King's Might (rewriting in progress)

Marss landed in the area where he first started the massacre. It was near a dried up pond with different bone fragments laying in some uprooted dirt.

As his large body elegantly landed on the ground, some dust and bone particles were thrown into the air, circling around his dark and well shaped frame.

As he, the new ruler, finished his entree, he set his eyes on a slightly larger figure on the opposite end. It looked at all the destruction and death which was finely written over the land. There were no longer any large green trees. All the sawdust and blood had made it look like a yellow and brown dirt desert, mabye with some patches of debree.

The beast looked like a large humanoid monkey. Its fur was clay colored. However, it wore some sort of old bronze armour which took it's appearence from what a chinese warrior would wear. Although it had a sort of rustic feel to it, while seeming to also be attatched to the rest of it's body at a cellular level, If comparing the king's and Marss's body armour, Marss would be nothing more than a poor beggar.

The tail of the monkey was of course, not armored, but shared the same glowing copper color as it's very humane, yet intimidating eyes.

As the Monkey King had yet to speak, a small drop of rain fell down between them, Slowly followed by many more.

"Are you the one...who has done this?"

It's voice was very deep. Even marss felt the eardrums inside his shell-like skull ring a little.

However, this did not destroy his arrogance. Only making him further fall to the newly created instinct.

"Indeed, monkey."

The monkey king turned towards Marss, looking at this abomination which clearly lacked many part of its body. Like exterior ears, a nose and lips.

"Tell me, why did you kill all my bretheren?"

The stiff mouth seemed to smile more, as the facial micles furter twisted. His voice became somewhat contorted as he spoke.

"Because there was no faster way to grow."

The monkey king closed his eyes. Bathing in the downpour that had arrived.

".....I see...."

When it opened it's eyes once more, the once copper pupils had turned into a bright gold. Turning his gaze towards the murdered, they locked gazes. Marss began to feel a little pressure, but was suddenly overwhelmed by a dazling light which blinded him.

When the light died down, he opened his twisted eyes.

All the previously clay texture armoar had turned into a weak colored golden color. It gave off a sort of indestructibilety.

The ground began to shake beneath it, giving rise to more holes. Marss did not notice this, for he was too busy looking at the system.

[Hostile target detected!]

[Chances of winning:0,7%]

[Chances of dying:99,3%]

[Chances of fleeing:0%]


The loud voice echoed into the surroundings. And when it dissapeard, the golden monkey sendt a casual palm strike in his direction, making Marss fly away into a lump of broken trees


Outside the dungeon, a small team of adventurers had gathered. Hopeing to get the treassure inside.

The party which had choosen to try and challenge it first was quite regular. It was made up of a green haired man wearing iron armour, a gorgeous blond haired, blue eyed woman, wearing a sort of grey robe, a bulky woman in full iron armour and a shorter, more slim girl, very similar to the other one in grey robes, only that she wore a sort of lighter leather than the young man, and had a small robe with a hood. They were happily discussing what they would do with the treasure inside, as the all came from poor families. Actually, they were all here to heal several of their sickly family members, since a sudden epidemic had sweeped through their village.

Together, they all used the help of the 'system' to teleport inside. As summoned dungeons could be entered freely.

Now finding themselves inside a large empty hall, alertly looking around into their new surroundings.

While they were on guard, Jenkins was starring at them from a purple screen inside his cleaned, black room.

Before his graceful frame laid a large purple keyboard, filled with different buttons. Some looked like wolfs, while some looked like drooling humans. He was going through all the figures, occasionally shifting his amber eyes from it, to the monitor. After a while, he finally letting his deep feminine voice out.

"Hmmmm.... Thanks to Michael, I now have several mutated beast puppets. However, I don't want to make them lose hope all at once. So, as I am a kindhearted lord, I will shall let them fight one zombie for now."

He still wore his red robe and crown from previously. It looked like all the nuclei and cores were selling quite well.

Jenkins now reached the delicate hand towards a human shaped button. Wanting to test the adventurers.

However, a sudden shake made him fall onto the solid, purple board. Hr gripped onto it while swaying back and forth, causing the crown to fall off and rolled away. The robe was better off, only loosening a little. Slowly, the shaking died down and he stood up with a surprised expression.

"WAAAH, oh good days, what the hell was that?" He looked towards the crown on the black floor, picking it up and placing it back where it belonged. Right on his head.

"Sounded like an idiot lit a match while wandering inside some gas filled cave.."

He straightened the crown and looked back to his purple and transparent setup. Clicking on the button with the zombie.

Very happy with himself now, he savored each moment as his gaze went up to the monitor, until...

Jenkins didn't focus on the several desperate screams. Only watching the four adventurers being mauled to death by a troop of some large brown bears with stitches all around their skin.

After the bears had eaten them all, a zombie suddenly spawned in. They all threw themselves at it. Giving the true release of death.

The crown once more rolled of his head, leaving him starring at the purple screen for some time.

"Aiya, seems like I need to wait for the next party..."


Marss crashed into the pile of wood, now having a palm imprint covering his slightly dented chest. Looks like his armour was rather tough, even agains a causal attack from a king.

The sudden suprise had given some rationality back.

"Ow...Mabye I should run back to Jenkins.."

While thinking of that guy, a sudden feminine voice appeared in his head.

