
"Fine I will marry her for my childs sake.One thing for sure Is I dont love her." he said as he looked at Adam and turned to Camille "I hope you understand that cam." Liam answered as he saw liv disappear." I understand and I'm sorry about you and liv but family comes first" Adam said. Sadie went after liv not wanting to hear any more. Carter decided to walk out of the dining room leaving Liam with Adam and Camille."I think that ring in your hand should be given to Camille since you both are to be wed soon" he said taking it from Liam and giving it to Camille. the three of them sat down to continue talking about their wedding plans. Liam wanted nothing more than to just run after liv and disappear together far from all that mess.Seeing camille wear liv's engagement ring made it look so out of place.That ring was chosen specifically for liv.what can he do to fix everything?He thought about speaking to cam after her uncle left and trying to see what she wanted to do.

Sadie and liv both sat in her room speechless.They both were afraid to speak and say something to upset each other." You shouldnt feel guilty of things liv...Liam loves you and I'm sure he wont marry her.He will come up with something to fix this." Sadie finally spoke up." With a baby on the way he needs to focus on what is best.If he doesnt marry her then maybe we can continue our engagement."

When Adam finally left camille pretended to go dizzy causing Liam to carry her to the living room."I think tomorrow we will go back to the doctor.i want to make sure everything is ok with you." Liam said as he sat by her side." Dont worry about me...what about liv....we dont have to get married." cam said as she grabbed his hand." let's not worry about that for now...your health is important right now.Ill go talk to liv once you go to bed." Liam told her worried." well then let me go to my room" she said as she stood up almost falling when Liam immediately grabbed her from hitting the floor." Let me carry you to your room.I want to be sure you are safe"he said walking with her in his arms.

Sadie and liv were walking out when they saw Liam walking into camille's room.Sadie felt upset at the sight" to be honest I think there is more to this....lets go out to eat since we didnt even get a chance to eat." Liv felt herself shatter Into pieces.This was only the beginning.They would have to be be closer as time passed." yes let's go. I need to go out."

When Liam went to talk to liv he stood there knocking on the door for a while with no response.carter walked over to Liam " she's not home she went with sadie to have something to eat.You can't have both will only hurt them like that ...really think about things."

Once liv was outside the restaurant she waited outside on the bench for Sadie.As she sat there a man stumbled up to her rieking of alcohol." Did she finally take everything from you? I hope she did because you deserve that!!" Liv couldnt recognize who it was and thought it was just a drunk guy bothering her so she walked in to the restaurant. Sadie managed to hear and informed the manager at the place but unfortunately he was gone by that time.They spent a couple of hours enjoying dinner when they decided to head home. " I know this is a lot but things will get better." Sadie told liv as they continued talking." yeah it's just hard letting it all sink in.Ill talk with Liam first thing tomorrow morning ." Liv told sadie as she went to her room.

The next morning Liam and Camille had already left the house when liv went knocking on Liam's door." he's not home he left with Camille a couple hours ago." Carter told liv. Liv turned to him " thank you he didnt mention anything to me so I thought he was home.I will be heading to work then." she said as she went back to her room.

Back at the doctors office camille and Liam listened to the doctor once more." she is a high risk pregnancy.there is really nothing we can do if her body tries to miscarry the baby.that is why you must remain calm and on bed rest until we clear the first trimester and then go on from there.If you both want this child I suggest to take this time stay away from anything stressful that can cause her harm."the doctor went on." Mr.Hayes she needs a partner more than anything right now and as I see with the ring on her finger you both are trying to fix things.congratulations and try to keep calm and happy."

This isnt the woman that he loved .why must things be so complicated?while he sat in an office with Cam discussing her care,liv was at work trying to forget everything.She wanted to feel jealous but felt she couldn't be that way towards them since all they're trying to do is make sure the baby was born healthy.

"earth to liv?!!!!hey another order is out!!!" called her manager." oh sorry its just I got distracted....I need to do something all this is bringing me down" her manager handed the orders off to the clients." let's talk you need a break. I think I can help you with your problem."they both went to sit down together at a table. " My sister owns a bar and grill in Maryland.She really needs help. It's a small town but has a very historical image.its only 45 minutes away from a university so you can transfer." Liv thought about the opportunity she was being offered." I'm not sure. wouldnt it be so sudden?" liv asked her." the baby news was sudden and its only been getting worse for you.Give it a chance and if you dont like it then come back. you'll always have a job here." Liv smiled at her." ok count me in but please dont tell anyone anything.I'll go in a month."

Liv had gotten home and decided to check on camille.the moment she walked in the room she saw cam and Liam sitting together talking. At the sight of liv in the room camille reached over pulled Liam in for a kiss.Seeing that made her walk right out." sorry it's the hormones I couldnt resist" camille said as Liam got up." Liv saw didnt she?"he questioned her." I'm not sure"she said as Liam Walked out of her room. when Liam finally got a chance to talk to liv he told her about camille's high risk pregnancy." I have to be by her side to make side she doesnt need anything or stress out.please understand liv...I love you but the child...." Liv cut him off " we are not together Liam. I understand the baby situation but to be making out with Camille? that is the reason why we are not gettiing married.Dont bother me again. I don't want anything to do with either of you"She said as she locked herself in her room.

what they didnt know was that somehow news got leaked out about Liam and Camille getting married in a month and that there was a possible child involved.Liv decided to leave in two weeks rather than a month. she didn't want to see Liam get married with Camille.She was helping her boss with a night shift when the same man from the other night she was out with Sadie walked in.The only difference was he looked worse than before and appeared to be living in the streets. "IM SORRY LIV.." he screamed stumbling in and knocking over a few tables.the manager quickly called the police." Dont trust her... they betrayed me.LOOK AT ME!!!THEY DID THIS TO ME .ALL I WANTED WAS YOUR LOVE!!!"He screamed getting right up to the counter.Liv realized it was Theo." Theo what are you talking about?please calm down let me help you." she pleaded as he took out a gun from his dirty ripped jacket.He waved it around as he repeated everything over again."I wrote you Camille and uncle Adam letters....I can't lie anymore it's to much for me" Theo said as he tossed her three letters which scattered on the floor behind her.She was afraid to move so didn't try to pick them up.Theo heard sirens in the distance and took off running to hide from the police.