Bring it on

Walking out of the nurses quarters with my apparent "giant sized crutches" which is what the other girls tease as I limp down the narrow lengthy path of tents. Unable to fight the erge or pearing around; girls of all sorts of appearances in shire form surround the sides of the street walk path. Whispering... the only noise that flooded through my cold elf pointed ears as the minutes of walking felt as of those minutes were days or even years.

Approaching a tall green tent I "walk" inside unzipping the cold metal zipper. Humming a soft melody to a popular song in the wall, I turn my head over toward my rock mattress cot. A sudden "thump!". My heart drops... What is he doing here? Quickly zipping the tent door behind me, so nobody could see a guy was in my tent.

Sitting there totally relaxed Caden brings one finger up to his thin blush colored lips: in the wall this is a sign that usually means to be quiet. "What are you doing here? Trust me you don't want to piss these people off! Thing is you're not suppose to be here..." I whisper loud enough to where he could hear me. A look of confusion covers his angle sculpted face.

Limping over across the room toward my cot is a chair were that Firestarter turd is causually sitting. Ignoring his dumb stares I sit down on an oddly uncomfortable tight bed.

Turning my head at Caden "What's with that look? You look like you're going to barf... if you do you're cleaning it up!" I gripe in his direction. "Wow heartless, and to think I came here to apologize." He sighs getting out of his chair to kneel on the cold plastic dark green floor. Reaching to my cast he lifts it up "Wooah I just thought of a cool Idea! It will totally remind you of the wall too. Can I like sign it, that would be totally awesome. Oooh girl you got sharpies!" Caden eyes sparkle in his oddly sassy joking voice. Suddenly turning from green the cast goes to blood red. "What it just changed colors... odd." His royal pain points out.

"Ya it changes colors based on your emotions." I explain sympathetic to his lack of brainpower. "Awsome, but what does red mean?" He questions. "Uhh... the pamflit is in my pocket! Over by the chest in the corner... there's a leather black jacket." answering yet anouther set of questions.

Quickly rising Caden goes from dwarf size to a giant from my point of view. Woah he's so tall... those eyes are to cute... no don't stare at me like that! Ah bad, Zima no, no he's the enemy. He's anything but attractive. Thoughts cloud as he's turning over to look at me loosing my mind. Handing me the oddly colored font pamflit. "Well it's pink now, so this is a suprise. Let's look at what this color means." He whispers sitting closer to me.

Pearing down at the pamflit I start to read the pink section. Popping a suprise as Caden puts his arm around me "Well did you figure out what pink ment, because I did... and now it explains alot." Shrugging to his comment I read closer: The color of pink means two things, you're flirty, in love, or you're hungry.

Quickly I burst out "You're right I could go for some food! Thanks for helping me out pamflit..." I jump up. Slipping down only to fall back on my cot. "Wow you're so weird!" Laughter filled the room.

Popping out of nowhere in a flash a boy pops out. Turning and facing us "Hey Caden my bro, I just got Levi to come and heal her fracture!", "Awesome dude, oh right Frosty this is Josh!" Caden says enthusiasticly. Flashing into the tent anouther boy with dark brown hair flowing out in a trendy style. "Hey Levi... you think we could get the cast off if I burnt right through it?" His lame firestarterness suggests teasing in my direction, or at least I hope they were joking. "Good idea but we would work better, is if you hovered the flame above the cast. With being melted it means my sword can cut through it better." Levi responds awkwardly.

Spinning red bursting out of Cadens eyes his gorgeous blonde hair, fades red... why is it red and not black like last time? Hovering a flame in his hand, he reaches over to my leg. Melting the plastic Josh holds my leg up as Levi reaches for his sword. Uncovering the blade his sword flashes of light reflects light off of the sharp silver blade. Slicing it with the long katana, all inside the cast leading it up to the end of my foot.

Stepping down from the seat next to me Caden rushes and pulls the plastic and cotton of my leg. "Wow that's swollen!" I hear a gasp from his friends. Pearing down at my ankle that is tripled or even quadrupled in size, as purples and reds, even dark black bruises swarmed up through my ankle.

Both boys turning to look at Caden as they punch him the shoulder. "Dude! Really you did this much damage to her ankle." , "Can you do the punch to the arm thing again? It's just that he's such an idiot that you might just might get the blood to actually flow to his brain!" I tease in Cadens direction. "Wow Ice Queen needs to chill," Caden snarls back. Realizing how stuipid his comment was laughter filled the room, "Bro flame-ingo I think I already chilled enough." I engulf the room with additional laughter.

"Ok back on topic! Let me heal you first." Levi states. Glaring at him his eyes burst to pure white, as his brown hair turns a light shade of orange. Hovering his hand toward my leg, light glows around the room as my swelling goes down. Pressing down to skin to skin contact the pain from my leg disappears.

"Good to go! Oh would you look at that Caden is blushing! Awww my little stuipid friend has a girlfriend" Levi scoffs shade at him. "No! No! We're not like that... just friends." Caden gets all defensive at the begin and then his voice saddens.

Staring over at us Josh whispers something in Cadens ear I couldn't quite catch. "You guys we should probably head over to our tent... or we will be infor it tomorrow morning!" Josh flicks his black hair to the side, having his blue eyes wide open. "Oh my! you're right, uh bye Zima!" Caden shouts as they vanish into thin air.

Finnally that devil is gone... but I should go to sleep too! Flexing my stiff ankle I turn sideways drifting off to sleep.

