astonishing combat ability

Chu Yang and Gao Yue cultivated for three months without stopping. Their cultivation showed massive improvement.

Chu Yang advanced to the 4th stage of the Apprentice Realm while Gao Yue reached the 2nd stage.

Chu Yang noticed that his Cultivation speed increased by 30% after Gao Yue achieved the Apprentice Realm While Gao Yue cultivation speed decreased and became one fold increase.

Gao Yue and Chu Yang became more intimate during their cultivation as they started hugging each other when they cultivate.

Chu Yang felt that it became hard to control himself! Due to being a Devil Cultivator, his emotions couldn't be controlled easily.

He could only use his Pure Wind Qi to suppress his Devilish impulses.

Even through he suppressed his impulse, Chu Yang's eyes never left Gao Yue's two peaks and her perky buttocks. Gao Yue noticed Chu Yang's gaze, but let him look at her without stopping him.

The atmosphere became ambiguous between them.

Chu Yang looked at Gao Yue face and saw her looking at him. Their gazes locked and sparks formed in their eyes.

Chu Yang leaned forward and his face slowly becomes closer to Gao Yue's face. Gao Yue also leaned toward Chu Yang and their lips slowly connected causing Gao Yue body to tremble slightly before relaxing her body.

The kiss was light and didn't last for too long. Chu Yang pulled back his head and liked his lips savouring the taste while Gao Yue's face was red as a tomato.

Chu Yang becomes itchy and wanted another kiss but Gao Yue stopped him.

"Master, You didn't visit Qin Yin in the past few months! You should see her" said Gao Yue.

Chu Yang smiled at Gao Yue and said "Okay".

" But, before this I want to..." said Chu Yang as he pulled her to his lap.

"I want to kiss you" said Chu Yang as he raised Gao Yue's chin.

Gao Yue's blushed and said " Bad master", Then she parted her lips slightly. Chu Yang Devilish impulses exploded and kissed her deeply.

Gao Yue hands warped around Chu Yang's neck while Chu Yang's devilish hands roamed her body. They enjoyed this pleasurable feeling and forget about the outside world.


The ship started shaking causing them to be startled.

"Yue'er, Stay here while I check what caused this" said Chu Yang seriously.

"But, Master"

"I won't forgive my self if something bad happened to you!" said Chu Yang.

Gao Yue could only nod at Chu Yang's words.

Chu Yang turned around and disappeared from the room.

He moved rapidly and reached the ship's dock and stopped beside Qin Yin who reached before him.

Chu Yang's eyes opened wide seeing what caused the ship to shake.

Two large flying beasts were attacking the Ship's shield which caused the ship to stop moving.

Those beasts were Blue large snakes with four wings attached to their bodies.

One of them was at least 3 times bigger than the other one.

"An early stage Level 3 beast and the other is a peak stage level 2 beast" said Qin Yin sternly.

Chu Yang's face hardened as he looked at the Beasts.

"Chu Yang, that girl could fight against the level 3 beast if she used her spiritual weapon, But she won't be able to handle the two beasts at the same time as she needs to fully concentrate in fighting the level 3 beast" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang nodded and grabbed his sword tightly.

"Qin Yin, I will distract the level 2 beast while you try to kill the level 3 beast" said Chu Yang.

"Chu Yang, that is a peak level 2 beast! Do you even know what it means?! it means that this beast is comparable to a 9th stage Apprentice Realm cultivator!" said Qin Yin.

" I didn't say I will fight the level 2 beast head on! I will just distract it until you kill the level 3 beast" said Chu Yang.

"Also, I have my Bloodline ability so I won't be in danger".

Qin Yin could only agree reluctantly as the situation didn't allow her to disagree.

"If you felt that your life is in danger escape to the ship, I will handle the rest" said Qin Yin as she took her Whip from her storage ring.

Qin Yin dashed toward the level 3 beast and Chu Yang dashed toward the level 2 beast.

Mo Su and Gao Yue didn't stay in their rooms and rushed to the Ship dock. When they saw the beasts their faces turned pale.

