making things right

She knew she was close but didnt want to ruin her plans with that moment of weakness he was showing towards her."Liam when the time comes for us I want it to be for me....not liv.I couldnt betray her like that or you"she told him as she left his room.Liam felt embarrassed at what he just did and tried to forget about by looking at the picture of him and liv together that she had left.

Kayla had arrived back to town the next day and went straight to Jason."I'm sorry for leaving the way I did. it's just that being back brought in so many memories that I needed to think and clear my head."Jason was the only one at the house." please I love you and I want to make things better between your brother and his girlfriend. let me aplologize to them." she told him as she kissed him.Like always kayla knew how to manipulate Jason into getting things her way." fine I'll drive you to the bar. they're both there together.

Liv was working a night shift while Maddie and Ian went over some paperwork that needed to be filled out.By that time the entire town knew about liv and Ian dating since Kayla had told Maddie causing others to hear the unexpected news.Liv looked like a complete different person by his side.He did everything he could to make her happy.she smiled all the time making people notice.Ian was also different.So many customers complimented them together saying that they had never seen such a perfect pair.

When kayla arrived with Jason many people tensed up since they knew her history with Ian."Liv I wanted to apologize for everything I said. I was wrong but I felt so jealous seeing him happy with someone else.I want to make it up to you both...please give me a chance to prove myself." she told liv when she saw her.Jason walked over to the girls listening to kayla."Ok thats fine but can we talk about this later when I'm not working please." liv told her feeling confused.Ian and maddie went towards them worrying something was going to happen since Kayla had returned after being gone for more than a day."everything is fine Ian ,kayla wanted to apologize to both of you about what happened "Jason told him holding on to kaylas hand." liv are you ok?" Ian asked her as he went by her side." Jason I know we talked about everything but everything with Kayla should be discussed when we are not working.If you want wait for closing and we can talk later."Ian said as liv nodded in agreement."its fine I will wait as long as you like I just want to prove that I'm being sincere about everything." kayla said reaching for livs hand.

While maddie and liv finished cleaning up for the night maddie whispered to liv "that girl is up to no good. Be careful dont fall for what she says " Liv stopped a moment to look at kayla who was talking to Jason as they waited for them." Honestly I feel the same way...ill listen to what she has to say.That doesnt mean I'll be her friend."

Ian stepped out of the office with some paperwork. "well I'm done for the night with all this" he said as he handed maddie the papers."Now....are you almost done so we can see what they want? I can help out with what needs to be done."he said walking up to liv putting her hair behind her ear."she's done for the night... you both make an amazing couple.Im happy for you two."Maddie said as Kayla walked up to them.Kayla gave Maddie a menacing glare when she heard what Maddie had said without the couple seeing it." well how could I not be happy with such an amazing woman in my life that brightens up every moment I'm with her."Ian said as he kissed liv."Ian ....not right now" liv said gesturing to him that Kayla was right there." Dont worry about me...Im happy that you both have each other.Just like I have Jason."Kayla told them.they both sighed as Maddie left them and kayla stood there."well lets go have a seat." Ian said as they both walked to where Jason was waiting.

When they all sat down Kayla watched as liv and Ian sat next to each and he put his arm around her." well first off I wanted to apologize to both of you"Kayla told them." Jason told me that you both worked things out and are okay with us living there in your house." she told them thinking that liv was unaware of that."I said that my brother was welcome to stay at my house.Even after everything I still couldn't leave him in the streets."Ian told her."but then that would leave me in the streets....jason I thought you said you fixed things for us." Kayla turned to him upset.Before jason could respond Ian cut in" dont you have family here? but I know you're both together and I respect that as I expect for you to respect my relationship with liv" he said as he kissed her and she smiled at him returning the kiss back."that is fine with me.I actually want to get to know you better Liv....I want us to be friends since we are always going to be around each other." Liv smiled " well that would be nice wouldn't it....but to be honest I don't think it will look right to the public with Kayla staying in the same house as her current boyfriend and ex fiance,especially when things ended the way they did."Liv told her as Kayla glared at her with shock and rage not knowing how to react.

" So then where am I suppose to stay?I'm trying to make things right.I obviously can't do that if I'm living in the streets and living with my parents is not an option."she told them annoyed that liv was being includes in those decisions when she was just a pass time in her eyes for Ian until she fixed everything between them."Are you jealous of me being in the same house as Ian? That's what the problem is right? You think that your relationship with him is in danger now that I'm back in town..." She told liv confidently before being cut off by liv." Before you make any assumptions its not my relationship that I'm worried about being in danger.what I'm worried about is that with you living in the same house all you're going to do is hurt Ian after everything you already put him through...I just dont find it fair for him honestly."

"well then I think there is solution for that problem" Ian said after listening to what liv had to say." why dont I just move in with liv?of course if that isnt a problem with you honey"he said as he turned to liv.when Liv was about to speak Kayla quickly cut in "NO!!!thats not wouldn't be right for Ian to have leave his home.Look I know how things were in the past but I can assure you things are different now Jason and I are together and besides moving back here well ..."Kayla turned to Jason hinting at him to tell his brother the other reason for their return."Ian ....Kayla and I were thinking of getting married but I didnt feel right about it until I spoke with you about it."

Liv saw a bit of sadness in Ian's eyes as Jason finished talking.Of course something like that would be painful to hear and she understood that pain very well."Look if Kayla wants to stay with you it's fine...we will take things one day at a time.Just dont get into my relationship with liv."Ian told them when maddie came by to speak to Ian.Ian walked away from the table and went to talk with Maddie leaving liv alone with Jason and Kayla." well looks like you both arent moving in together yet...Im not trying to start a fight or anything so dont think that.I want to know more about you.we should talk more ,dont you think Jason?" Kayla said as liv responded." we might not be living together but depending on how things go well never know what could happen.that decision will come when it is necessary." kayla hated liv but she had to hide her emotions."tell me does it feel to live in a big city?"Kayla asked her as liv turned to her in surprise with the sudden question." I'm only asking because the way you talk is different from all these town people.Not many may notice but I've always been good at these things"Kayla continued as Ian walked back to tell them he was closing the store already for maddie that night.As they walked out Ian spoke with Jason " tomorrow we can continue talking about you working.Ill see you at home tomorrow."he told him."all right see tomorrow then " Jason said as kayla turned to Ian." are you dropping her off?"she questioned him." does it matter?" he responded back.liv took that chance to speak " he is staying the night with me.Is that a problem?" Kayla was so annoyed with her but responded to her question" No I was just curious."she said as she got in Jason's car.

Liv felt something off about how Kayla responded.what worried her was the question she asked inside.Does she know more than what they think? what are her true intentions?