Returning to the Eastern Sea City

3 days after the Heaven Tribulation.

Chu Yang was wearing multiple Furs and looked like a beggar.

He was looking for any person to take a set of clothes from them.

He didn't go to any city because he didn't have money and Mo Su will rub salt on his wounds.

"Where are bandits when you need them?!" asked Chu Yang.

Chu Yang could only sigh and begin training his eyes.

Chu Yang's eyes shone with unnoticeable red light. He found that this ability needs Chu Yang to send Devil Qi into his eyes continuously.

He truly wanted to use them into a human to see its effects on them, How will a human being look like under his eyes.

Also, He named it the Devil Eyes.

Chu Yang was walking around without any goal in his mind until Two men appeared in front of him.

"Hoho I never expected to see fresh blood here!" said the 1st man.

"Kid, give us all of what you got or your life will end here!" said the 2nd man.

Chu Yang didn't hear them and used the Devil Eyes on them. His eyes shone with red light and looked at them.

The two men clothes disappeared and their naked bodies were fully exposed to Chu Yang.

Then the two men meridians started to become clear to Chu Yang.

Chu Yang could see the Qi moving in their meridians easily. also, every single move their muscles make he will notice it right away.

Chu Yang took a step and appeared in front of the two men. He punched toward them and didn't use any Qi in his attacks.

Chu Yang's body strength was boosted by transcending the Heaven Tribulation. He could say that it increased by one fold.

The two men were at the 9th stage of body tempering realm! They saw Chu Yang and found that he didn't release any aura indicating that he is a cultivator.

The Two men couldn't react to Chu Yang punches and his fist collided with the body.


The sounds of bones breaking followed by the two men screams sounded in the forest. They were sent flying in the air but their bodies stopped in the air.

Chu Yang controlled the Devil Qi and suspended them in the air.

"You said that you are going to kill me?!" asked Chu Yang with a smile.

The two men felt cold in their bodies, The Devil Qi seeped into their body and started devouring their Qi.

Chu Yang was stunned as he saw this. "What the hell?!".

The two men rapidly turned into a dried corpse and fell on the ground. The Devil Qi then returned back into Chu Yang body.

Chu Yang felt the Devil Qi in his body become stronger and more abundant. He felt his cultivation increase by a large margin.

Chu Yang was amazed by his Devil Qi.

Wang Wei and Su Yu were also watching this and became speechless.

" Chu Yang, stop cultivating your Devil Qi and begin to break through to the Apprentice realm with The Heavenly Immortal technique" said Wang Wei while massaging his temples.

Chu Yang smiled bitterly as he knows that his master was also ignorant about his Devil Qi and the Devouring Devil technique.

He went to the two men corpses and take some clothes and their money. Also, he took a sword from them.

After wearing the new clothes, Chu Yang decided that he shouldn't go to any of the major cities as he was afraid that someone will notice his Devil Qi.

He noticed that his body released a dark and gloomy aura when he uses the Devil Qi.

"I would be able to hide my aura once I reach the Apprentice realm with the Heavenly Immortal technique" said Chu Yang.

He sat down and started cultivating His Pure Qi, Chu Yang was amazed that he found the point right away! It took him about 4 days with his Devil meridians but it he found the point in an instant with his Pure meridians.

"Of course it will be easy!" said Su Yu.

"The Pure Qi made your meridians white and pure from any impurity so you can find the point right away" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang was happy hearing this, he started his cultivation crazily as he wanted to return to Qin Yin and Gao Yue. also, to Kill Li Jun.

He gathered the Pure Qi and started forming the Pure Dantain.

One day, Two days.... 6th days he finally formed his Dantain and The Heaven baptism fell on him.

Chu Yang enjoyed the Heaven baptism as he felt the mysterious force strengthened every part in his body.

Chu Yang's body was abnormally strong, Due to the Two Heaven Baptism and the Heavenly Tribulation, He could fight the 3rd stage Apprentice realm just by his body strength alone! That means he could fight 4 stage Apprentice Realm equally using his body strength and his Qi together.

He smiled and his eyes moved toward The Eastern Sea City.

Chu Yang flew to the City, he enjoyed the feeling of flying through the sky.

He spread his Spiritual sense which reached the peak of the 3rd stage of the Apprentice Realm after the Tribulation and the Baptism, He was just a step from reaching the 4th stage of the Apprentice Realm.

His spiritual sense could be spread for 20 meters around him.

Chu Yang flew rapidly while releasing his aura, He wanted every person to feel his aura.

He reached the city in a few days and stayed in the air while looking down on the city.

Chu Yang spread his aura on the City lord mansion causing the Li Xun to be alarmed.

Qin Yin also noticed the aura that targeted the City lord mansion and left the Alchemist association and head toward the city lord mansion.

Chu Yang stayed in the air with his hands behind his back.

A light came flew from the City lord mansion and Li Xun appeared in the air.

His pupils dilated when he saw Chu Yang standing in the air.

Chu Yang aura indicated that he was at the 1dt stage of the Apprentice Realm but he felt a profound sense of danger from Chu Yang.

"Li Xun, Hand over Li Jun or you will die!" Said Chu Yang with a cold voice.

Li Jun just left the mansion and saw Chu Yang in the air. He became terrified and shouted " Impossible! He was just a 5th stage body tempering realm a few months ago! How could peasant like you reach the Apprentice Realm?!".

Qin Yin reached the mansion and saw Chu Yang. She was absolutely stunned, She couldn't talk and only stared at Chu Yang.

"Brat, Do you have a death wish?!" roared Li Xun.

Chu Yang laughed and said "If you can kill me then I could only blame myself for it!".

Chu Yang wasn't afraid of Li Xun. Li Xun cultivation was still at the 4th stage of the Apprentice Realm making Chu Yang confidant in killing him.

Chu Yang grabbed the Sword and the Death attribute flowed through it.

" Li Xun, What is your answer?"