reminder of tonight

Placing her books down onto the park bench as she placed her bag down and sat down to catch a break a someone called out to her."Hey liv,I see that you're as busy as ever."

surprised to see her best friend out of class early and standing in front of her liv sighed."Hey cam I see you're out early, wasn't expecting you to come looking for me at this time." Live and Camille(cam) have been best friends since they were 8yrs old. looking at them together the difference was very noticeable. camille was tall ,golden skin,with light green eyes ,and straight dirty blonde hair shoulder length. Liv on the other hand was the opposite. she was pale skinned with bright blue eyes ,pink lips,and long wavy dark brown hair. they both had beautiful bodies only difference was that liv is thinner with a slender waist and thicker has always been into sports while liv always loved reading books." class was cancelled so I decided to look for you to grab lunch and head back to the apartment " liv looked down at her books and back up to cam smiling " I just got here but I'll catch up to you in an hour. order me something please" starting to walk off cam waves at her "ok see you in a bit. dont forget we have that banquet to go to at 8pm!!!"

that nights banquet was something that cam had invited her to as her plus one.the only reason she was attending was to be supportive of her best friend. Those events always made her feel out of place,especially after people find out that she was an orphan and and was in the the foster system .she never liked to tell anyone cam would always bring it up in conversations. she wouldnt say it maliciously but others took it that way since they came from wealthy well-known families.

"it's time for me to go "liv said as she was grabbing her stuff to go. As she was walking she was looking down at her watch she bumped into something hard almost falling back from the sudden bump.Before falling back she felt strong arms grab onto her preventing the fall to the ground.