Qin Yin's master

The Group followed Qin Yin until they reached a large mountain.

"We will meet my master so please don't make any trouble for him" said Qin Yin.

Chu Yang and the rest nodded their heads showing that they will adhere to Qin Yin's instructions.

Qin Yin looked at the Mountain and said while bowing "Master, I have come back".

Chu Yang eyes narrowed and he saw an old woman slowly materializing in front of Qin Yin.

The Old woman had a gentle smile when she looked at Qin Yin, She said " You didn't disappoint me at all! You reached the Master Realm in three years after going to place with thin Qi!".

Qin Yin smiled happily and said"I also became a 4th tier alchemist".

The old woman was stunned for a few seconds before laughing merrily.

"Master, I was able to achieve all of this because of Chu Yang" said Qin Yin and looked at Chu Yang.

Qin Yin's master followed Qin Yin gaze and her eyes stopped at Chu Yang.

Chu Yang clasped his hands and bowed while saying " Chu Yang greats senior".

Gao Yue and Mo Su followed Chu Yang and bowed to Qin Yin's master.

Qin Yin raised her eyebrows slightly when she looked at Chu Yang. She felt that Qin Yin's gaze was filled with many emotions when she looked at Chu Yang.

"Master, he is the student of a 7th tier alchemist! He helped me in increasing my insight in alchemy" said Qin Yin.

Qin Yin's master eyes showed shock. a 7th tier alchemist! She was a 5th tier alchemist and could only dream about becoming a 6th tier alchemist.

"Also, he gave me an alchemy technique which could allow me to make perfect grade pills" said Qin Yin.

Qin Yin's master took a deep breath when she heard perfect grade pills but before she said anything, Chu Yang said "Senior, The technique I gave to Qin Yin is also for you! As Qin Yin's master, I will be happy to be of use to you!".

Qin Yin's master smiled and felt that Chu Yang became more pleasing to the eyes.

Chu Yang smiled and transmitted his voice to Qin Yin, " You can say that is a gift for my Future wife's master!". Qin Yin's face turned red and looked angrily at Chu Yang. Chu Yang also, noticed that Qin Yin's master was looking at him weirdly.

"Chu Yang, That woman is at the peak of the Grandmaster Realm! She can hear the content of your message to Qin Yin" said Wang Wei.

Even with his thick skin, Chu Yang couldn't help but be embarrassed. " Senior, this technique will help you to make a perfect grade pill from the 1st tier to the 5th tier"

Qin Yin's master cleared her throat and said "Yin'er, You found a good man for you! Don't make Yin sad".

"You can be sure that I will be ready to spill my blood to see her smile!" said Chu Yang seriously.

Qin Yin's mind blanked, then Felt Gao Yue and Mo Su gaze on her. She wanted to find a hole and bury herself in it.

Gao Yue had a smile on her face and thought " Master is truly amazing! He already made Sister Yin's master take his side!".

Mo Su was truly speechless. " I shouldn't compare myself to brother Yang!" Though Mo Su while sighing.

"Chu Yang, I will help you and your group to join the sect. Follow me" said Qin Yin's master.

"Senior, may I knew your name?" asked Chu Yang.

"Oh, how could I forget to introduce myself?! My Name is Feng Qingxue. You can call me Elder Xue" said Feng QingXue.

"This junior is grateful for giving me such an honour!" said Chu Yang.

Feng QingXue nodded her head and continued to walk.

The group followed Feng Qingxue until they reached a majestic hall. The hall was at least 10 times bigger than the Emperor palace in the Rising Sun country.

They entered the building and Feng QingXue said " Wait for me here". After that, she left the group and headed to register Chu Yang and his group.

When Feng Qingxue disappeared from their line of sight, Qin Yin looked at Chu Yang and pinched him in the waist.

Chu Yang took a deep breath and barely was able to suppress the urge to scream.

"Yin'er, You are going to kill your husband!" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin pinched harder and turned his skin by 180 degrees.

Chu Yang gritted his teeth.

"How dare you come back, you Bitch?!" a high pitched voice sounded in the hall.

A Young man appeared walked into the hall, he looked at Qin Yin with hate. This young man is Tang Huayuan's son, Tang Jian

Chu Yang's eyes gleamed with coldness as he looked at the Young man.

"Eunuch, Why did you come here?!" said Qin Yin.

The Young man eyes radiated killing intent as he looked at Qin Yin. His aura exploded and showed his 3rd stage of the Master Realm cultivation.

"Fighting is forbidden here! Do you want to lose your life? Oh right, You already lost your manhood! so i don't think you want to live a long life" said Qin Yin.

Chu Yang was stunned and looked at Qin Yin with weird gaze.

Tang Jian nearly exploded from anger, he wanted to kill Qin Yin but he calmed himself with great difficulty. He smiled coldly as he looked at Qin Yin's group.

"Qin Yin, those people aren't from the sect! How dare you bring outsiders to the Law Enforcement Hall?!" said Tang Jian.

"What are you going to do?! Sissy boy" said Qin Yin.

Chu Yang clicked his tongue as the marvels Qin Yin words.

"You....Yo.." Tang Jian pointed at Qin Yin, If he wasn't in the Law Enforcement Hall, he will kill her and her group.

Suddenly, a massive aura came falling on Tang Jian and caused him to be scared. Feng Qingxue appeared and walked slowly toward Chu Yang's group.

"Tang Jian, scarm from here and tell Tang Huayue that Yin'er has already cleared the condition needed to come back to the sect" said Feng Qingxue as her eyes showed a cold light.

"Feng Qingxue, What do you think you are doing?!" A middle-aged man walked out of nowhere and stood in front of Tang Jian, he waved his hand and caused the pressure on him to disappear.

"You shouldn't flaunt your power on the young generation!" said The middle-aged man.

"Tang Huayuan, I just teach your son some mannerism. I never flaunted my power on him, He is just too weak and couldn't handle my guidance!" Said Feng Qingxue.

Chu Yang now know from where Qin Yin gets her sharp tongue!

Tang HuaYuan smiled and said "Feng Qingxue, You are truly bold! You try to use your status to bully my son and to make that group enter the sect without proper testing!".

" You must have gotten senile!" said Tang HuaYuan.

"Oh, really?! Then let this senile woman beat some sense in you!" said Feng QingXue.