unexpected loss

When Adam returned from his meeting in Vegas he had already scheduled lunch with Camille.Camille had been hiding out at the house since receiving the letter afraid to bump into Theo.She used her pregnancy as an excuse to not go out anywhere causing Liam to worry making them get closer to each other. There wedding was not far off and camille felt like she finally had everything she wanted especially since liv made it easier by disappearing.She got ready and messaged Liam that she was going to meet up with her uncle."Fine I'll be in a meeting so I wont have my phone on hand.You have the office number saved in case of an emergency."Liam told her as he entered the conference room." ok bye honey... I'll message you when I'm on my way home" Camille told him expecting a response. He brushed it off and hung up on her.

Liv had been getting use to her new life in the small town she was in.Everyone seemed to know each other and she got use to her job real fast.Maddie was the name of her new boss.She loved the way liv worked and saw how much attention she was getting as a new person in that town.She gave her the option of working at the bar since she was short handed in staff for the night.Liv was a quick learner and had no problem adjusting to that new position.she even started to remembering the names of her regulars.She felt so much peace and joy .No one questioned her past or reasons of leaving the city for a small town.For once she felt like she belonged somewhere.

when Camille and Adam met up they decided on eating outside of a small cafee where the tables were not so close and they could talk in private." does your letter say the same thing as mine does?" Camille asked Adam." yes but lets just say I'm in more trouble than what your letter says.he knows to much about me and has already damaged me.lets just say that Your brother has gone mad which could indeed ruin everything for us if we are not careful.we have to act fast."

At that moment while Camille and Adam where deep in their conversation a man walked over to their table with the strong scent of alcohol and in dirty ripped clothes.He was so dirty and with scruffy hair that they couldn't notice who he was." get away from our table you're ruining our food" Camille told him feeling disgusted with his presence." yes we dont have anything to give you so leave!" Adam also added." I told you I would find you and you would pay dearly for everything."Theo told them with a crazy look in his eyes. He no longer thought straight. All he had in his mind was revenge and anger.Camille got up when she recognized his voice.He quickly took out the gun and with all his force hit Camille on the head with it causing her to black out before she could run.By this time there was people running away and screaming for help.They werent far away from the police station so he acted fast and turned to Adam shooting him on his chest ."I'm done being your puppet ...you betrayed me and left me when I needed you"Theo told him as he saw adam squirming on the floor with pain." I can fix this Theo...please ...stop this" Adam pleaded as he grabbed onto his chest covering his hand with blood."ITS TO LATE FOR THAT NOW!!!"Theo screamed as he shot him again and began walking towards Camille preparing to end her life as well.Fortunately for her the police got there on time and had to shoot Theo when he turned the gun on them.Ambulance were called immediately as the three lay unconscious.The police got a hold on the letters and the weapon Theo had illegally obtained.

During the meeting Liam's assistant ran into the room interrupting ."sir its the hospital.there was a shooting and you need to go right away."Liam reacted to that news and ran out leaving Sadie and Carter to finish off what was left of the meeting.

when he arrived there he immediately asked for Camille." where is camille ...please shes pregnant.what happened?"they didn't have much information as she was still being treated so they had him wait when the investigators came up to talk with him." Mr.Hayes is it? can we have a word?" he asked him."yes of course...can you tell me what happened?" the investigators introduced themselves and continued" what is she to you?" liam looked at them confused " I'm her fiance .shes pregnant right now please what happened?"surprised at what he said they questioned him " are you sure?look before anything else you need to be aware that her brother Theo is dead.He was the one who initiated everything. From what we know she was knocked unconscious and her uncle was fatally shot twice.we found proof from these letters they had at the time of what was occurring."they told him as they showed the letters to Liam.Before he got to read camilles letter the doctor called him."excuse me for a moment" he told them as he went to the doctor.sadie and carter were just arriving as well. " she is stable. there was just a minor concussion with minor cut that just needed three stitches.she should wake up momentarily." the doctor told him." what about the baby? is everything ok?"Liam asked feeling a bit relieved from what the doctor just informed him.

"Sir I'm sorry to say this but she is not pregnant." the doctor told him." your mistaken sir she is...did she miscarry? she was told she is high risk."Liam said in disbelief."I do not lie about these things we did tests and bloodwork even had a sonogram technician check to make sure.who ever is her doctor lied to you sir"Sadie went to hug her brother" so she has been faking it all this time?" she asked the doctor" I cannot get involved in these disputes but all I can do clarify the results for you."the doctor said as he walked away.the investigators walked over to them." I think the second letter will clarify things for you sir.Im sorry things turned out this way for you" they said as they handed him their information.

Liam felt furious at what he just found out he Walked straight to her room and waited for her to awaken.Sadie and carter left back home to get all of camilles things together.when Camille finally woke up she saw Liam sitting at a chair by the window looking out. " Honey...what happened? when did I get here?" at the sound of her voice Liam turned to her looking furious." Ive never seen you look this way .is the baby ok? did I miscarry?" she began sobbing trying to get his attention.Liam stood up and chuckled at her words." the baby....the baby you say.Give it up Camille Ive had enough of your games!!!" Camille looked shocked at his words." YOU WERE NEVER PREGNANT !!!THIS WAS JUST YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES WAY TO GET FAST MONEY!!! THEO'S LETTERS WERE PROOF ENOUGH OF ALL YOUR PLANS!!!"he yelled at her tossing her all the results from the hospital and a copy of the letters he received from the investigators." I gave up so much for you ...even the woman I love left me because of you. You called yourself her friend..." camille didnt know what to say she was not expecting any of that." where is uncle Adam ? please we can fix everything Liam..." she pleaded." your brother who is no longer with us fatally shot your uncle..." he told her. Hearing him say that Camille started screaming like crazy " you liar you're just trying to get back at me." Liam got closer to Camille " Now you will know what its like to be all alone without anyone to help you because of your own selfish need" he told her as he walked out of the hospital room not wanting anything to do with Camille.His main focus now was to find liv and bring her back to his arms.