another beautiful night

Chu Yang opened his eyes and looked at the roof in a daze. He remembered the crazy day he spent with Gao Yue. And What made it crazier is that Gao Yue allowed him to do anything he liked.

Chu Yang looked at his side and saw the naked Gao Yue sleeping soundly on his right arm.

Chu Yang remembered that he was 'Dual Cultivating' intensely with Gao Yue so she was quite exhausted from it.

He closed his eyes and inspected his body. He was surprised that Gao Yue's Vital Yin has made both Pure and Devil Qi to advance.

His pure Qi reached the 8th stage and the Devil Qi reached the 7th stage. Chu Yang surprise came from that he didn't circulate any if the two Qi during the 'Dual Cultivation'.

Weak groan suddenly sounded from Gao Yue. She opened her eyes and saw that Chu Yang was looking at her with a smile.

She smiled and cuddles him with eyes filled with satisfaction.

"Master, How was it?" said Gao Yue weakly with a red face.

"It was one of the most wonderful feelings in the world! But, do you know what is better?! It's waking up and seeing you beside me!" said Chu Yang.

Gao Yue face turned even redder and buried her in Chu Yang's Chest.

" You just want to do it again!" said Gao Yue.

Chu Yang face showed shock and said " How did you know?!".

Gao Yue could only giggle at Chu Yang's face.

"Master, I am all yours! You can do what you want!" Said Gao Yue.

Chu Yang felt his blood rush downward and kissed her. his hand roamed around her body for a few minutes before beginning their second session of Dual cultivation.

Gao Yue cultivation advanced to the 6th stage of the Apprentice Realm due to Chu Yang efforts.

Once they finished the session, Chu Yang and Gao Yue word their clothes, The walked from the house.

Chu Yang had a big grin on his face while Gao Yue had her eyebrows raised. Chu Yang asked her about it and her answer caused him to be speechless.

"it's painful to walk" said Gao Yue.

Chu Yang coughed and didn't know what to say.

They saw Qin Yin flying toward them. She stopped and looked at them with complex emotions.

Gao Yue noticed that so she said " Master, I want to talk with Qin Yin!" after that, she went to Win Yin and grabbed her hand, Qin Yin was surprised as she was dragged by Gao Yue to the house.

Chu Yang looked at the two girls and chuckled.

"I still have one remaining day before the Life and Death Duel with Ning Cheng, I should train on the King's fist technique" said Chu Yang.

He then took the stance and started training on it while using the Wind and Yang Qi.

In the House.

Gao Yue looked at Qin Yin and said: " Sister Yin, Do you like Master?".

Qin Yin face turned red and said weakly " Of course".

"Then, Why you never thought about giving him your Vital Yin?!" Gao Yue question was quite straightforward.


"I am weaker than you! But, still I gave my Vital Yin to him as I want him to live! I wish that I was at the Master Realm as his cultivation would have increased explosively and will not need to worry about Ning Cheng!" said Gao Yue.

Qin Yin opened her eyes were wide open.

"You have stayed with master the longest and you knew his personality! Yet I was the first! Why is that?!"

"What if Ning Cheng broke to the Master Realm and killed Master?! How would you react?! I can guarantee that you will only feel guilt and self-loathing for not helping Master! Sister Yin, let me tell you something. If master dies then I will follow him and will not his soul be alone in samsara!" said Gao Yue.

"Sister Yin, my mother told me before that I should give my heart and body to a man who loves me and I did! Do you know what I felt?! I felt satisfaction because I reduced the stress on Master!" said Gao Yue.

Qin Yin was stunned. she didn't know what to respond with.

Gao Yue sighed and left the house leaving behind the Frozen Qin Yin.

Qin Yin heart was in chaos. Gao Yue words pierced deeply into her heart as she knew that everything that Gao Yue said was true.

She begins remembering everything Chu Yang has done to her.

How he called her a fairy when he met her for the first time.

How he gave her a strong technique and patiently guided her.

How he fought with his master and bought the technique to create perfect grade pills for her.

How he fought with her side to kill that ghost.

