Arc 2 Chapter 14

Tian Mei sped up almost running out of the garden. What did I just hear? That sick bastard kissed the CROWN PRINCE?!?!?!?!?!?!? That useless older brother is trying to infect the Crown Prince with his disease...I need to save the Prince before Tian Yi uses his wiles and bends him into a path of no return. Tian Mei's face contorted into a fierce expression as she furiously tried to think of a way to tear her brother away from Feixiang.

Meanwhile Ni Ni was furiously trying to figure out a way to do damage control and fix the possible bad endings Tian Mei could create. Ni Ni carefully listened in on Tian Mei's thoughts hoping to kill the scorpion before it had the chance to sting. However Tian Yi seemed so relaxed and carefree, as if the situation had nothing to do with him. Ni Ni got more and more infuriated.

[What the fuck Host? Don't you get the HUGE importance of what just happened? I admit it, it was my fault but we need to fix it.]

What happens will happen Ni Ni. We'll deal with it as it comes.

[I won't even comment on what you just said.]

[But you do realize that if you fall into her schemes and die you'll fail the mission right? That means no more Feixiang. You gotta say bye to lover boy.]

… keep an eye on Tian Mei. Tell me if anything changes

Ha, I knew that would work. Baby has fallen in lurv ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Tian Yi pats the grass off of his ass and heads back towards Feixiang's quarters. Despite Feixiang asking him to amuse himself in the gardens Tian Yi believed that their chamber was still the most relaxing place. As Tian Yi approached the exit to the garden he ran into Feixiang. Feixiang had just finished all of the preparations for the big moment of truth and had arrived to distract Tian Yi and keep him away from the busy work happening at their chambers.

Luckily it was Thursday so he would take rounds in the city in disguise. Feixiang decided to bring Tian Yi along for the trip making it a secret escapade between them. Feixiang pulled Tian Yi into a side chamber where he stored his clothes for Thursdays. Tian Yi and Feixiang escaped beyond the palace walls disguised as common traders heading to the market. It was hot and dusty, the sun was glaring down at everyone in the market square. The streets were lined with loud merchants promoting their wares. The air was filled with a smell of freshly baked goods, but also sweat in the denser areas of the road.

Feixiang's large calloused palm surrounded Tian Yi's softer, smoother hand. He gripped Tian Yi's hand tightly not wanting to lose him in the crowd. There was a lighthearted atmosphere surrounding them as they carefreely roamed through the city. Unbeknownst to them they were being watched by someone from the shadows. Following them from across the street was Tian Mei. Her eyes turned vicious as she glared at their joined hands. There was a burning jealousy boiling in her stomach. There was some faint feeling in her heart that said that Tian Yi's position should be hers. It should be her hand that Feixiang held. She should be the one receiving Feixiang's love.

Tian Mei stifled the suffocating feeling and suppressed it with purer thoughts that she was just concerned about Feixiang's wellbeing. Homosexuality was wrong, disgusting and against the natural order of the world. Feixiang was being led off the righteous path by the devil incarnate Tian Yi. She needed to save him before it was too late. Tian Mei's mind flashed to that hooded man she met at the teahouse. She needed to meet with him again.

While Tian Mei was grappling with her new discoveries Tian Wu had just run into Song Huang on his way back to his residence.

"Your Highness! What a surprise. What brings you to my residence?" Tian Wu questioned. Song Huang gave Tian Wu a complicated look as he internally debated on whether to trust him with the information about his meeting with his sister. Looking at Tian Yi's slightly harried look he got distracted. "Where have you been?" Song Huang inquired. Tian Wu looked slightly guilty as he thought about the major secret he was keeping from Song Huang. He hadn't ever kept any secrets from Song Huang before except about his feelings, and this was a pretty major secret. But Tian Wu steeled himself against the growing guilt and lied through his teeth. "I just came back from Royal Kitchens after ordering for a special mid-day meal Your Highness."

