Leaving the city

Chu Yang cultivated until he gathered 6 strands of pure Q.

He controlled 4 strands and fused them together to make a large Qi Ball. Chu Yang activated his Bloodline and his blood's red colour turned Gold.

The Qi ball attacked the meridian and caused it to be torn.

Chu Yang's body trembled slightly but stopped right away. He used one strand to expel the impurity from the torn meridian while his Blood healed the meridian and reformed it.

After that, he used the remaining strand to turn the meridian into the 17th Pure meridian.

The process of breaking and reforming the meridian took him around 3 hours. Chu Yang smiled and went to clear the 18th pure meridian.

Chu Yang will fell deeper in his crazed state with each passing day. He didn't stop until he broke the 20th pure meridian making him reach the 5th stage of body tempering realm with the heavenly immortal technique.

He opened his eyes and smiled.

"You only took two weeks to achieve the 5th stage!" said Wang Wei.

"I want to cultivate the Devil Qi and breakthrough to the 5th stage in order to have the heaven baptism But i can't do it here. Also, i cant leave the association with my weak cultivation! I would be hunted down by Li Xun and Li Jun" said Chu Yang.

"I will teach you a disguise technique, Even your disciple will not be able to know you! She might know you if she sees you naked but that unlikely to happen" said Wang Wei, He didn't forget to tease Chu Yang.

Chu Yang mouth twitched and refused to say anything.

Wang Wei taught the disguise technique to Chu Yang. Chu Yang studied the technique and found that it was quite mysterious.

Chu Yang spent 3 days before completely mastering it. He left the room and headed to the association gate.

Gao Yue was in deep cultivation and didn't notice Chu Yang leaving the room.

When Chu Yang reached the gate he was treated with Zhou Yixing. He looked at Chu Yang with complex emotions.

"Chu Yang, Take this!" said Zhou Yixing as he gives Chu Yang a token.

"This token is a protection charm from Head alchemist, Crush it and it will form a shield that will protect you for 30 minutes. Also, she will notice it breaking and head for your location " said Zhou Yixing.

Chu Yang smiled as he took the token.

"Chu Yang, this token can protect you from a 6th stage Apprentice realm attack!" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang felt warmth and said " Elder Zhou, Thank her for me! I will be leaving for a few weeks". After that he left the association.

Chu Yang walked in the city when he heard Wang Wei, "Chu Yang, there are multiple people following you! 4 people in total".

Chu Yang nodded and entered through a large crowd of people causing those 4 people to lose sight of him. He quickly activated the disguise technique and changed his appearance into a middle-aged man.

The 4 men hastily searched for Chu Yang but couldn't find him.

Chu Yang left those group of men and headed to the forest.

He found a good place to cultivate and started his cultivation. When he gathered enough Devil Qi he will destroy his meridian and reform it.

Chu Yang continued like this until he was ready to clear the 20th Devil meridian.

" Once you clear it and enter the 5th stage in the Devouring Devil technique, you will attract the Heaven baptism! Prepare yourself for this as people will notice it right away!" said Wang Wei.

"Chu Yang, even if you have the token, don't let your guard down! Strong and experienced cultivators will not give you the chance to use it" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang nodded.

When he broke through to the 5th stage using the Heavenly Immortal Technique, His soul palace gave a stronger feeling that couldn't be described.

Chu Yang took a deep breath and started clearing his 20th Devil meridian.

He destroyed the meridian, expelled the impurities and reformed it. Once he turned it into the Devil meridian and entered the 5th stage of body tempering realm in the Devouring Devil Technique, he heard a bang in his Soul palace.

The heaven shook and a pillar of light fell on him from the sky.

"The heaven baptism has started" said Wang Wei and Su Yu. They wanted to know what kind of effects the heaven baptism will give to a body tempering realm cultivator.

The light carried a mysterious force that seeped into Chu Yang's body and soul palace.

The force strengthened Chu Yang's muscles, bones, blood vessels and blood. Then went to his soul palace and gathered into it forming a small palace. The small palace had the same size as a grown man fist.

Chu Yang lost himself in the sensation of his body and soul getting stronger.

He didn't know that all the people in the country noticed this phenomenon.

Every single one of them had one thought, " someone has reached the Apprentice realm!".

Qin Yin, The old man and Li Jun were looking at the light pillar that came from Heaven.

Qin Yin went to the light Pillar while the old man sent a message to Li Xun to investigate who caused it.

The light continued for 30 seconds before slowly fading away.

Chu Yang was disappointed that the heaven baptism didn't last for long. He closed his eyes and sent his spiritual sense around him. His spiritual sense only covered 5 meters around him.

Chu Yang felt two pressures heading toward him that radiated strong auras. He was familiar with both auras!

"Qin Yin and Li Xun!" said Chu Yang said lightly.

Qin Yin was the first to reach Chu Yang. When she noticed that Chu Yang setting and smiling at her, Qin Yin mind blanked. Li Xun arrived and saw Chu Yang, He looked at him silently.

"Li Xun, What you are doing Here?! Scram!" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin woke up and looked at Li Xun.

"Scram!" said Qin Yin as she waved her hand causing a Massive Qi palm to Shot toward him.

Li Cun face changed and turned around to escape.

Qin Yin aura calmed down seeing that Li Jun has escaped.

"How did you do it?!" asked Qin Yin while being in air.

"I was born with a strong soul! My soul is stronger than my cultivation by 5 realms" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin heart skipped a beat when she heard about it.

Souls are the most important part for an alchemist! To be born with a strong soul is something all alchemist wish for.

Also, Chu Yang soul is stronger by 5 realms! No wonder that a 7th tier alchemist took him as his disciple! She heard of people being born with a strong soul but usually it will be stronger by one or two realms at max!

Then she remembered Chu Yang's words, " I fought with master".

Her heart shook thinking about it, She thought that Chu Yang had exaggerated in his words before!

If she was in his master place she would definitely concede to Chu Yang request.

She looked at Chu Yang and her gaze showed multiple emotions.

"Seeing your smile was worth the trouble" Her face turned red from embarrassment as she remembered Chu Yang's smile.

"Qin Yin" Chu Yang noticed the changes in Qin Yin face.

Qin Yin took a few deep breaths to calm herself.

"So your soul is in the Apprentice realm?!" asked Qin Yin.

"Yes" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin sighed and didn't know what to say. she went back to the ground and stood in front of Chu Yang.

"Qin Yin, I can't stay in the city now!" said Chu Yang.

"Why?! No one will dare to touch you as long i am there!" said Qin Yin.

Chu Yang shook his head, he already decided to leave the eastern city after the heaven baptism! He will not be able to cultivate on the Devouring Devil technique easily if he stayed in the city.

"Qin Yin, I want to explore the country! I hate being trapped in a single place and unable to move freely" said Chu Yang.

"Then what about your disciple?" asked Qin Yin

"Qin Yin, i want you to protect her! You are the only person who i could put my trust into!" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin went silent for a few seconds before saying "Okay, I will protect her! But don't keep her waiting for too long!".

"Say to her that i am sorry for leaving so suddenly. I will come back later when i become stronger" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin nodded.

"Then, I will be leaving now!" said Chu Yang as he left.

Qin Yin looked at Chu Yang back view and said " Be careful".

Chu Yang smiled as he continued walking away from the city.

"Once I breakthrough to the Apprentice realm I will come back" said Chu Yang.