'Hello kiddo! You never answered, so I left some voicemails behind for whenever I cross your mind!'

He wanted to try and contact him, but several more began to play.

' is it going? I see there are some nuclei filling up inside the treasury. Just contact me if you grow tired.'


'Yeah, I notice you really don't like to rest, as 3/10 of the treasury is made up of marbles. Anyways, you seem to handle yourself pretty well...Jenkins out.'


'Dammit Michael, what are you doing? Well, whatever... I went out shopping, and we have some cool robes now. Lets try some on when you get back.'


'Aaaand look who it is! There are some rather urgent news for when you stop with the core farming. Contact me as soon as possible.'


'Hello again, Michael! The plan is mostly finished preparing for, so when you hear this, know that I have several details about the king inside THIS voicemail!'


'You are rather busy these days... But I have also been working! As two presents which are gifted by this great lord lay underneath a golden tree I bought at an auction!'


'Just wanted to tell you that the kingdom has arrived. Also, If you wanna bet on which adventurers who will reach my boss room first, then you better come quick!'


Marss was only listening to the stupid messages out of hope, now wanting to hear more about the king before his mind was gone.


'Ah! Yes, the king. A rather crafty fellow. He used to be some sort of metal bending gorilla, but slowly combinded the essences of earth and metal, making a type of gold. He can really deal a hit by the way. However, the guy is slower than a king should be, but don't fight him before you evolve. Kings are different for several reasons.'


'Luckily for us, he has not understood the 'gold essence' fully. You can probably tire him out stamina wise, but don't rely so much on physical damage. If you hear this then good luck.'


Marss was happy he finally had some information on the enemy. However, before he could even stand, something within his mind cracked open, as he was too mentally fragile. His arrogance arouse up togheter with some anger.

The king was now standing in front of the abomination. Looking down at the piece of fragile glass.

Feeling the berating energy emitted from those eyes fuelled his fighting spirit and anger. All the fibers in his abnormal body started to shake and swell, increasing his size to 10 Meters, only slightly shorter than the Monky king.


[Abilities activates]

[Immortal speed LvL 1: triples existing traveling speed while using energy.]


[Berserk LvL 8: Octuples physical power. Octuples energy drained per second.]


[Muscle efficiancy LvL 8: Increases muscle efficiency by 800%.]


[Ruler's Iron Fist LvL 1: A punch able to fully send all generated kinetic energy into area hit. Will make weaker targets unable to see user attack.]


[Killer Instinct LvL 9: Erodes targets will to live. Does not work if target Is stronger.]


[Singularity Denter LvL 4: Sends a small vibrations through objects hit.]


[revenge LvL 6: Will send all absorbed damage back at the attacker.]


[Core shield LvL 6: Turns surrounding cellular armour into a heated type of metal with higher density.]


[Passive Abilities activated]


[Acrobat LvL 7: Attack and dodging speed is multiplied by 3.5x every time.]


[Combat dancer LvL 5: Attack speed is multiplied by 5x.]


[Burst movement LvL 7: Single move attacks do 3.5x more damage]


[Strider's step LvL 1: User can fling himself a hundred meters into any direction. Travelling speed is affected if abilites are used]


[Blood blocker LvL 7: releases a chemical which greatly slows down regeneration speed and blood clothing if in contact with an open wound.]



The monkey king looked while Marss's body expanded and warmed up. The armour plates around him were now glowing with a shiny red, like warm metal. It caused smoke to rise from the ground he stood on. Even the rain that fell on him evaporated.

From Marss's point of view, the rain was moving a little slower. He locked down his eyes onto the golden ape, jumping at it wildly.

The usual 'elegant step' which would be emitted by Marss's jump turned into a sonic boom when he flew at the king. All nearby sawdust, planks and remains were shot out into the sky like some sort of firework.

In not even an instant, he connected the boiling fist. A large explosion occured, sending all physical matter around them away. A new crater was now formed without anyone inside.

Marss was waiting for the dust to clear, nervously looking for where the king was. Also listening to the system.

[Host has 22 200/25 000 energy left.]

After the rain removed some, he saw the golden monky once more after taking a full fledged attack from him.

Standing 30 meters away from where he originally was, the king refused to fall down. A very powerful individual to say the least.

As he got a better look, he saw the area where the punch landed...

There was a dent in the golden armor, a small drop of blood could be seen.

The king starred at the wound which now existed and did not instantly heal. Slowly putting back a weary expression on the challenger.

"....Very powerful indeed....."

The deep voice reached the now frightened Marss.

"...It is to bad this is your limit....."

Suddenly, Marss lost track of the king as he dissapeard. Looking nervously around as he could not find it anywhere.

A sudden sense of urgency claimed his back. Instantly, he fired out his wings and movement abilities to successfully dodge.

As he flew from the original position, he suddenly crashed to the ground as his wings had been completely pulverized.

The king stood behind his original position, one of its large golden hands were implanted into the ground.

He smiled a after seeing that Marss was able to dodge his attack.

Lifting the palm strike from where he hit, a deep hand shaped tunnel was formed, leading to who knows where.

Marss began to sweat while wearing a horrified expression on his deformed face. This was the first time he had ever felt so close to death's door before.

"You are very good, Challenger. As a sign of respect, I shall slowly beat you while making the ground fertile once more with the blood and flesh ripped off your sinful body."