
Closing the door behind her she quickly searched for inside her purse for both of the cell phones. Grabbing liv's phone she quickly searched through to see if there was any new number.As expected she saw the newest one from an unsaved number."can't wait to know you better.Looking forward to our next encounter. what a joke as if I would let that happen."cam snickered at what she just read.She deleted the message and grabbed her phone immediately running to the door the moment she heard knocking on the door.

"Here you go!!!look he already sent me a message!!! he is so amazing!!!!"cam said opening their door for liv handing her the phone with a message from an unknown number."oh that is amazing I'm so happy for you"liv told her feeling the blood drain from her face.Hearing her friend tell her about it felt different from actually reading a message.

"cant wait to see you again.lets call it a date in two days~liam"cam read it out loud looking at liv clearly seeing her pale surprised reaction to the message."oh sweety are you ok? here is your phone ,you should get some sleep you must be tired."Snapping back to reality Liv started walking out back to her room."yeah I'm exhausted I'll see you tomorrow morning." She layer back on her bed thinking about everything.How can someone play with your feeling like that.Of course any person would prefer cam she is the better option compared to her.He more likely carried on the conversation out of pity after hearing about her background.All these negative thoughts came into her mind drifting her to sleep.

Back at the Hayes residence Sadie walked in first furious. Both of her brothers walked behind her.Liam went straight to sit down on drinking a cup of coffee."how can you be so stupid as to be getting drunk with people you dont even know!!!Now let's just hope you dont ruin our families names!!!"she yelled.

"It was nothing that serious for you to be upset about. so I had a few I'm fine right now right?look it wont happen again."Liam responded."well I managed to get a few pictures deleter from the camera men and paparazzi, let's hope none leaked out."carted told the siblings entering into the huge living room where they were arguing.

At that moment Liam's phone received a message."Now who would be messaging you at this hour?"sadie asked him."Not sure"he said as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket.Both siblings watched his face in confusion when he read the message ,and double checked something."well by the looks of it I have a date in two days with Camille"he told them as he looked at them."That stuck up blonde that you were with at the bar?No definitely not!!!dont say anything more, I'm going to my room."Sadie said as she stormed off.

"you should have stuck with the girl from thw garden. She seemed more sincere than the blonde."Carter told his older brother as he sat down."Do you believe in love at first sight?she is the one that I want but for some odd reason her information is not on my phone like I thought."Liam told him."well perhaps it never was" Carter told him as Liam stood up to leave to his room.

The next morning the media and news articles were buzzing with different headlines.

Not only were the headlines attention grabbing but the leaked photos seemed to have caused a stir.'CEO OF HAYES TAKEN'...

'LOVE IS IN THE AIR'...'BLONDE BEAUTY AS FUTURE WIFE OF HAYES'....LIAM WITH POSSIBLE FIANCE'.those were just some catching the publics attention.The question on everyone's mind was who was the mysterious blonde who was in his embrace when the picture was taken.

waking up to hearing alot of screaming and different voices Liv got up and dressed real quick thinking that something might be happening.Going down the stairs towards the kitchen she saw cam and Adam talking to each other while looking at different newspaper articles and magazines."Is everything ok? I heard screaming and came to see if everything was alright." she asked them as she walked in the kitchen."it's better than ok look at all of this!!!!I'm being called his FIANCE!!!!"cam screamed again as she twirled around hugging some of the articles.Adam handed liv a few articles so she can see what all the fuss was about.Feeling herself hurt more she put them down on the counter."why do you look upset?you should be shouting for joy for me!!!"cam asked her as Adam watched livs reaction to everything."I am Happy for you.Its just that I have some things to do for school and I'm exhausted.i should shower and get ready to leave already." liv told her going back to her room.Adam quickly dialed some numbers to take advantage of the situation."yes ....i know who she is .....she is indeed seeing him."Adam spoke to reporters asking to stay anonymous to make sure his niece took full advantage.At that moment camille's phone rang. quickly seeing the caller ID she saw it was Liam and quickly gestured to her uncle who was on the phone with the reporters.Hanging up with them he told her to answer it."hello?"she answered as she put the phone on speaker."yes is this Camille?"responded liam."yes sorry its just Im a bit shocked at all the articles.I was not expecting a call from you until our date"cam told him as she watched her uncle instruct her on what to say."well why don't we speed it up and have lunch today. I dont like to have misunderstandings especially when the media is involved.Ill send you the address on which restaurant to meet at."Liam quickly told her before hanging up."ok the moment you get the address I will anonymously tip off the media to your location.please look your best princess." Adam instructed her as he got back on the phone and headed out.A few minutes later liv walked back into the kitchen placing her bag on the counter."I have a date in a bit... with all the fuss he wanted to speed things up."cam told liv with a huge grin on her face watching her grab a bowl of cereal." never told me who you met ...what's his name? do I know him?"cam continued.

Feeling frustrated with all that she gently closed the fridge placing the milk back and sighed. "It doesnt matter who it was.just forget about it for now."liv replied to her as she grabbed her bag and left. At that moment cam received a message with the name of the restaurant and the address.She quickly sent that to her uncle and went to get ready for her date as she called it.