Gao Yue saw Chu Yang was fighting one of the beasts and she became worried.

Mo Su could only clench his fists hard because he felt like a burden for Qin Yin and Chu Yang.

Chu Yang didn't notice the two and continued to dodge the snake attacks. He didn't boast his cultivation because he wanted to measure his strength.

He clenched his hand and gales gathered around him, He Punched toward the Snake and a tempest collided with its body.


The snake body was pushed back slightly and become crazier. Chu Yang's punch didn't cause any injuries on the snake but it made it angry.

The snake opened his mouth and multiple large fangs were shown to Chu Yang.

Chu Yang controlled the wind and dodged the attack, He slashed at the snake's head with Wind Qi and Death Attribute but sadly the snake scales were too strong! His sword shattered when it collided with the snake's scales.

Chu Yang hurriedly threw his broken sword back down.

His eyes looked at Qin Yin and saw that she started to push the level 3 snake into a disadvantaged position.

Chu Yang smiled and said " I should stop playing around!".

Wang Wei and Su Yu heard Chu Yang words and boasted his cultivation.

Chu Yang's aura started climbing making him reach the 6th stage with the Heavenly Immortal technique and the 5th stage with the Devouring Devil Technique.

Chu Yang rushed toward the snake with abnormal speed. He appeared above the snake's head and his fist slammed into it.


The hissed from pain as Chu Yang's punch caused the scales to shatter.

"Not enough" roared Chu Yang as he punched the snake multiple times.




Booming sounded was heard each time Chu Yang's fist slammed into the snake's head.

"Where are you going?" Chu Yang didn't let it escape and continued to attack the snake.

The level 3 snake hissed as it was that his companion was in danger. It stopped fighting Qin Yin and flew to Chu Yang.

Qin Yin saw the chance and delivered a deadly attack which cut the snake body into two halves.

She sighed in relief and looked at Chu Yang who was beating the Level 2 snake left and right.

She never expected that in a few months his combat ability became comparable to a 9th stage Apprentice Realm cultivator.

Chu Yang's delivered the killing blow and the snake's head exploded.

He went back to the ship's dock as his cultivation boast came to end. He fell down and Gao Yue grabbed him.

"Master" said Gao Yue as she sends waves of Pure Qi into his Body.

Chu Yang smiled weakly and said " I am just exhausted! I will rest for a few hours and I will be alright". Gao Yue nodded and landed on the dock with Chu Yang.

Qin Yin landed on the ship dock and looked at Chu Yang. Gao Yue eyes shined with light and said " Miss Qin, I used a lot of Qi and I am exhausted! Can you take care of Chu Yang?".

Qin Yin was startled, Chu Yang opened his eyes wide and Mo Su became speechless.

Mo Su cleared his throat and said" I will go and cultivate". After that, he ran toward his room.

Gao Yue smiled and said " Miss Qin, take care of Chu Yang". Then she left and went to Chu Yang's room.

Qin Yin looked speechlessly at Gao Yue and all the anger she felt against her disappeared.

Chu Yang closed his eyes and thought "Yue'er. You just made me love you more!".

Qin Yin sat beside Chu Yang and said " How is your body?".

"I can't move my body for a few hours because of the Technique I used to forcibly raise my cultivation" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin nodded and teleported with Chu Yang to the Core room and let him lie on a bed she had in her Storage ring.

"Yin'er, Thank you" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin froze for few seconds then smiled at Chu Yang.

She grabbed his hand and sent Qi into his body.

Chu Yang felt the warm Qi moving in his body and the exhaustion slowly disappeared.

Three hours passed and Chu Yang felt energized.

"Chu Yang, you never cease to surprise me! You can fight against 9th stage Apprentice Realm cultivator with a 4th stage Apprentice Realm cultivation!" said Qin Yin.

"What I can say! I am a genius cultivator with a Heaven Defying talent " said Chu Yang with pride.

Qin Yin rolled her eyes but her lips arched upward.