Chu Yang nearly lost his life for helping her but he never asked for anything in return. He just smiled.

Qin Yin heart was torn apart as she remembered Gao Yue's words and Chu Yang past deeds.

What if Chu Yang died in his fight?! Chu Yang showed a startling combat ability but his Ning Cheng might be at The Master Realm! If Chu Yang cultivation Realm Reached Half step Master Realm or even the peak of the Apprentice Realm then he will be able to survive. She grabbed a jade and talked with her master. The rumour was true and Ning Cheng has advanced to the master Realm.

"Sister Yue, I have completely lost to you!" said Qin Yin.

Qin Yin took a deep breath and exited the house. She saw Gao Yue watching Chu Yang who was training in his fist technique.

Gao Yue noticed Qin Yin, She smiled and stood up, she passed beside Qin Yin. They didn't talk but their eyes conveyed what in their minds.

"Chu Yang" Called Qin Yin.

Chu Yang stopped training and looked at Qin Yin.

Qin Yin walked to Chu Yang and tiptoe, Her lips connected with Chu Yang lips which caused Chu Yang to dumbfounded.

He flirted with Qin Yin many times but he never kissed her or touched her improperly at all. So, Qin Yin sudden kiss was like a deadly blow to him.

Qin Yin face was red and she dragged Chu Yang to her house. Chu Yang was in a daze as he let Qin Yun drag him to the house.

Gao Yue saw all of this and smiled.

"Sister Yin, Thank you".

Chu Yang stared at Qin Yin who had a red face.

" What did Yue'er say to you?!" asked Chu Yang.

He wasn't an idiot as he figured that Gao Yue must have hand in this. To tell the truth, he wasn't angry at all.

Qin Yin looked at Chu Yang and said " Chu Yang, Don't you find me selfish?! I always felt jealous and envious of Sister Yue as she draws you to her side slowly. Yet the problem was from me! Sister Yue gave you her Vital Yin without hesitation!. I shouldn't be jealous of her as she loves you more than I do!".

Chu Yang looked at Her for few minutes before opening his mouth and saying "You are You and Yue'er is Yue'er! Everyone has flaws and no one is perfect! Yin'er, I never thought that you are selfish at all. I love you for who you are! And this will never change!".

Qin Yin eyes turned misty as she heard Chu Yang. She even felt more guilt in her heart.

" Don't push yourself and let's take thing slowly!" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin smiled at Chu Yang. Her hands wrapped around Chu Yang's neck and kissed him.

This time her kiss was passionate. When they finished their kiss, Chu Yang looked at Qin Yin and she looked at him.

"Chu Yang, I want to dual cultivate with you!" said Qin Yin.

"I will not allow you to leave until you deal cultivate with me" Qin Yin's tone was stern but her face was already red. This contrast made Chu Yang smile. He sensed that all her negative feelings have disappeared.

He felt that the biggest bliss in his life is having Qin Yin and Gao Yue beside him.

"Are you sure?!" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin nodded weakly.

"Yin'er. I Love You".

After that, Chu Yang's hands moved and undo her robes revealing her God sent body to Chu Yang.

Chu Yang and Qin Yin slowly lied on the bed and their body connected.

Gao Yue was cultivating in Chu Yang house and heard Chu Yang and Qin Yin dual cultivation sounds. She blushed and said " Bad master and bad sister".




In the morning if the Life and Death dual day.

Chu Yang and Qin Yin left the house and saw that Gao Yue was waiting for them.

"Master, Sister Yin. Did you have a good night?!" teased Gao Yue.

Qin Yin face became red while Chu Yang smiled.

His hands wrapped around Gao Yue and Qin Yin waists and pulled them to his embrace.

Chu Yang whispered to them "Once, i finish off Ning Chen. the three of us should spend the night together!".

Gao Yue and Qin Yin face turned red causing Chu Yang to laugh.

He was absolutely confident in his ability. after spending the night with Qin Yin. His Pure Qi advanced to the half step Master Realm while his Devil Qi reached the peak of the 9th stage of the Apprentice Realm.

He Flew to the arena as he was absolutely confident in his ability now.