothing to do with you. Do you not care at all about your imminent destruction?!?!?!?!] Ni Ni starts to feel annoyed at his careless attitude towards everything in life.

What's to worry about? There's still time...the mission isn't over yet. Anyways if I die I die, it's not like I haven't died before…

[(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ *Can I kill him? I want to kill him* ]

Anyways just relax, whatever happens will happen.

Ni Ni wants to rip her hair out. What does that even mean? Whatever happens will happen? F@$#%#%# Why couldn't I get another host?!?!?!? (╥_╥)

As Xiao Jun walks out of campus, he makes eye contact with a girl. Her eyes widen in recognition and she runs towards him. Internally Xiao Jun thinks What now?? But as always his face is like stone - never changing.

"Hey you're Xiao Jun right? I'm Luo Yi, I'm in your Computer Science class. I heard that you're the top student in our class and I really really really need help. If I don't get a passing grade for the next three exams I'm going to fail the class! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tutor meeee!!! I'll pay you whatever you want!!! I'll even be your slave. Help me out as a fellow human being! (T▽T)" She begged while speaking super fast; he couldn't keep up with reading her lips.

"Luo Yi? Speak slower. I can't hear you." Blunt as always. Luo Yi paused for a few seconds and decided to get to the point. "I'm failing our Comp Sci class, you're a genius...Help me. I can pay you...or be your slave." She looked at him for his reaction. She couldn't see any expression on his face and started to get nervous that he would reject her. Especially since she's randomly begging a stranger for help.

"Okay I'll do it. Give me your number and we can set it up" Xiao Jun said without any inflection. Luo Yi looked like she was going to cry from relief. She gave him a crushing hug that lasted barely a second. He stood there stunned at the sudden physical contact while she opened her bag, pulling out a random piece of paper and rummaged around for a pen. She finally found a messed up pen and wrote her number on the old crumpled paper and handed it to him. Just from the small glimpse he got, he could see that her bag was a mess and she seemed to be the least organized human being in the world. She thanked him with a large genuine smile and ran off. He continued steadily walking back to his apartment.

See, what happens will happen...We're now on track to change people's opinion about me.

[This was a total coincidence. Don't use it as some messed up example for your meaningless beliefs] I can't talk to him. It's like we don't speak the same language...Will I ever get a promotion??? (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Xiao Jun just keeps walking seemingly satisfied with the way things are going.