Announcement 3/17/19

I'm really sorry to those who have been supporting this novel. I know I said I would start releasing chapters daily during my school break. However, I just don't have any motivation to write.

I have been treating writing as an annoying assignment that I want to procrastinate doing. After procrastinating, I would start writing the chapter late, but stop after seeing the time (I don't want any of my hobbies to interfere with my sleep).

So many of my other hobbies that I didn't do while I had classes (because if I did them it would be hard to stop and actually be productive) seem so much more appealing than writing. To be honest, I do not think I can do my hobbies while also writing chapters because chapters take me a long time to write.

When I first started writing this novel, I was really motivated and whenever I could, I would think about my story and how I would like to develop it. Whether if I was walking to class, eating, or doing homework, I would be thinking about my story. Unfortunately, I'm not having nearly as much fun writing this story as I used to.

To write a good story, I believe it is important for the author to enjoy what they are doing. Before, I wrote this novel because it was a story I wanted to read. I was happy when others also liked reading it, but that was just a sweet bonus to me. Now, I feel as though I'm pushing myself to write because there are readers who enjoy my novel. As for me, I don't really feel like reading anything anymore. I'm more interested in playing tennis and video games at the moment.

I like this novel, so I do not want to ruin it with my current lack of motivation. I'll start writing again once I feel motivated.

Sorry again to those who have been supporting this novel. It probably would have been better if I had just said this novel would be on hiatus back when my research paper and finals started. However, I really did not want to stop writing this novel. I was hoping I would be motivated again after a break(my finals). Sadly, I'll be needing a longer break.

Thank you to those who have read my novel. To those who have commented/voted, your comments or votes truly meant a lot to me. I was really happy to see there were people who appreciated my writing.