Izuku Squeaks... Inwardly

He felt the presence of another person sitting beside him, shooting his annoyance levels through the roof. That seat should've been for Izuku, not this random fucking extra – oh.

His mind stalled for a moment before he realized the person sitting beside him wasn't just another random extra, but the person he had been desperately looking for in the past ten months.

Katsuki drank in the other's features, taking in his perpetually messy green hair and his fucking adorable freckles that were like the many stars set in the night sky, his green eyes and holy shit. Izuku had buffed up while he was away, and he looked nice. Really nice. He carried himself in a more self-assured way, and that newfound confidence just made him look more attractive to Katsuki.

"Hi Kacchan," he said shyly, lightly biting his bottom lip.

As Katsuki's eyes locked onto Izuku's lips, something in Katsuki's mind snapped. Before he could process anything else, he surged forward in a sudden motion, his body having a mind of its own. He must've startled Izuku, because he flinched backwards, but he wasn't having any of that, no. Stupid Izuku better stay there, or else. He hooked a hand around the other's neck, dragging his face closer.

Katsuki resolutely pressed his lips to his stupid nerd's desperately the moment he was close enough, categorizing in the back of his mind how soft Izuku's lips were. They felt like finely spun silk. Izuku's lips felt like a hot branding iron on his. He was too busy with his sudden revelation to feel embarrassed about the low-pitched whine in the back of his throat that he was unable to stifle.

So. He liked Izuku. It suddenly made sense now. He had been fucking pining over the other in his ten months away. How had he never fucking put this together before? Something poked him mentally. He reviewed the last ten months, as well as his…feelings. Okay, so. He had seen a bunch of crushes first hand, and he was pretty sure there was absolutely no fucking way his feelings were as shallow as that.

So, he was in love. With Izuku. With his fucking shitnerd. To the most fucking adorable boy in fucking ever. Well. He was now buff and adorable. Good thing he knew Izuku loved him back.

Affection and relief bubbled up within him, sending shivers down his spine. He heard a distant squeak but ignored it in the face of getting more. He felt a single arm wrap around his waist, dragging him nearer effortlessly.

It sent a shudder through him. Oh god, did Izuku just…? Since when was his nerd that strong? Was it weird that it left him strangely hot?

Katsuki ran hands up Izuku's stomach, groaning lightly at the abs the other had apparently gotten in the time he was away. They were toned and hard. Izuku was no longer the same seemingly frail figure he was before. There was strength in his frame, power in his newly acquired muscles.

He gasped when he felt a hand squeeze his waist, and another hand holding his head in place. He felt strangely giddy. Katsuki shivered, pressing closer to the warmth, mouthing against Izuku's lips. He felt so warm and at peace in this moment. It felt like all his thoughts and troubles just melted away.

Then, of course, someone had to interrupt them.

"– and you two over there! Can you stop your PDA? It's disrespectful!"

Katsuki felt the rage bubble up and being interrupted before the words made sense to him.

Oh my god. What the fuck had he just done?!

Katsuki broke away from Izuku's grasp, face burning red.

He buried his face in his hands, not wanting anyone to see his red face, desperately trying to suppress the embarrassment he felt.

He'd forgotten he was in a room full of people. Possible future classmates and teachers alike, no less.

Katsuki managed to get the redness to recede from his cheeks, looking up and trying to appear as unaffected as he usually was.

He snuck a peak at Izuku, and the heat that had barely died down instantly flared back up. He felt breathless.

Izuku looked like he wanted to devour him whole. His eyes were roaming all over him, almost like he couldn't get enough. He looked hungry, and Katsuki felt something inside him squirm in glee.

Katsuki looked away from him, cheeks tinting red again.

For fucks sake, they completely skipped the steps of confession, dating, kiss, and had just jumped straight to the kiss.

He ruffled his hair in frustration. He had just realized he was in love with Izuku a few minutes ago, damn it. Well, admittedly, it was partially his fault, but it was also Izuku's fault, okay. Sitting there looking all innocent, like nothing was wrong.

Then, then…!

Katsuki cut off further thoughts as they were split up into groups to do the entrance exam to UA. He couldn't afford to be distracted now. He would drag Izuku home with him, if it was the last thing he did.

He took out his embarrassment on as many fucking robots as he could, blasting them into pieces. He was still burning with embarrassment from the earlier wolf-whistles and catcalls.

Katsuki paused the moment there were no more enemies in the vicinity. Come to think of it, why the fuck was he being embarrassed?

The fucking dickbags now knew he and Izuku were together, so they better not have any fucking ideas. The thought left him smug.

He crossed his arms and leaned on the wall, waiting by the exit for Izuku's group to finish their entrance exam. As more and more people trickled out from the exit, he frowned at the lack of Izuku.

Where was he?

Katsuki stormed in, the people who were exiting moving out of his way due to the obvious rage on his face.

He was shocked as he spotted Izuku's prone form on the stretcher being carried away. An irrational worry hit him as he had a flashback of Izuku's pale face in the bathtub. He suppressed it. He wasn't dead, obviously, otherwise the people exiting wouldn't have been that calm.


Katsuki ran towards Izuku's unconscious form, feeling breathless with panic and worry. What happened? It was just a fucking entrance exam. How could he have gotten so hurt?

He bit his lips. Then again, Izuku might have a Quirk, but it wasn't very useful in battle the last time he checked.

He followed behind, restraining the urge to go up to Izuku and check him. He didn't know what was wrong with him. What if he made it worse?

They brought Izuku to a medical office and placed him on the bed. Katsuki felt relieved as he spotted Recovery Girl.

She would be able to help Izuku.

Katsuki's eye twitched as he watched Recovery Girl plant a kiss on Izuku's forehead. He pushed down the irrational snarl that wanted to leave his lips, inwardly sulking. She was helping Izuku with her Quirk, he told himself.

He moved to Izuku's bedside the moment Recovery Girl left, looking over his form worriedly.

"Izuku?" he called out.