So what now?

Tapping knocks on the glass... it's probably the annoying firestarter in the car. "Open up! This is private property you have no business here." Yawning I open my eye as a rush of a police flashlight skaters across my face. "You two step out of the car!" The officer with ash colored hair screams with brown raging eyes.

Looking down to Caden cuddling around me, I tap his shoulder to get him to wake up. "Uhg! What is it frosty" Dumbly Caden whispers in my ear. "Police found us, we got caught." Whispering into his small ears. "Well you're not transformed" He points out and scans himself "Where's my shirt? I was going to say I'm not in Shire form, but I can't believe you took my shirt!" He scoffs and comes closer.

"BAAANGG, BAAANNGG!" pounding on the top of the hood Pearing in through the window blushing at what he saw. Heading to the side of the car I open the cold car door, as Caden follows me out.

"Is there a problem officer?" Smiling his cheeky smile Caden puts his arm around me shivering. "I wan't both your hands in the air now!" Looking oddly panicked for a cop. "Ok, cool!" Suddenly a chunk of Ice shoots out of my hand... I turn to Caden and fire blazes cover him all over. "You broke into your shire form! So stuipid Zima." Glareing coldly at me like he was about to melt me. "Don't put this on me look at yourself! Oh don't go into transformation looks like Cadey can't even manage that!" I cough back furious.

My whole body starts to go cold as winds surround us viciously "We wouldn't be in this mess if you would've kept your mouth shut." Glacing around us the cave walls start to frost in. Frozen solid we look over at the Police Officer pulling out his gun to shoot at us. Rage grew stronger as even Caden was getting freaked out.

Running over to me wrapping his arms around me dodging ice chunks flying all over. The warmth covers the empty space of rage " Hey! I'm sorry ok... I didn't mean to hurt you, all this is my fault... Ok! But I'll stay by your side because we both could use the allies... Could you forgive me!" He squeezes tighter and tighter until he brings his sharp jawline face up to mine, "Your eyes! They're literally the shade of Ice... I'm going to do something that you'll hate... but it'll calm you down, or kill us all either way it's worth a shot!" Quickly he presses his lips on to mine and the cold slips away. Glancing at him in tears as his transformation slips away too.

"Clap... Clappp. clapp" Slow clapping flows behind us. The moment my heart beats faster my powers start coming back. Turning our heads behind us we see two people all in black. "What a romantic love story... Colby it's so cute!" A girl with green eyes, red hair... and wait for it vines crawling all down her arms. "Ya ya! Greenie save that for your girlfriend, ok!" A guy with light brown hair and aqua eyes look down on us from the different levels in the floor of the cave. "Thanks to you weirdoes, now I won't hear the end of this from her all day! Since her girlfriend isn't romantic she talks to me about this stuff!" he scolds her direction.

Standing awkwardly fire bursts from Caden, "Oopps sorry not used to powers yet, honestly I almost burned down the school yesterday right Zima!" chuckling embarrassed. "Don't worry I'll just freeze the flames!" I say coldly. Giving a scared face at my comment Caden lays quiet.

Shuffling into whisper looking at us I hear faint words them talking about us, "Dude the proffosy! Two rarest elements ever discovered those two of Fire and Ice... Both male and female become most powerful of all and achieve all elements." Their eyes light up brightly toward us. "You two come with us!" They order coldly, "Why! We need to leave and escape behind the wall, or we'll die!" shivering I call out.

"Pffff! Where do you think we're going? Duh we are leaving the humans! It's not safe here!" Putting her arm on the side of "aqua eyes" shoulder laughing. "Yo! How did you find us?" Caden cuts in, "Well a huge storm of ice and fire attracts alot of attention! Oh that reminds me, we need to go so some body else won't take our find! I can finnally level up thank you." She bursts out.

"Alex do your thing!", "Aqua eyes" blurts out. Pulling her hand out of her pocket with a bag of powder. "Sniff this you will teleport back to headquarters!" Exciting a grin on her face. "I trust you, ok I'll do it!" I mumble boldly. Handing the bag over to me, Caden raises his hand up and shouts "Let me go first!", "You know you don't have to, right?" I smother back.

Turning to the woman about 21 years old and "Aqua eyes" I'd say maybe 25, "I'm Venus by the way, but some call me Colby. Nice to meet you. But can you two just smell the powder so you can teleport over." He stumbles over his words as his dirty blonde hair shrivels. Quickly Caden grabs the black leather bag takes a big sniff, then shifts it to the side to hand to me.

Holding the shakey bag in my hand I lean my head closer and take a whiff. Suddenly the room starts spinning as I slam to the floor. Did it work? Could this have been a sneaky trick, or did I really teleport?

"Zima! Zima! Oh please wake up I don't know where we are and... this room looks totally different than the designs we have in "The Wall"" Caden sighs. My eyes open to the sound of idoitcy... where am I? How did I get here?