Are you done talking?!

Chu Yang went to the alchemist association main gate and saw four people.

Qin Yin, Zhou Yixing, Li Jun and a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man wore a black robe with silver engraving on it. He radiated an aura stronger than the body tempering realm, He saw the city lord, Li Xun.

"Qin Yin, that bastard cut my son's arm! Bring him to me, Otherwise, it will not end well for you and the alchemist association!" said Li Xun.

Qin Yin sneered and said "You are threatening me?! With that measly strength of yours?!".

Li Xun was pushed back due to Qin Yin aura, he glared at her with anger. Li Jun noticed Chu Yang and screamed "it's him! he is the peasant who cut my arm!".

Li Xun looked at Chu Yang and tangible aura rushed toward him, Qin Yin eyes turned cold and waved her hand causing the aura to disappear.

Zhou Yixing shook his head and thought" Oh Li Xun, you made the biggest mistake in your life! You just attacked Chu Yang in front of Head alchemist".

"How dare you?!" said Qin Yin, she slapped toward Lu Jun causing a palm image to launch toward him.

"Son!" roared Li Xun as he appeared in front of Li Jun and protected him.

Chu Yang walked slowly toward Qin Yin and stood beside her.

"Qin Yin, You have the guts to attack my Son in front of my eyes?!" said Li Xun.

"Qin Yin shouldn't attack Li Jun!" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin looked at Chu Yang with surprise.

"Her hands shouldn't be used against worthless scum like him" continued Chu Yang.

Li Jun gritted his teeth in anger and wanted to shred Chu Yang into a thousand pieces.

"I cut his arm now but in the future i will kill him" said Chu Yang.

"Also, that roar from before, I will bay it back with interest! Li Jun" said Chu Yang.

Li Xun looked at Chu Yang and noticed that he was at the 4th stage of body tempering realm.

"A mere 4th stage cultivator could cut your arm?!" asked Li Xun while looking sharply at Li Jun.

"His cultivation is at the 6th stage! i witnessed it during our fight, He killed many 5th stage cultivators with ease!" said Li Jun.

"Sorry to tell you but you are wrong! I am a 4th stage cultivator".

"Your son is so weak and pathetic that i could cur his arm easily" said Chu Yang.

"You.You.." Li Jun pointed at Chu Yang, his heart nearly exploded from anger.

"Brat, What is your name?" said Li Xun.

"My Name is Chu Yang"

Li Xun looked at Qin Yin and said " Qin Yin, as the city lord, i was appointed to this city, eastern sea city by the emperor! Any attack on me or my family members is an attack on the emperor authority!".

Chu Yang eyes turned sharp as he heard this. he remembered reading about the country, the emperor and the city lords.

The country he lives in is called the Rising Sun country, it consists of five major cities: Eastern Sea city, Western Sea city, Southern Sea city, Northern Sea City and the Capital City, Rising Sun city.

Each major city has a city lord who governs it and reports to the Emperor.

"Qin Yin, are you ready to make the Emperor your enemy for this brat?!" asked Li Xun.

Chu Yang looked at Qin Yin and waited for her response. Li Jun was excited as he looked at Chu Yang, "I will toy with that girl you protected in front of you before killing you" said Li Jun.

Li Xun looked at his son without any change in his expression.

"Are you done talking?! Then get the fuck out of her" Qin Yin answer shocked the father and son duo.

"The alchemist association doesn't follow the will of your emperor! don't try to scare me with that emperor of yours when he can't do anything in the alchemist association building" said Qin Yin.

Chu Yang was stunned, he thought "The Emperor can't do anything inside the alchemist association?!".

Chu Yang smiled evilly after this, he went to Win Yin and said " I want to say something but they mustn't hear it". He leaned forward and whispered beside her ear "If you give them i good beating then i will give you a better alchemy technique".

Qin Yin felt Chu Yang breath and wanted to beat him as he became more daring but stopped when she heard ' Better alchemy technique'.

She looked at Chu Yang and saw him smiling innocently at her.

" Are your words true?! Do you have a better technique?!" asked Qin Yin excitedly, she already got a good technique that left her amazed from Chu Yang and couldn't imagine how godly will be the next one!

"I could lie to gods and demons but my heart will not allow me to lie to you!" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin eyes shone with light, she looked at the father and son duo like they were priceless treasures.

Li Xun and Li Jun felt goosebumps from Qin Yin gaze.

Qin Yin smiled sweatily at them before dashing toward them. She clenched her hands and punches them.



"Ahhhhhhhh" screamed Li Xun

"Father help me" screamed Li Jun

Chu Yang clapped his hands and said " Magnificent! But you messed a spot on Li Jun!"

Qin Yin continued to beat the father and son duo until their faces became deformed. they lied on the ground while their bodies twitched from pain.

"Qin Yin, you will pay for this" said Li Jun weakly.

Qin Yin waved her hand causing a wind to send them flying away.

"Come back again!" said Qin Yin to them before looking at Chu Yang.

Chu Yang smiled and said" I will give to you later! Now i need to check at Gao Yue! She was wounded when Li Xun's Voice shook the association".

"Also, i want to ask you about something! Why the emperor can't do anything inside the association?!" asked Chu Yang.

"Because the alchemist association is someone that he can't afford to offend! That what i am going to say for know" said Qin Yin.

Chu Yang felt that entering the alchemist association was a good decision.

Chu Yang bowed slightly and went to his alchemy room.

He entered the room and saw Gao Yue in deep cultivation. Seeing that she was cultivating without any problem, he sat down and started cultivating.