"Soldier! Sleeping-in isn't going to earn our freedom!" Loudly a megaphone blasts in my ear. Jumping in my head, my eyes emerge. Bright light shinning inside my tent greets me along with painful screams. "Sorry Mam!" I mumble of sleepiness as I rise to my feet.

Realizing I've just made direct eye contact to her raging eyes popping out from her dirty blonde hair being tied up, I felt like I couldn't move. Looking annoyed she stares as I notice a letter on the tall brown night stand next to my cot. Eyeing the paper I reach over and grab it so she wouldn't get to read it. Stuffing the letter into my back pocket, I jump up and signal I'm ready for what is planned for today.

"I see your ankle is better, but the nurse didn't heal it directly. Who healed your ankle and melted the plastic? As far as I know you haven't gotten in touch with all the other elements yet." She scoffs directly at me. "Sorry Commander Elizabeth! Caden brought his friends in to heal it as an apology." I reply nervously to the side of the tent.

Walking out of the tent she leads me down a dirty gravel like path. In the field are a group of girls, gossiping like they clearly are known for. Not going to lie I really don't want to be here... Can I like leave?

Getting closer I notice the boys are here too. Surrounded by surprisingly other good looking boys Caden stands. "Omg that boy is so cute!" Turning around to hear a girl with bright purple hair swoon, "I know right, hey Autumn I think his name is Caden, you should introduce yourself!" The girl next to her states passionately. Filling my ears more lovey dovy comments of Caden's appearance from all the other girls; I couldn't help but think of how blind they could possibly be. Wrong they couldn't possibly be able to be attracted by him.

"You there! Yes you, don't look the other way blondie!" A girl screams as I pear around confused turning to her. "Hey! Love your Ice Queen shire look, but now all the guys are staring at you! They're supposed to stare at Ashley like that! Definitely not a snobbish weakling like you!" The beautiful on the outside, but pure ugly wicked pig looking on the inside; girl screams my way viciously. "You? Are you being serious, or are joking. Let me tell you this... No matter how pretty the two of you may be, it's a waste if you're ugly inside! So I suggest you change before reality kicks in, and you're left in the shadows forgotten." I scoff back. "Ahhhh! You... you... you stuipid wrench! Can't believe you have the nerve to say that to me!" The dumb girl screams as her shire form blood red hair swirls around. Gushes of sunlight shine down on me. "I'm not going to lie to you! If you're acting like a horrible person I would tell you! First of all you came and told me not to look like how I appear to be! Who are you to say that?" I shout annoyed at her.

Raising her shaky hand up, she slaps my face. "Wow... just wow... for you to stoop that low and use violence, how pathetic!" My cold scream fills the whole air.

"Zima... Zima, Zima, are you ok!" I hear Cadens voice as I feel a hand on the back of my shoulder.

Wrapping his warm arms around me, he tilts my head up to look at him "What did I say when we first got here? And... did I come to bail you out?" , "Jerk! I could've handled it just fine! Ugh!" I mumble as he holds me closer. "Relax, I just want you to know I'm there for you... always there to save you." He whispers in a flirtatious manner in my ear.

Walking down the field to some where private to talk. Stumbling on a forest we step deeper in. Hearing voices of the snob who harrassed me earlier, I realized we were being followed.

Rushing faster through to avoid contact with those annoying girls. Covering all over in vines, bushes, any crazy vegetation, a structure stands. Nervous Caden pulls me into the building.

Cracks and shakey walls cover around us, as cobwebs swarm the corners with rubble of dirt all over. Walking over toward the window, so the three obnoxious girls could have plain view.

Glancing behind me I see the girls all jealous of Caden coming to my rescue. Should I take advantage of this and make that wicked pig shut up? I'm Zima... of course I would do something like that.

Moving my hand to Caden's face I whisper into his ear that are similar pointed ears as mine, except his ears are bigger than mine. "Hey can you watch my back? I don't trust these girls and I don't want to fall into their traps. Also sorry about this. Nothing personal, I just want revenge on that wicked pig!" My whisper echoes inside his ear, as I pull away. Looking deep into his eyes, I pull my other hand up to play with his hair.

Standing locked in each other's eyesl my face in closer to his. Quickly before he realizes what's happening. I give a soft peck on the lips. Pulling away seeing a thick layer of blush on his frozen pale face. Excepting nothing in return I turn the other way to walk off.

Suddenly a hand grabs my wrist as I turn the other way into his chest. Covering me into his arms he looks down and kisses my lips. Being in the warm embrace in his arms, I slide my hands onto his abs.

Those girls want a show? Well sorry Caden, I'll have to give them one. Pearing over to the window of three teens in tears, I let out a chuckle.

Pulling for Caden's shirt, I tug him closer. Kissing up and down his neck I pull away and whisper into his ears "We should head back. Don't want people to see us, after all romance is against the rules.". "For you I'd forget the rules. It's the world to me if your right here with me." His whisper tingles in my ear. Feeling blush cover my face I couldn't resist the instinct to push him away.

"We should get going..." I nervously stutter as I walk out of the dirty room. Running after me Caden grabs my hand, "Aren't you trying to give those little girls a show?" Staring at him he puts his arm around me and we walk out of the crumbling building. Being back on the path of forestry, we return to the field.

Seeing kids running around we slip in quickly, so the commander doesn't notice we were gone. Running in circles I could feel everybody's stares at Caden. For some strange reason I don't like this... But I don't know why. Do I actually like him? No, impossible... it was for revenge... that's the only reason.