Extra: Xie Yuan

From since I can remember I have always been surrounded by the gang life. I was always raised to take over our group and I never thought I could have any other life. When I was seven years old my mother found out that my father had several mistresses. When she confronted him, they got into a huge argument and father decided that she was questioning his judgment. Without even flinching he shot my mother in front of me. I can still remember the feel of her blood spraying over me, and the taste of it on my lips. My father barely gave me a glance and just said, "Get used to it". Since then I knew that family didn't mean a goddamn thing. There was no one you could trust in this world, because no one would stay loyal forever. I especially learned that when I put my trust in a so-called best friend and he defected to our rival group and tried to assassinate me. I can still remember the feel of his blood soaking through my shirt as I stabbed him through the heart. I can still remember seeing the light go out of his eyes, becoming a dead corpse with no soul.

Maybe that's when I became fucked up...because I liked it. I was raised to be a leader and along the way I became a monster. I cannot count the number of people I have killed and tortured or the number of ingenious ways I came up with to do it. I don't know if it was a simple curiosity or a need to know what it meant to be normal because I enrolled in a University. I witnessed the mundane lives of the oblivious and the weak. It was all so boring, how did these people get through the day? But maybe there was something they had that I was jealous of. They laughed, cried and bubbled with jealousy and anger but none of it needed the baptism of blood. People had relationships and believed in trust and loyalty, they believed in something called love. It was inconceivable but for them it worked. In this world above the ground there were many things that I will never be able to have, maybe that made me jealous.

However one day, I saw a guy sitting in my row and he was different. There was no expression on his face as if nothing fazed him. He was interesting, because maybe he was like me. I wanted to get to know him so I approached him but he didn't even look at me, he was impatient to leave and I was just an obstacle. I've never been brushed off like that, my power is absolute in the gang and no one would dare to say no to me. The people here seems to fall for my face so I haven't been denied. He was the first. I got his name. Xiao Jun...I will remember him. I wanted to search for him but maybe it wasn't fated at the time. He disappeared and I was caught up with a rival gang that thought they could upstage us. It didn't take long for me to put them down, and I must say I enjoyed slowly draining them of their vitality. They cursed me, called me a monster, called me the devil but I just laughed. What can I say? It's the truth.

One day I saw him again. I was sitting at a cafe trying to watch the life of these mundane creatures and he stood across the road. My eyes couldn't stray from him, unluckily he was guarded by some dog. This time...Xiao Jun, won't be able to escape me. There was something about him that drew me in, I wanted to explore him and understand him. This time I had the resources to investigate him and what I found definitely shocked me. He was my brother. My slag of a father slept with his mother. To be honest he raped her, poor woman probably hid it from her husband the whole time. I almost laughed when I found out that in the end they were killed by my father anyways because he wanted to get his 'son' back. Just another puppet to mould, because warping me wasn't enough. But he never got the chance…

I was 14 when I killed my old man. He probably never saw it coming, he thought he had me dancing in the palm of his hands. Killing him was probably the greatest pleasure I will have in this lifetime. I drugged him and crippled him when he passed out from fucking his newest prostitute. She was probably ecstatic to get out of his greasy paws. I dragged him to one of my favorite torture cells and spent days testing out new methods I had created. He called me a bastard, an ingrate, a traitor, what a joke coming from this old man. He didn't even hesitate to kill his wife or countless other people who were 'loyal' to him.

So I took Xiao Jun, I wanted to see if he was one of us or if he was pure and untainted. The whole time I tried to gauge him but he didn't react. His face never changed no matter what I said or threatened. All of a sudden it became about more than getting to know him. I wanted to see his expression, I wanted him to give me something...anything. Finally I thought he didn't hear me so I pulled off his headphones and he reacted. But it wasn't what I wanted. His brows only slightly furrowed but he was convulsing, he was dying. I didn't know what to do, I have killed many but I have never saved. Luckily his guard dog burst in and saved him. I didn't even fight back when he hit me because for the first time I felt guilty. There was something about him that made me want to keep him far away from the dirtiness in the world. Hurting him didn't give me any pleasure.

I learned that he had hypersensitivity to sound and I hated myself for not knowing earlier. I couldn't understand why he was different. Maybe he filled a hole in me that was yearning for something to care about and something to protect. I started having dreams every night about standing in an alley and holding a gun, it was trained towards a man whose face I couldn't see but instinctually I knew it was Xiao Jun. The first few times I shot him but I felt an intense pain when I hurt him. The next few times I tried to control it and stop myself, but it didn't work. Every single time he stood in front of me, the gun would go off and his body would jerk falling to his death. Every time I woke up there was a pain in my chest.

One of my people told me when the Viper gang put out a hit on my brother. I didn't have a choice and I had to meet with the guard dog. He was the only one who stayed with Xiao Jun 24/7. That day was probably one of the worst days of my life. Xiao Jun was missing and we sprinted to find him. When we got close, he was in an alley and a man had a gun trained at him. It was like deja vu. This time it wasn't a dream and this time I would save him, we both dived at him. The dog saved him first but my eyes were still on the bastard that tried to shoot him. I got at him and I was like a rabid dog, I didn't leave an intact piece behind. In that moment maybe the one I was killing wasn't that man, but myself. At least this time he didn't die, this time I made it in time.

Even though he filled a hole inside me I knew I couldn't keep him by my side. No matter what, I belong in the underworld, I have been dirtied for so long I can never turn white. I cannot let my enemies see him as my weakness. Take it as my last way of protecting him. I still enjoyed killing, blood still made me smile, but I especially enjoyed toying with the girl who tried to kill him. She had stepped into my domain so now she was mine. After taking over the Viper gang, I was the undisputed king of the dark side of the city and no one could go against me.

The future is long for the people who live above but we fight for every moment to survive. I might be overthrown tomorrow by some upstart with a gun getting me at the right moment. But now I am King and now I will rule with blood on my hands and a smile on my face.