Song Huang startled at Tian Wu's answer. He had just arrived from the Royal Kitchens and knew that Tian Wu hadn't been anywhere near the Kitchens. Song Huang was shocked at hearing Tian Wu lie to him and started to grow suspicious. What was Tian Wu hiding from him that he decided to lie so blatantly to his face? Song Huang's eyes narrowed as he studied Tian Wu's face. "Were you really in the Kitchens Tian Wu?" Tian Wu started sweating bullets and his palms clenched behind his back from nervousness, but he had already started on this path so he knew he had to see it through to the very end. "Yes Your Highness." Tian Wu forced out a tight smile.

Song Huang's heart sank at Tian Wu's persistent lie and his suspicion grew. He decided not to reveal to Tian Wu his plans in contacting Tian Mei. Song Huang didn't want to let Tian Wu know that he had caught onto his lie so he just nodded with a neutral expression on his face. Tian Wu's body slightly sagged with relief and his smile became more genuine. "So why have you come to see me?"

Song Huang leisurely held his arms behind his back and drawled, "No reason, just felt like I wanted your company." Song Huang gestured for Tian Wu to enter the residence and they both started walking into the courtyard. Tian Wu couldn't stop his heart from skipping a little when he heard Song Huang's words. His eyes softened with trust and love. "What do you want to do? Shall we play chess?" Song Huang glanced at the face he was knew by heart, but it seemed so unfamiliar after that lie. He minutely inclined his head in agreement and walked confidently towards the pavillion where the chess board was always set up.

They both played chess for the next 3 hours but both were absent minded, thinking about their own problems. Song Huang kept wondering about how many other lies Tian Wu could have told him over the years. Was he really as loyal as he had always believed? Had he betrayed him? Tian Wu on the other hand was obsessing over how he would hide Tian Yi's secret and divert Song Huang's attention from his deep thirst for power.

As the sun sunk in the sky Song Huang excused himself to head to the teahouse. He knew that Tian Mei would show up. There was no way she would pass up a chance to be with the Crown Prince. He had seen her type before. She believed she was so holy but she was just like every other woman trying to throw herself at his older brother. He exited Tian Wu's residence and changed into his disguise before setting off to the teahouse.

At the same time, Feixiang was returning to the palace with Tian Yi. With every step closer to the palace Feixiang grew more and more nervous. Just thinking about his plan to propose his mind went through every worst case scenario where Tian Yi rejected him. His mind was fully occupied but he never released Tian Yi's hand. Tian Yi didn't mind Feixiang's distractedness as he was conversing with Ni Ni.

Hey Ni Ni...I think I want to propose to Feixiang.

Ni Ni almost passed out from shock. [WTF HOST?!?!?! WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM? I wouldn't have seen that coming in a million years.]

I just think maybe I should take the initiative this time. Maybe I should just do it tonight what do you think?

Ni Ni was speechless. She was still trying to comprehend what just happened. Did Host just say he wanted to propose? Wait a second isn't Feixiang planning to propose tonight? Oh this is going to be good.

Ni Ni let out an evil smirk and decided not to tell Tian Yi about the proposal and just let the hilarity ensue. Feixiang's expression is going to be priceless!

[Yeah Host I think it's a great idea. You should go for it. I think Feixiang will love it. Tonight sounds like the perfect time. Never put off what you can do today for tomorrow! That's what I say.]

Okay. Wait but I don't have a ring or anything. How should I propose? Maybe I should prepare first and do it tomorrow?

[No No No! Today is the perfect day. Don't worry about that other stuff. I'll prepare it for you. You just think about how exactly you're going to propose.]

Okay. If you say so.

[Yes. Yes I say so. Go for it! It's going to be great!] Ni Ni rubbed her hands in glee. It's going to be great indeed.

Ni Ni remembered how she had to tell Tian Yi about Song Huang and Tian Mei, but decided that it could wait for tomorrow. I'll keep an eye on them and let him know if it gets serious. It shouldn't be a big deal right now anyways.

Three different scenarios simultaneously played out and no one had any clue about the great storm coming their way.